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The Creative Corner

Valentine's Day

Thinking about Valentines Day as I often do, as it is my favorite day of the year, I thought about Love.

Many poems have been written about love (some from the deepest feelings from the heart, and some I am sure in an attempt to stay out of trouble with one’s partner). What is Love; how is it defined; what does it mean; and, most importantly for poets, what does it rhyme with?

Dove rhymes with love, but so does glove.

dove: noun 1. any bird of the family Columbidae, especially the smaller species with pointed tails. 2. a pure white member of this species, used as a symbol of innocence, gentleness, tenderness and peace. 3. a symbol of innocence, gentleness, or tender person. 4, an innocent, gentle, or tender person. 5. also called a peace dove. a person especially in public office, who advocates peace or a conciliatory national attitude

Reading the definition of dove, other than rhyming with love, I don't get it. When I think of love I think of the word glove.

glove: noun 1. a covering for the hand made with a separate sheath for each finger and the thumb

The glove, I think, is much more a representation of love, and it rhymes as well.

It is hard to find the right glove. A glove can be too thick and cumbersome or too thin or even too tight. It takes a while to find the perfect glove. My love is like a glove. One of the first gifts from one’s mother is a glove for each hand. One can survive with one hand and even flourish, but two is even better. A glove gives a feeling of warmth and security. A glove is protective against outside forces. It can prevent or at least limit injury, insulate from the cold, protect from the sun. A glove protects.

A glove is an accessory. A man may wear a glove while driving a sports car and showing a status symbol. A lady may wear a glove to show that her hands and body are delicate and must be protected.

For just a few dollars, a glove can easily be replaced if lost or misplaced, but it is just not the same

A good glove fits perfectly, covering and protecting one of the most sensitive and important parts of the body. A good glove is well used. It becomes stained, worn, and if used and cherished long enough, will even have holes. A well worn glove feels like a friend, regardless of wear.Sometimes it is hard to find your glove. Sit, relax and enjoy. Your glove will turn up.

Elisabeth is my glove.



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