I am an American because I love my country.
One group of people who definitely show they are Americans are the United States soldiers. They fight for our country. There is the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. They defend us. It doesn’t matter where they are or who they are fighting. All the soldiers would give their life for anyone in the U.S. The reason the soldiers go into the Army is to fight for our country, earn the respect of our country and serve our country.
Another group of people who show they are Americans are our representatives, our senators, governors, Presidents and Mayors. They give us the privilege to vote for our leaders. They want the best for what they are fighting for, if it is our town, state or even our country.
An American is a person who fights for the right thing to do. There are lots of things that American can do that other countries can’t. A long time ago blacks weren’t accepted. Lots have changed since then. In other countries if you wanted to do anything Church related you had to do it in secret. The cost of if you were caught was death. America how has freedom of speech. America is different because we have the constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, all important events in history. That is what I think is an American.
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