Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Feb. 13: Burlington Northern Railroad personnel repaired a gate that had been torn off by a truck at the Birch Street and SR 28 crossing in Odessa.
A man found someone's wallet on Morgan Street near McGregor's in Davenport and noticed several cards had scattered across the street. He couldn't retrieve them because of fast-moving traffic.
Lincoln Hospital personnel requested a deputy's assistance with a "combative" individual.
A Davenport caller asked dispatchers what his "options" were as he and his wife were having a "heated argument" over financial problems.
A vehicle that was spotted "all over the roadway" on SR 2 between Wilbur and Davenport was operated by a driver who told deputies who stopped him at Safeway that he was "distracted from within the vehicle."
Reardan Police responded to a report of a girl having a four-inch knife at Reardan High School.
Feb. 14: Wilbur town crew members advised people might see smoke rising from manhole covers and vent pipes at residences because they were smoke-testing the sewer lines.
Deputies responded to Creston, where an apparently suicidal woman made threats against herself on a mental health hotline. She later was taken to a Spokane hospital.
After accidentally throwing car keys onto a roof in Harrington, a man needed assistance from law enforcement to retrieve them when the building's owner objected to his using a ladder to climb onto the roof.
A caller reported that a vehicle ran over his dog's tail in the 400 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport. When the young driver failed to stop, the caller chased him down on foot, "had words" and got an apology after admittedly "yelling at the young man pretty bad."
An intoxicated man who was the focus of a contact by a Davenport deputy at Trader's Express earlier in the evening was found walking around and knocking on doors in a Wilbur neighborhood. He was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport for an evaluation.
Reardan Police responded to a report of a "big and furry" animal, perhaps a bear or mountain lion, walking east on Oak Street.
Feb. 15: After they encountered an unattended slash pile fire, a Fisher Road resident was advised by deputies and Reardan firefighters to inform the sheriff's office before burning.
Feb. 16: Lakeview Terrace personnel reported that a new refrigerator had been replaced by a very old model in a unit at the mobile home park that had been recently vacated.
A caller requested assistance from law enforcement in getting money he said he was owed for tires he had purchased for another man in Davenport.
A Coal Coulee Road resident reported that he saw a man looking into a rifle scope or camera pointed at his house.
A Wilbur man told dispatchers that he had received a fraudulent check for $3,500 from "Citi Financial" advising him it was sent to assist him with taxes on a $50,000 sum he should expect to receive from England.
No one was injured in a two-vehicle collision in front of Davenport High School.
A caller advised that semi-trucks were hauling grain from the Bluestem elevators in possible violation of the county's road restrictions. A subsequent caller told deputies that the trucks were there by permission.
A burned out heating element in a furnace was determined to have caused a structure fire that produced a lot of smoke in the 100 block of East Railroad in Reardan.
Feb. 17: Deputies responded to a report that an elderly man had assaulted an elderly woman with a cane in the Seven Bays area. The woman explained that the man was her husband, suffered from dementia and needed to get help.
Deputies responded when an argument between a married couple living in the 600 block of West Fourth Street in Sprague prompted a call from the woman, described as "hysterical and not making much sense," to another residence.
As a result of an attempted break-in, about $50 damage was reported to the front door at a residence in the 800 block of Sinclair Street in Davenport.
A Seven Bays resident reported hearing four gunshots in the vicinity of the 1200 block of Park Avenue.
A caller told dispatchers she had heard two loud explosions in the Carp Lake area.
A man told Odessa Police that he had used a firearm to scare off a group of people who came to his house in the 300 block of South Division and threatened him.
Reardan Police responded to a two-vehicle collision near the Reardan School gym.
Feb. 18: A vehicle prowling incident was reported in the 500 block of West Fifth Street in Sprague. About half a tank of fuel was reported gone and the gas cap had been "ripped off."
Deputies and emergency personnel assisted a man on the ground outside the Davenport Post Office after he apparently suffered a seizure and a bump on the head.
A deputy confiscated tobacco and a pipe from two high school students who were seen smoking in the area of Main and Tenth streets in Davenport.
Items were reported missing as a result of a burglary at a family shop in the 35000 block of SR 25 north of Davenport.
A Sprague man requested assistance after he came home to find his wife had died while he was away.
Feb. 19: Reardan emergency personnel were dispatched to the scene of a vehicle on its side along SR 2 about a mile east of the Spokane County line.
A resident of the 700 block of Marshall Street in Davenport requested assistance when he found a vehicle blocking his driveway, preventing him from leaving. The vehicle may have belonged to participants at a basketball tournament at the school.
A woman discovered a driver's license left behind at a laundromat in Davenport.
Feb. 13: Philip W. Irwin, 20, Airway Heights, confined by the court for disorderly conduct.
Feb. 14: Dawn R. Kortness, 38, Concrete, Wash., confined by the court for driving while license suspended.
Brittani C. Dorman, 25, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Feb. 15: Miranda L. Watson, 28, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Ryan J. Gilliland, 26, Spokane, confined 30 days by the court for driving while under the influence.
Richard W. Woods, 25, Spokane, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Feb. 16: Leroy V. Zacherle, 42, Omak, arrested by Reardan Police for failing to appear for driving while license suspended and operating a vehicle without ignition interlock as required by the court.
K. Dean Edwards, 51, Moses Lake, held under contract with Adams County.
Harold J. Combs, 41, Cheney, held 40 days under contract with the City of Cheney for malicious mischief, disorderly conduct and fourth-degree assault (all domestic violence).
Feb. 17: Ricky J. Schattler, 45, Airway Heights, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Jeremiah R. Logan, 31, Nine Mile Falls, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Merrin K. Lawrence, 39, Chewelah, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office for driving while license suspended.
Justin K. McDowell, 30, Spokane Valley, confined by the court for driving while under the influence.
Feb. 18: Vance A. Aulis, 47, Hillyard (Spokane), confined by the court one day for driving while under the influence.
Feb. 20: Eric D. Gajewski, 29, Edwall, confined by the court two days for driving while under the influence.
Feb. 21: Nickolas J. Everett, 22, Reardan, booked for two counts of vehicular assault and released.
Court Report
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 89 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Civil Judgments
Portfolio Recovery Associates won a $3,639.81 default judgment against Debra H. and "John Doe" Heiden, of Deer Meadows, in a matter involving credit account debt.
Ramona Campobasso was awarded $3,198.84 in unpaid rent from Randy Jackson, along with restitution of premises at Lakeview Terrace Mobile Home Park in Grand Coulee, in an unlawful detainer matter.
New Civil Cases
Petitioner Russell Jones, of Spokane, filed an appeal of a Lincoln County District Court judgment involving Ken Pete Marks and Rose Marks. He also requested a change of venue, claiming he couldn't get a fair hearing from the local court.
The court denied a protection order requested by Carrie Ann Hunton against Erik Edan Foreman, noting that insufficient evidence was presented to prove the domestic violence claim. Both parties are Davenport residents.
Estate of David L. Crossley, of Odessa, who died May 8, 2011.
Estate of Bessie Emily Herdrick, of Wilbur, who died May 20, 2011.
Will only (dated May 8, 1996) of Vivian E. Skipper, of Reardan.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Matthew Steven Harvey, Creston, speeding (12 mph over limit), fined $95; no proof of liability insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.
Kevin Steward Gallant, Spokane, speeding (15 over), contested, found not guilty; no insurance, $275.
Donald Richard Arnold, Creston, speeding (10 over), $113.
Cecelia Rose Abrahamson, Nespelem, no valid operator's license, contested, found guilty, $95.
Connie Lynn Bangert, Hunters, speeding (10 over), $72.
Dena Lee Battin, Loon Lake, speed too fast for conditions, $95.
Leonard Carl Burt, Medical Lake, speed too fast for conditions, contested, found not guilty.
Gregory Stephen Conrad, Sea-Tac, Wash., school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found guilty, $210.
Brandi Lynn Elwell, Spokane, speeding (10 over), $76; no insurance, $190.
Taria Ann Holcomb, Reardan, speeding (15 over), $97.
Larry Albert Johnson, Spokane Valley, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found not guilty.
John William Keighley III, Newman Lake, expired vehicle registration, $95.
Sarah Maude Lamb, Kennewick, no insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.
Timothy Luke Laughlin, Spokane, expired vehicle registration, $95.
Kelly Sue McCrea, Wellpinit, speeding (13 over), $95; no insurance, $390.
Jaramy Eugene Phillips, Inchelium, speeding (15 over), $90; no driver's license, $75.
Aaron Ron Range, Airway Heights, speeding (10 over), $80.
Steven C. Schaffner, Spokane, no valid operator's license, $75; operating vehicle without legal plates, $75.
Jeremy Vonn Schoenen, Fruitland, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found guilty, 21 hours community service in lieu of $210 fine.
Carl James Schwenn, Cheney, speed too fast for conditions, $100.
Mark Lyle Scott, Cheney, speeding (11 over), $84.
Brian Lynn Sherle, Spokane, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found not guilty.
Inger Elise Speth-McKenna, Davenport, wheels off roadway, contested, found not guilty (sudden black ice).
Julie Ann Sprague, Spokane, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found not guilty.
Kenneth Hale Stocking, Sprague, seatbelt violation, $80.
Sean Stan Tormozov, Colbert, speed too fast for conditions and passing in no-passing zone, both contested, found not guilty.
Cody Bruce Trego, Clayton, speeding (20 over), $125.
George Thomas Wilson, Omak, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found not guilty.
Vincent W. Birdtail, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 2 days jail converted to 20 hours community service, $202 court assessments.
Dawn Rina Kortness, Concrete, Wash., probation violation (driving while license suspended), 7 days jail.
Jay Jump, Judge Pro-tempore
Jeramy William Rhoads, Spokane Valley, speeding in school zone, contested, found not guilty.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Frederik Benthem, et ux, Renton, Wash., to Henry J. Benthem, et ux, Ephrata, Lot 4 and west 37 feet of Lot 5, Blk. 2, Lakeview Subdivision, and 1975 60x24 mobile home, gift.
Ronald D. Heikkila, et ux, Davenport, to Vaughan R. Hunt, et ux, Deer Meadows, undivided one-half interest of portion of Sec. 22, T28N, R36E, $24,000.
Robert R. Hoskins, Deer Park, to Kodiak LLC, Tacoma, portion of Sec. 27, T27N, R35E, also known as Tract M of Tri-Canyon Ranch, $0.
Anthony J. Williams, Odessa, to Anthony J. Williams, portion of Sec. 5, T21N, R33E, $0.
Raymond E. Kidder, Reardan, to Raymond E. Kidder and Lucille Kidder, Reardan, Lots 1-8, Blk. 10, Capp's Addition to Town of Reardan, $0.
Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Assoc.), Dallas, Texas, to G-8 1-12 Fund LLC, Ladera Ranch, Calif., all of Lot 14 and west half of Lot 15, Blk. 31, Finney and Pattee's Addition to Town of Odessa, $0.
E & F Farms, Reardan, to Northface Farms, Inc., portion of Sec. 1, T25N, R39E, $10,000.
Eugene W. Cronrath and F. Elaine Cronrath, Harrington, to Arthur K. Zellmer, et ux, Davenport, portion of Sec. 27, T25N, R37E and 2012 growing crop valued at $906, subject to easements, $142,000.
John Coppersmith and Cindy Edwards (co-personal representatives, Vernon R. Coppersmith Estate), Almira, to Town of Almira, Almira, portion of Sec. 32, T26N, R31E, $500.
Chandra L. Schumacher and Jason D. Schumacher, Odessa, to Christopher S. Shafer, et ux, Harrington, Lot 1 and east half of Lot 2 in Blk. 9 of Pattee and Lyon's Addition to Town of Odessa, $96,500.
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