Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Feb. 27: Harrington area residents told dispatchers of problems with a third occupant of their home, from which a later report of a possible assault was received.
A resident of the 32000 block of Whitney Road East reported the theft of four horse halters and lead ropes.
Sprague Lake Resort reported receiving two fraudulent checks from companies in Cambridge, Mass., and Los Angeles, Calif.
A deputy investigated a caller's claim of having a problem with the Sprague School District.
Feb. 28: Someone backed into a gate and fence on property adjacent to Porcupine Bay Road North.
A car slammed into the back of a Davenport school bus that had stopped on Omans Road to let a student off. None of the four students aboard or the bus driver was hurt, but the driver of the car was transported to Lincoln Hospital.
Between 200 and 300 gallons of diesel was taken from a tank on property adjacent to James Road. A door also had been pulled off a nearby barn.
Wilbur Police investigated a two-vehicle collision at Main and Broadway.
Odessa Police responded to a juvenile problem at the school.
Feb. 29: A Davenport woman asked for assistance with an unwanted individual at her residence on Washington Street.
Deputies were asked to check on the welfare of three children in the Lamona area who had been ill for three weeks and reportedly hadn't been taken to see a doctor.
Boat fuel was taken from a storage shed at Ralph's RV and Mini-Storage on SR 174 that was broken into.
A caller from Almira reported he had been a victim of identity theft.
Odessa ambulance personnel were dispatched to the scene of a one-vehicle rollover that resulted when the driver swerved to miss hitting a deer on SR 21.
Wilbur Police responded to a report that a vehicle slid into a railroad crossing arm across Division Street and drove away.
March 1: Deputies responded to Lincoln Hospital's request for assistance regarding a $10,575 check that was cashed by someone other than the intended payee.
Two women dressed in Middle-Eastern clothing demanded money from Davenport Family Foods personnel after claiming the cash machine inside the store was broken. Store personnel determined the machine was operating normally and believe they averted a possible scam.
A Davenport High School student reported being digitally harassed.
A resident of the 3000 block of Stromberger Road North reported the theft of his pickup truck.
Several bags full of diapers were tossed from a vehicle near the weigh station on SR 2 west of Reardan.
March 2: A caller reported seeing a man in a vehicle with a handgun drawn during an argument about custody of a child near the Almira park. Wilbur Police assisted a deputy in the response.
A group of about eight individuals with flashlights were observed looking into vehicles parked at Mick's Auto in Davenport.
March 3: Wilbur Police advised of a malfunctioning railroad crossing arm at Brace Street.
March 4: Reardan Police responded to a woman's report that someone had been kicking a door, leaving shoe marks on it, at a residence in the 300 block of South Oak Street.
Feb. 28: Matthew T. Stinnett, 34, Wenatchee, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for second-degree theft.
Rodney H. Wilson, 45, Spokane, held under contract with Adams County.
James Curtis Maki, 73, Spokane, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Feb. 29: Jarrett Lee Miller, 22, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).
March 1: Norman B. Sammaripa, 35, Nespelem, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Anthony T. Thompson, 30, Spokane, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Tyler J. Howells, 19, Spokane, held under contract with City of Cheney.
March 2: Jesse L. Orr, 21, Spokane, serving a 10-day court commitment for possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana.
March 3: Raymond C. Schmitt, 70, Sprague, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.
March 5: Cameron M. Bennett, 22, Mattawa, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Charles W. Parks, 51, Coulee City, arrested by LCSO on an out-of-county warrant.
March 6: Randel L. Harper, 32, Spokane, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Craig M. Beal, 29, Spokane Valley, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Court Report
Lincoln County Auditor's Office
Jack Daniel Marty, 24, and Miranda Susan Brigman, 21, both of Fruitland.
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 75 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Matthew Kennedy, Harrington, expired vehicle registration, $140 penalty.
Daniel James Yarber, Creston, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $293 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.
Ricky Dean Thornburg, Hunters, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 90 days jail, $150 attorney fees.
Manuel Junior C. Timentwa, Omak, probation violation (no valid operator's license), 4 days jail or 40 hours community service, $160 court costs.
Lisa Ann Jackson, Davenport, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Tanyia Marie Wynecoop, Okanogan, driving while under the influence, pleaded guilty, 37 days jail (7 credited as served), $1,918 court assessments, 24 months supervised and 36 months unsupervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs, alcohol/drug evaluation, DUI victims' panel; driving while license suspended and no ignition interlock, both dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Jeramy Allen, Spokane, no valid operator's license, fined $150.
Brenda Bodenhamer, Spokane, driving while license suspended, amended to no valid operator's license, fined $150.
Larry Zacherle, Omak, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 5 days jail (2 credited as served), $160 court costs.
Civil Disposition
The court dismissed a request for an anti-harassment protection order from Darrell Saunders against Micah Davison. Both parties are Odessa residents. The court found the petitioner failed to demonstrate sufficient basis for the request.
Jay Jump, Judge Pro-Tempore
Alexandra Youssef, Oroville, school crosswalk speeding violation (Reardan), contested, dismissed.
Scott Michael Hergert, Davenport, school crosswalk speeding violation (Reardan), contested, found committed, $210 penalty.
Lucien Stephen Butcher, Spokane, school crosswalk speeding violation (Reardan), found not committed.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
J. Scott Krout, et ux, Mount Prospect, Ill., to American Escrow and Closing Co., Mount Prospect, Ill., Lot 1, Doerschlag Farms Short Plat, $150,000.
American Escrow and Closing Co., Mount Prospect, Ill., to Kent Korthis, et ux, Sedro Woolley, Wash., Lot 1, Doerschlag Farms Short Plat, $150,000.
Lester G. Smith, et ux, Harrington, to Roderick L. Rieth, et ux, Sprague, undivided 7/64th portion of Secs. 5 and 6, T22N, R37E, $80,000.
Colleen A. Talkington, Spokane, to Lester G. Smith, et ux, Harrington, Lots 10-12, Blk. 59, Southern Addition to Town of Harrington, $82,500.
PED Farms, Inc., Creston, to C & S Nelson, Inc., Creston, portion of Sec. 6, T26N, R36E; portion of Sec. 10, T26N, R34E; portion of Sec. 12, T26N, R35E; portion of Sec. 7, T26N, R36E; portion of Sec. 13, T26N, R35E, and all of Sec. 1, T26N, R35E, subject to easements, $0.
Bank of America (successor trustee, Howard F. Telecky Testamentary Trust), Spokane, to Fay K. Lybecker, et al, Harrington, all of grantor's undivided 3/7th interest in portion of Sec.28, T21N, R36E; all of Sec. 29, T21N, R36E; and portion of Secs. 32 and 33, T21N, R36E, subject to easements, $0.
Kevin K. Larmer (personal representative, estate of Carol D. Larmer), Harrington, to Kevin K. Larmer, et al, Harrington, Lot 2, Harrington Golf and Country Club Addition to Town of Harrington and 2004 52x40 mobile home, $0.
LaMarr L. Larmer, Harrington, to Denise Delight Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, Lot 2 Harrington Golf and Country Club Addition to Town of Harrington and 2004 52x40 mobile home, gift.
Kevin K. Larmer, Harrington, to Denise Delight Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, Lot 2, Harrington Golf and Country Club Addition to Town of Harrington and 2004 52x40 mobile home, gift.
Larmer Farms, Inc., Harrington, to Kevin Larmer, et al, Harrington, portion of Sec. 10, T21N, R36E, $0.
Denise Delight Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, to LaMarr L. Larmer, Harrington, portion of Sec. 2, T21N, R36E, subject to easements, gift.
Kevin Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, to LaMarr Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, portion of Sec. 2, T21N, R36E, subject to easements, gift.
Larmer Farms, Inc., Harrington, to La Marr Larmer, et al, Harrington, portion of Sec. 2, T21N, R36E, subject to easements, $0.
Denise Delight Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, to Kevin Larmer, Harrington, portion of Sec. 10, T21N, R36E, gift.
LaMarr L. Larmer (undivided 1/3 interest), Harrington, to Kevin Larmer, Harrington, portion of Sec. 10, T21N, R36E, gift.
Kodiak LLC, Tacoma, to Robert H., Varnes, Arlington, portion of Sec. 8, T26N, R36E, $110,000.
Robertson Automotive LLC, Wilbur, to WBE LLC, Mercer Island, Wash., Lots 1-8, inclusive and portion of vacated South Knox Street, adjacent to Lot 1, Blk. 97, Railroad Addition to Town of Wilbur, gift.
Gale F. Rettkowski, Wilbur, to WBE LLC, Mercer Island, Blk. 97, Railroad Addition and portion of vacated Knox Street adjoining, $300,000.
Robin L. Armine, et ux, Odessa, to James R. Williams, Odessa, portion of Lot 1, Blk. 26, Finney and Pattee's Addition of Odessa, subject to easements, $53,000.
Paul J. Holmes, Spokane, to Andrew Rustad, Davenport, south 67 feet of Lot 6 and south 67 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 93, Columbia Addition to Davenport, $57,000.
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