The school musical being performed this year by Odessa youth under the direction of Craig and Ellen Holman includes students in Kindergarten through high school, as well as several home-schooled youngsters. The play is the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast.
The cast includes four narrators: Alyssa Woodruff, Elizabeth Larson, Stacia Lesser and Danielle Tebow.
The female lead, Belle, is played by senior Charli Moffet, her father Maurice is played by sixth-grader Kiegan Wehr and the Beast is acted by senior Kolby Crossley. The villain Gaston is played by Jacob DeWulf, and his sidekick Lefou is played by Colton Hunt.
Molly Schafer, Zoe Clark and Alexis Burdick have been cast as the three silly girls who are enamored with Gaston.
Lumiere and Cogsworth, the two head servants of the Beast’s castle are played by David Eldridge and Alex King, respectively. Playing Mrs. Potts, the cook in charge of the castle kitchen, is Katie DeWulf. Cast as the maid and girlfriend of Lumiere is Marlee Eldridge.
Kira Powell plays Madame Bouche, Belle’s confidante, and Emily King is Chip, the son of Mrs. Potts. The Old Beggar Woman is Alyssa Iverson and Monsieur D’Arque, the owner of a lcoal madhouse, is played by McKennah Davison.
There are several servants in the cast, some of whom have been turned into flatware by the enchantress who casts her spell upon the Beast and some that are now dishes. The flatware are played by Maddy Wagner, Bethany Lish, Mya Boss, Natosha Boss, Katrece Boss and JulieAnne Lovvik. Playing the dishes are Brandon Lish and David Hayashi.
The villagers include Maddie Scrupps (bookseller), McKennah Davison (aristocratic lady), Jade Jennings (egg man), Caitlyn Schuh (sausage curl girl), Jaden Hunt (baker), Brenna Carstensen (lady with cane), Jon Hayashi (candle man), Nathan Carstensen (hat seller), Emily Scrupps (milk maid), Drew Hardung (shepherd boy) and Destiny German (lady with baby).
The performances of this musical will be held March 29 (Thursday) at 1 and 7 p.m. Admission is by donation.
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