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Business, Person of Year honored by local Chamber

The Odessa Chamber’s “Business of the Year” award went this year to Odessa Foods. Managers Jeff and Debbie Norris were on hand to receive the plaque and the congratulations of the crowd for the many improvements and updates brought to the grocery store since new owners Bob and Bonnie Dewey hired the Norrises as managers.

“Person of the Year” went to indefatiguable Kim King, who has labored on behalf of Odessa’s business community since her family moved to Odessa only a few years ago. She and husband Mark, along with their two children Alex and Emily, will be heading back to their former home in New Mexico at the end of the month. New Mexico’s gain will be Odessa’s loss, as this family has become an integral part of the community in the relatively short time that they have been among us.

The banquet itself last Saturday night (which was also St. Patrick’s Day) was enjoyed by a small but very enthusiastic group of Odessa business people and their friends. From the happy-hour bar manned by Mike Frederick and crew of Chiefs Bar & Grill, to the dinner of corned-beef, Irish-spiced beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and cheesecake whipped into shape by Marla Beth of Helping Hands Catering, to the after-dinner fun of playing “Luck of the Irish” based on the game show “Let’s Make a Deal” as dreamed up by Michelle Melgren, the evening was entertaining and relaxing.

Michelle Melgren was chairperson for this year’s banquet and is to be congratulated for a well-run event. The decorations were also mainly of her design and suited the occasion very well. The setup for the game show also worked perfectly with behind-the-scenes help from volutneers.

Lise Ott had volunteered to be the mistress of ceremonies, but wound up with a bad case of the crud that is going through the population right now and was unable to attend. Clark Kagele graciously changed already-made plans for the weekend and came in to emcee on short notice.

Pastor Jon Hayashi, attending with his wife Michelle, gave the invocation. Chamber president Marlon Schafer reported on the year’s activities and the monies available in the Chamber’s treasury. He felt that much had been accomplished, but that just as much was still to be done. Most especially, he hoped that a new Biergarten chairman can be found for this year’s Fest.


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