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Masonic Lodge awards bicycles to fourth graders

Odessa elementary school pupils were once again the beneficiaries of the “Bikes for Books” program sponsored by Odessa Lodge No. 156 of the Free and Accepted Masons of Washington.

Lodge secretary-treasurer Dennis Thompson and junior warden Marcus Horak attended school March 29 to award two bikes to students who achieved specific reading goals.

According to Thompson, each year one or both bikes, which are purchased from Ramm Hardware in Odessa, are put on display at the school library as an incentive for readers. Thompson has been in charge of the local Bikes for Books program for the past several years.

Third and fourth grade readers are given reading achievement goals that are set by school personnel, and each child that achieves those goals is eligible for a drawing for the bikes. The lodge gives away one boys and one girls bike.

This year, the entire fourth grade class, nineteen in all, met the standards set for the contest. Winners of the bikes were Joshua Clark and McKennah Davison.


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