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The Creative Corner

The End Time Last Days

We live in the last days, are you aware of---the signs?

Scattered throughout the Bible, are several key lines!

Do you know what to look for, WATCH---we are told!

While we---cast a blind eye, there are events---to BEHOLD!

They will recognize the time, those few who are wise.

As you absorb this epistle, God open---your---eyes!

God's promise to Abraham, fulfilled in this generation!

America---IS---Israel, it has become that---"Great Nation!"

Said Daniel the Prophet, "Many shall run to and fro!"

We've clogged freeways and airports, to that I say---Lo.

And Daniel said too, Knowledge shall be increased!"

We've space travel, computers, soon the---Mark of The Beast!

And I ask, do you see, the---"Disobedient child?"

"Parents being---betrayed," as teen violence---runs wild!

"Many will come in Christ's name," and they will---deceive!

"Ravenous wolves in---sheep's clothing," and you---will believe!

And there "Earthquakes, disease, wars and rumors of war?"

There will be extremely "High tides, as the oceans roar."

"Men will be lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God."

We crave football, love golf, take long vacations abroad.

We worship TV, our cars, the gambling casinos---entice!

We've enough Hydrogen bombs, to vaporize---each human---twice!

Can you begin to imagine, "No flesh saved---alive?"

It will be a foreboding day, hardly a soul will---survive!

Drought will bring "Famines," and "Scoffers" will amuse!

You've eyes but can't see, these profound end time---clues?

WATCH, I plead, lest you be entrapped in a snare,

With the "Cares of this world, and caught---unaware."

Fore---"When you least expect," and have but worldy concern,

"Like a thief in the night," that's when---Christ will---RETURN!

"Like in the days of Noah," YES, it is---PROPHESIED!

WATCH---for we too---will be just as---preoccupied!

Arley M. Bischoff


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