Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
April 9: A male juvenile was taken into custody after a deputy responded to Davenport High School, from which a possible sex offense/inappropriate conduct report was received.
Safeway store personnel in Davenport requested assistance with two large dogs that proved difficult to remove from inside the store.
Despite a caller's report, a responding deputy could find no evidence that a vehicle had driven on a Bonneville Power Administration access road to power lines from Miles Creston Road. A fence, gate and locks appeared to be in place and nothing had been tampered with.
April 10: A Wilbur drinking establishment told local police that personnel had refused to serve a woman who appeared "too impaired." An officer later found her driving near the golf course, determined she was intoxicated and advised her to have someone come and get her to avoid being arrested.
Fearing he would not be seen by drivers, deputies advised a boy dressed in dark clothing not to ride his skateboard across crosswalks near the Davenport Senior Center.
After a Sprague man told dispatchers that his wife had thrown a remote control device at him, a responding deputy was able to persuade them to spend the night in separate rooms at their residence.
April 11: A malfunctioning railroad crossing arm was reported on B Street in Sprague.
A county Public Works employee found five trash bags dumped on Janett Road just south of SR 2 east of Davenport.
Deputies helped Missoula, Mont., officers locate a runaway juvenile girl who had come to Lincoln County.
April 12: A caller traveling on SR 231 north of Reardan told dispatchers that a male juvenile driving a black pickup truck had forced him to swerve to avoid a collision.
A Davenport woman reported receiving harassing text messages on a cell phone.
Odessa Police responded to a report that a woman and man appeared to be trying to get drug money from passers-by.
Odessa Police investigated a sex-related offense.
April 13: A Reardan school bus driver advised of an injured pony in the roadway on SR 231 just south of SR 2.
A vehicle collided with a guardrail on SR 21 near Wilbur.
Odessa Police helped retrieve a wagon and windmill that were taken without permission from a "virtual yard sale" involving a North Division Street residence.
A Davenport woman reported receiving suspicious text messages from someone who described a trip to Spokane to buy drugs and asked how much she wanted.
Fences were apparently damaged by a bulldozer that traveled across property adjacent to Johns Rocky Way.
A caller described two juveniles dressed completely in black who jumped out near the fog line on SR 28 near the railroad tracks in Davenport, scaring him as he drove by.
Odessa Police checked out a report of a broken window in a vehicle parked outside a South Fourth Street residence.
April 14: Stop signs were found knocked over at the intersections of Deking Road and SR 28, and Old Kuchs Road and SR 28.
A Seven Bays resident reported being threatened at his residence by a man with a knife.
April 15: After a woman requested assistance finding her missing father who was in a traffic collision near Edwall, the man was located by a newspaper carrier.
A woman told dispatchers she shot a Rotweiller dog that had chased her cows in a pasture adjacent to SR 231 north of Reardan.
Suspicious activity was reported near a gravel pit on Brown Road East near Sprague.
Wilbur Police investigated the theft of about 12 gallons of fuel from a parked car on NW Cliff Avenue.
April 10: Cameron M. Franklin, 23, Spokane Valley, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Tiffanee A. Crawford, 23, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Jesse C. Howell, 30, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Steven W. Fitch, 58, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving while license suspended and violating a trip permit.
April 11: Edward V. Lashkey, 21, Spokane Valley, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Charles R. McNeil, 27, Creston, arrested by LCSO for taking a motor vehicle without permission.
Robert G. Hartman, 28, Colville, arrested by Washington State Patrol for failing to appear for first-degree negligent driving.
Kevin C. Crowder, 33, Spokane, arrested by LCSO on two counts of contempt of court.
April 12: Dustin T. Hayes, 23, Omak, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended and an ignition interlock violation.
Donnie R. Flett, 34, Wellpinit, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.
Leonard L. Brandt, 47, Medical Lake, arrested by LCSO for criminal trespass.
April 13: Garion D. Herrold, 20, Spokane, arrested by Reardan Police for violating a no-contact order.
April 15: Michael J. Martin, 51, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for second-degree trespassing.
April 16: Tawnia L. Embree, 32, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Christopher J. Blair, 36, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Michael T. Cassity, 19, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Steven A. Talley, 43, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
April 17: Amanda L. Chapel, 49, Springdale, confined by the court for four days for driving while license suspended.
Steven M. Johnson, 45, Spokane, held under contract with Washington Department of Corrections.
Court Report
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 146 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 6 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Lucas Anthony Adolph, Grand Coulee, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Donnie Ray Flett, Wellpinit, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 50 days jail (1 credited as served).
Neal Harland, Wilbur, no valid operator's license, fined $250 plus $100 attorney fees.
Mark Richard Brown, Yuma, Ariz., driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Shiloh Forest Iaulualo, Harrington, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $490 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Kelly Louise Green, Ephrata, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 7 days jail converted to 70 hours community service, $75 court costs.
Milton John Moles, Davenport, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 10 days jail.
Steven Wayne Fitch, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail (credited as served), $550 probation fee converted to 55 hours community service, $145 court costs, 24 months supervised probation; trip permit violation, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
James Edmond Jackson, Jr., Elmer City, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 300 days jail or in-patient treatment, $150 court costs.
Anthony Jay Armfield, Kenmore, Wash., possession of marijuana, amended to use of drug paraphernalia, $400 court assessments.
Lorena Lee Abrahamson, Wellpinit, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Anthony Earl Lambert, Odessa, harassment, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail converted to 10 hours community service, $443 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).
Trina Ann Weiss, Ford, driving while under the influence, amended by prosecutor to reckless endangerment, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail, $593 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel; speeding (11 mph over limit), contested, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Robert G. Hartman, Spokane, probation violation (negligent driving), 30 days jail (1 credited as served), $360.80 court assessments.
Tonya Marie Stewart, Colbert, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 4 days jail (2 converted to 20 hours community service), $150 court costs.
Jedidiah J. Gillam, Odessa, no valid operator's license, dismissed at prosecutor's request; harassment, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail, $393 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.
Katie Marie Rafter, Medical Lake, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 4 days jail (including 1 converted from 10 hours community service), $150 court costs.
Bethani Melissa McKelvy, Creston, probation violation (reckless endangerment), new payment schedule ordered.
Small Claims Court
Petitioner Joy Egbert, of Moscow, Idaho, won a $529.75 judgment against Allen Barth, of Davenport. She had sought compensation for work not completed on her vehicle.
Petitioner Sharon I. Carry-Kintner, of Spokane, won a $848.32 judgment against Wilson A. Monk, of Edwall. She had claimed that the respondent had backed into her vehicle while in a parking lot in Spokane, causing damage.
Petitioner Ron McCabe won a $1,936.90 judgment against George Skipper. His claim involved insufficient funds checks received for veterinary bills and repayment of a personal loan. Both men are Reardan residents.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Michael L. Miller and Lori L. Miller, Wilbur, to Terry Reister, Jr., Wilbur, all of Lots 14-16, Blk. 34, Resurvey of Homestead Addition of Wilbur, $28,000.
FDRSOM, LLC, Wilbur, to Kendrick DeBooy and Barbara K. DeBooy, Wilbur, portion of Sec. 25, T28N, R32E; and Sec. 30, T28N, R33E, $0.
Frank and Rhonda Amrine, Sprague, to Maria Mayes, Sprague, 1960 10x50 mobile home, $3,000.
Timothy Hubbard, Sprague, to Kathleen Hubbard, Sprague, portion of Sec. 1, T21N, R38E, $0.
Kathleen Hubbard, Sprague, to Kathleen Hubbard and Jeffery L. Hainline, Sprague, portion of Sec. 1, T21N, R38E, gift.
Betty Frazier (trustee, Frazier Family Trust), Yuma, Ariz., to Ronald D. Leithead, Spokane, Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 5, Airport Addition to Seven Bays and 1993 28x52 mobile home, $155,000.
Ellen T. Wendling, Davenport, to Rodney R. Wendling and Ellen Wendling, Davenport, Lots 1 and 2, except east 18 feet of north 85 feet of Lot 2, Timmon's Addition to City of Davenport, $0.
G8 1-12 FUND LLC, Irvine, Calif., to John A. Melgren and Michelle S. Melgren, Odessa, all of Lot 14 and the west half of Lot 15, Blk. 31, Finney and Pattee's Addition to Town of Odessa, $55,900.
Estate of James H. Scroggie (Wayne Lee Scroggie, personal representative), Seattle, to Wayne Lee Scroggie, Seattle, portion of Sec. 36, T22N, R39E, $0.
Kirk Lent and Heidi Lent, Tacoma, to Mark A. Tempel and Kimberlee S. Tempel, Sammamish, Lot 1, Ponderosa Short Plat, $72,000.
Richard A. Arneson, Jean Seylor, Kathleen S. Daniels and Jacqueline R. Mangis, Creston, to Marion Arneson Family Trust, Creston, Lots 1 to 5, Blk. 4, Original Town of Creston, $0.
Alan K. Hughes and Stanley J. Schwartz (trustees, Bertha Hughes Special Needs Trust), Puyallup, to Alan K. Hughes, Puyallup, portion of Secs. 24 and 34, T26N, R39E, $0.
Alan K. Hughes, Puyallup, to B. Hughes Family LLC, Puyallup, portion of Secs. 24 and 34, T26N, R39E, $0.
U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Irvine, Calif., to Delbert E. Bain, Davenport, Lots 6 and 7 and the east half of Lot 8, Blk. 83, Morgan's Addition to Town of Davenport, $52,284.
Fred Emerson and Sally Emerson, Hartline, to Byron C. Bridges and Nancy D. Bridges, Royal City, Lot 2, Bridges Short Plat, $30,000.
Monica McFadden (trustee, McFadden Living Trust), Kennewick, to Monica McFadden (trustee, Hugh J. McFadden Testamentary Trust), Kennewick, portion of Sec. 34, T27N, R35E, $0.
John F. Diviney III, Davenport, to John F. and Sherry E. Diviney, Davenport, east 16 feet of Lot 3, and all of Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 35, Timmon's Second Addition, City of Davenport, $0.
Doris Betty Brooks, Chewelah, to Luke A. McCluskey and Lindsey N. McCluskey, Davenport, Lot 5, Blk. 20, Timmon's Second Addition to City of Davenport, $155,000.
S.O.S. LLC, Seattle, to George P. Peichoto, Sr., and Judy L. Peichoto, Spokane, Lot 60, Deer Heights Plat No. 1, $25,000.
William D. Kuch (as to Parcel A) and William D. Kuch and Christina L. Kuch (as to Parcel B), Marlin, to William D. Kuch (Parcel A) and William D. Kuch and Christina L. Kuch (Parcel B), Marlin, Parcel A: Lot 1 of Kuch Short Plat and Parcel B: portion of Sec. 17, T22N, R31E, $0.
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