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Broadband could "go live" in Odessa in less than 90 days

The Odessa Chamber of Commerce heard a report from Julie Henry, Regional Sales Manager for NoaNet at its regular bimonthly, meeting April 24.

Henry provided a brief overview of the non-profit company, which was formed 12 years ago in response to a need for increased internet availability in rural communities throughout Washington. NoaNet was formed when 13 public utility districts banded together to bring broadband to un- and under-served communities. As previously reported in The Record, the company obtained stimulus grants of $156 to complete the project.

Henry went on to say that while NoaNet is providing broadband “drop” sites at the public library, hospital and school, those institutions will need to contract with their local internet service provider to actually connect to the service. She informed Chamber members that broadband access should be available to the three anchor institutions within 90 days. Overall, “Round 1” of the whole project around the state is 50 percent complete.

For more information, visit

Miss Odessa

Justin Parr of the float committee reported the results of the Miss Odessa pageant that took place April 16 at Christ Lutheran Church. Kendall Todd has been named Miss Odessa for 2012, with Koralynne Kuch and Melani Fehrer as runners-up. Todd was also the recipient of the scholarship award.

Two judges from Ritzville made the determinations, based on candidates’ speeches and a question-and-answer session. Mark Cronrath of Odessa served as tabulator. Parr reported that a “fair number of people showed up, even some not connected to the girls.

Parr also said that work on the float is progressing, thanks to the efforts of Jan Webster, who has volunteered to be in charge of float construction.

Finally, Parr reported that he was able to obtain 50 used (good condition) chairs for the community center, in time for the annual Odessa Healthcare Foundation Wine Tasting and Auction scheduled for May 4. There had been a report at the last meeting that a number of chairs appeared to be missing from the racks stored in the community center.

Community kitchen

Lindsy Starkel reported that she has been working with Dale Ramm of Ramm Hardware to budget specific kitchen construction costs. She also reported the receipt of a very generous donation of $5,000 by St. Joseph Catholic Church, bringing total receipts for the project to just over $55,000. She said that they hope to begin work at the end of May. While the project won’t be completed until after the 2012 Christmas Fest, plans are to complete various phases in between major community center events.

At the suggestion of Chamber President Marlon Schafer, Starkel will also obtain estimates for extending the exterior of the building to allow for future expansion as well.

Spring Fling

Quilt Show co-chairwoman Laura Estes reported that flyers for the Odessa and Harrington co-sponsored events have been distributed as far away as Bonner’s Ferry, Ida., Heppner, Ore. and LaConner, Wash. She also reported that 21 businesses have agreed to participate in the Quilt Walk, up from last year’s 12. The Walk will take place Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28. Businesses that will be closed on Saturday have agreed to display their quilts where they can be seen from outside, so that people can vote.


Rumors that a biergarten chairman or woman has been found remain rumor. Both Parr and Schafer report that individuals have expressed an interest, but have been unable to confirm by press time.


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