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Lincoln County Republicans met Sunday afternoon, April 15, at the courthouse in Davenport for the Lincoln County Convention. Unlike Spokane County, where the convention convened at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning and was still going past midnight, the Lincoln County convention provided little drama. Lincoln County has a tradition of meeting on Sunday afternoon to allow delegates to attend church in the morning and to accommodate farmers who can only be persuaded to get off the tractor for an afternoon.
The Washington State Republican Party will hold its convention May 30 through June 2 at the Tacoma Convention Center to elect delegates to represent the state at the national level. Automatic delegates to the state convention are Chairman Sue Lani Madsen, State Committeewoman Carol Paul and State Committeeman John Nelson. Elected as At-Large Delegates were Peter Davenport (vice-chairman for Lincoln County), Fred Fleming, Mary Blechschmidt and Stephen Hardy. Alternates are Bonnie Hardy, Allan Shaner, Pastor Jon Hayashi and Carlin Nelson. Delegates were united in expressing support for whoever the Republican nominee is following the Republican National Convention to be held this August in Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Art Coday, candidate for the U.S. Senate (, spoke to the delegates about his background and his conservative perspective on politics. Dr. Coday is a physician in general practice in the Shoreline area, serving primarily Medicare and Medicaid patients. When asked about the death tax, Dr. Coday quipped that “as a doctor, I can confirm I am firmly opposed to taxation without respiration.”
State Senator Michael Baumgartner, also a candidate for the U.S. Senate, was represented by Michael Cathcart, his eastern Washington campaign director.
Lincoln County Vice Chairman Peter Davenport spoke on behalf of Justice Richard Sanders, running for State Supreme Court. Davenport is representing Justice Sanders at events throughout eastern Washington.
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