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Letter to the Editor: Reader takes issue with Obama views

Obama's hyperbole: When Obama (5-3-2012, The Record) said that another 2,000 members of "Our American Family" have been killed in just over two months, he must have talking about some other family than mine. The majority of youth deaths by gun are within the gang, drug-dealer and assault statistics provided by the FBI and the Bureau of ATF&E public records. I for one feel no loss for these young people who chose their own lifestyle outside the law.

Obama's lifelong record as being rabidly anti-gun should make a reasonable person suspect about his motives when he claims to be a friend of gun owners. He wants sensible, intelligent solutions (based on The Brady anti-gun coalition's list of reasonable changes to existing laws).

Where are anti-gun people's programs for child gun safety? They have one! Get rid of all honest, law-abiding citizens' guns, The NRA's Eddie Eagle "gun safe" program has taught over 25,000,000 kids about gun safety rules. The National Shooting Sports Foundation working with Lt. Governors and police departments, has taught millions of other kids about gun rules and safety. The government's programs equal zero, except for federal and military programs.

Obama publicly stated that "no one should be able to own a gun." He voted to criminally prosecute if you "used a gun in self-defense." He is sending Hillary Clinton to the U.N. this coming July in favor of signing the U.N. anti-gun policy, which is adamantly against anyone owning a gun except the state!

Larry Connelly

Cusick (formerly of Odessa)

[Editor's note: Mr. Connelly's quotes in the last paragraph are not attributed, and a quick, admittedly cursory Internet search for the sources of those quotes was unsuccessful.


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