Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Oct. 22: A large portion of the Deer Meadows area was without phone service after a fiber optic line serving it broke.
A bit of snow was reportedly falling in the Seven Bays area.
Cattle were reported out at the Bluestem overpass about 100 yards west of Boyk Road.
A caller reported an unfamiliar horse in his yard in the 40000 block of Sunset Highway.
A Davenport man told dispatchers that while he was asleep at home in the 800 block of Logan Street, a man pounded on his door and made threats against him.
Dispatchers were advised that about 60 feet of aluminum mainline in a field at Bull Run and Circle roads was damaged, probably by poachers who may have driven over the equipment while trying to remove a deer.
A Davenport woman reported a scam phone call from someone claiming to be a grandson in jail who wanted money wired to him. The woman advised dispatchers she doesn't have a grandson by the name that was given by the caller.
Davenport deputies worked on city nuisance ordinance violations in the 900 block of Maxwell Street, the 900 block of Logan, the 1000 block of Jefferson and the 1000 block of Thirteenth.
A deputy noticed some bricks had been dislodged from the flower bed at Davenport's Pioneer Plaza.
Odessa Police confronted a man in a vehicle near the school about suspected reckless driving.
Oct. 23: Two gasoline cans were fund in front of Zion Lutheran Church at Tenth and Washington streets in Davenport.
Deputies responded to the Purple Sage Motel in Sprague, where two young children had been staying in a room without adult supervision for about three days after a man had paid for one day's lodging. The parents showed up shortly after a deputy, but the children, ages 8 and 11, were placed into state custody.
Mental health personnel were advised that a juvenile about to appear in court was heard making suicidal comments beforehand.
A Creston School teacher reported the theft of $80 from her purse.
Deputies responded to a residence on Forest Drive East in Davenport to help settle a verbal dispute between family members there.
Oct. 24: A collision involving a vehicle and deer was reported on SR 174 in the Wilbur area.
A caller reported the theft of an iPod while at the Gravelle elevator. The device may have been pawned in Spokane. Reardan Police also believe the suspect also is responsible for other thefts involving the Reardan Grain Growers, including that of a drill.
Sprague ambulance personnel transported an individual who may have taken an unknown substance to a Spokane hospital for evaluation.
Oct. 25: Reardan emergency personnel joined a Davenport ambulance crew to assist a 75-year-old woman with a possible heart problem in Reardan.
Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted a man who dislocated his hip while bending over.
Deputies helped find a man who didn't return home when expected from a hunting trip in the Coffeepot Lake area. Car problems were responsible for his being five hours overdue, prompting a call from a worried wife who wasn't sure if he had his medications with him. She was assured by the deputy that he did.
A caller reported a reckless driver on SR 2 between Davenport and Reardan after the pickup truck involved tailgated her vehicle, drove into the ditch and across the centerline several times.
A man told dispatchers that he had been run off Gunning Road near Davenport by a van.
A Davenport caller reported that his vehicle registration may have been taken from his pickup truck while parked in the 700 block of Main Street.
Deputies responded to a residence on Underwood Canyon Road near Creston after a report that an intoxicated man was tearing up the house, threatening everyone, punched holes in a wall and ripped a door from its hinges. The man was detained on charges of malicious mischief and disorderly conduct.
EMTs from Reardan and Edwall, along with Davenport ambulance personnel, assisted an Edwall man who was having trouble breathing.
Dispatchers took a call from a woman who said her husband was in a 6-foot hole and stuck under a rock.
Wilbur Police responded to a collision involving a vehicle and juvenile pedestrian in front of the post office.
An attempted break-in was reported at a Wilbur residence from which its occupant had been transported to a hospital earlier in the day.
Oct. 26: Assault charges were being considered after deputies responded to a incident at a Sobek Road East residence near Edwall. A woman, described as "frightened," "incoherent" and "rambling," told dispatchers that a man pulled a gun on her and struck her in the head. Having had a jar of urine dumped on him when he entered the residence, a deputy went to the Reardan Clinic to wash out his eyes.
A cell phone stolen from a Lincoln County Assessor's Office staffer was used for texting afterwards.
Dispatchers were advised of a man yelling obscenities at customers in the Davenport Safeway parking lot.
An employee at the Davenport Wheatland Bank branch reported a man had attempted to open an account with a fraudulent check for $1,850, from which he took $850 in cash.
Oct. 27: Almira EMTs and Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted a 73-year-old man who experienced numbness in his arm and chest pain.
Harrington ambulance personnel assisted an older man who had a possible seizure.
Odessa ambulance personnel assisted a man in his 80s who may have suffered a stroke.
A Wilbur caller reported that two men were stealing stuff from her garage in the 10000 block of Jasmine Drive East.
A Sprague man was arrested for leaving the scene after a juvenile boy was struck by a vehicle, which earlier had struck a large rock while speeding through town.
Davenport deputies worked city nuisance ordinance violations in the 500 block of Spring Street, the 800 and 900 blocks of Adams, the 1000 block of Seventh, the 300 block of Sinclair and the 700 block of Fourth.
A caller told dispatchers that a vehicle following her on SR 28 north from Odessa tailgated her vehicle, passed and then slowed down in front of her.
Oct. 28: Deputies investigated a possible attempted sale of narcotics incident in Creston.
A caller described to dispatchers how he had been harassed on the phone by a man from Florida who threatened to "come to Washington to kill him." According to reports, the suspect was arrested in Florida for allegedly stealing a vehicle to use to make the trip north after previous threats.
Deputies stopped a vehicle observed traveling at high speeds on SR 2 west of Reardan. Its driver was suspected of operating the vehicle while under the influence.
A Teel Hill Road resident expressed concern about "a lot of hunting going on in the area" and that shots were being fired after dark.
A Cayuse Cove resident reported a series of prank calls that included foul language were made to him and friends.
Oct. 24: Jorge E. Hernandez-Nieto, 32, homeless, held for Adams County for fourth-degree assault.
Kelly Scott Peterson, 46, Othello, held for Adams County for first-degree arson.
Oct. 25: Abe V. Anderson, 39, Creston, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for malicious mischief (domestic violence) and two counts of disorderly conduct.
Oct. 26: Charlene A. Patenaude, 28, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for third-degree assault.
Cinnamon Alnutt, 43, Cheney, confined for City of Cheney for first-degree negligent driving.
Raymond C. Schmitt, 71, Sprague, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Daniel E. Cox, 52, Nespelem, confined by the court for driving while license suspended; rearrested Oct. 28 by LCSO for an ignition interlock violation.
Oct. 27: Brian N. Fink, 27, Odessa, confined by the court for driving while under the influence.
Oct. 28: Justin W. Stoddard, 46, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence and reckless endangerment.
Rodney B. Crain, 38, Sprague, arrested by LCSO for hit-and-run.
Court Report
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings - Oct. 19: Terrence Edward Crinklaw and Petra Alexandra Crinklaw, of Grand Coulee and Spokane, respectively, married March 27, 2010, in Grand Coulee, separated May 30, 2012; one dependent child of the marriage. Also, 91involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Civil Judgments
In a default judgment, Todd B. Rutter, of Davenport, was ordered to pay $11,192.64 to petitioner Capital One Bank to cover credit card debt and costs.
The court on Oct. 23 granted restoration of firearms rights to Vernon Heldman of Keller.
Fred A. and Anesia A. Frolov, doing business as All Tech Construction, of Reardan, must pay $1,776.74 in unpaid workers compensation taxes to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
New Criminal Cases
Tyson Jerred Heath, 22, Davenport, is charged with two counts of intimidating a public servant, two counts of third-degree assault (on two law officers) and resisting arrest in connection with a Sept. 26 incident. Sheriff's deputy Andy Manke and Washington State Patrol trooper Rich Jaeger responded to a possible domestic violence matter in which alcohol was a factor. The defendant is accused of making threats and "squaring off with a clenched fist" against the officers. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest when he failed to appear for an Oct. 16 court hearing, but was canceled when he did appear the following week.
Ryan Eugene Bass, 32, Tonasket, is charged with possession of heroin in connection with an Oct. 19 traffic stop on SR 2 in Lincoln County.
New Civil Cases
In a quiet title action, Rosman Land Holding, Inc. (Glen A. and Nancy W. Reinbold) seeks an easement on a private road that allows access to their property in T26N, R37E, Sec. 14, but is on land owned by respondents Dennis and Susan Burgi. The petitioners claim they've used the road for multiple years, but the respondents have blocked access with a gate.
Petitions filed by Saydee Marie Warfield for protection orders against Vincent Paul Julius, Jr., and Shawna Marie Julius were dismissed when none of the parties appeared in court.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Steven Wayne Alexandrovich, Spokane, speeding (13 mph over limit), fined $100.
Hannah Elise Bayles, Davenport, fail to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk, contested, found committed, fined $72.
Cory Wesley Boss, Odessa, no proof of liability insurance, $250.
Dennis Wayne Fillbrandt, Burien, Wash., speeding (16 over), $150.
Melissa A. Gilmore, Davenport, dog at-large (2 counts), $300.
Kirsten Michelle Halme, Davenport, discard potentially dangerous litter, fined $500 with $300 converted to 30 hours community service.
Donald Osmund Horn, Jr., Davenport, driving with wheels off roadway, $83.
Erik Conrad Johnsen, Wilbur, medical cannabis in view, 10 hours community service.
Terri Jo Merbach, Airway Heights, speeding (17 over), $120; no insurance, $390.
Robert Leroy Murray, Deer Park, speeding (10 over), contested, found not committed.
Kevin Cobey Niemela, Spokane, driving with wheels off roadway, $100.
Eugene Clayton Petty, Davenport, no insurance, contested, dismissed, $25 court costs.
Steven Michael Sager, Spokane Valley, expired vehicle registration, $105; no insurance, $250.
Kelly Joseph Timm, Harrington, overweight on axles, $500.
Hondo Loren Timmons, Ford, no splash aprons, contested, found committed, $75; defective tires, contested, found committed, $75; no insurance, contested, found committed, $390.
Igor Viktorovich Maltsev, Spokane, open alcohol container, contested, found not committed (no officer's report filed).
Sadie Channelle Ives, Nespelem, probation violation (physical control), 8 days jail, $100 court costs.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Jennifer Sapier, Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 11, T26N, R33E, easement, $1,500.
John Scott Goodwin, Tacoma, to Brenik W. Iverson and Kamrin D. Iverson, Odessa, Lot 8, Blk. 1, Airport Addition to Seven Bays, $198,000.
Boco, Inc., and Bodonald Farms, Inc., Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 31, T28N, R34E, easement, $2,500.
Boco, Inc., and Bodonald Farms, Inc., Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Secs. 24 and 26, T27N, R33E, easement, $1,000.
Ronald E. Hansen and Julie A. Hansen, Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 12, T26N, R33E, easement, $2,000.
Celia Thompson, Ellensburg, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 31, T28N, R34E, easement, $1,000.
Michael Rosman and Delores A. Rosman, Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 12, T26N, R33E, easement, $500.
Steven G. Morehead and LaDeana L. Morehead, Ritzville, to Adam J. Dirks and Sara L. Dirks, Ritzville, Renner No. 1 Short Plat, subject to easements, $249,900.
Marie A. Johns, Davenport, to James W. Ellis, Davenport, portion of Sec. 28, T26N, R36E, easement, $500.
James M. Barnett, Tacoma, to Ronald J. Siddell and Pamela A. Brown, Lynnwood, Wash., Lot 1, Vista Point Short Plat, $89,000.
Green Ranches LLC, Wilbur, to Avista Corp., Spokane, portion of Sec. 2, T26N, R33E, easement, $500.
Timothy B. Ray, Sprague, to Timothy B. Ray and Leah E. Ray, Sprague, east half of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Blk. 22, The Addition to Town of Sprague, $0.
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