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The joint board of directors of the Odessa and Harrington School Boards met on January 9, 2013.
The Athletic Director’s report prepared by Mike Perry follows below:
Fall Sports
Junior-high (JH) football had 16 participants and posted a 1-3-1 season record.
JH volleyball had 25 participants and a varsity season record of 5-5. The junior varsity (JV) had a 0-10 season record.
High-school (HS) football had 21 participants and 6-5 season record. The team received a WIAA Distinguished Scholastic Award with a combined 3.341 GPA. Named to the NEB-8 South All-Opponent Team were Jacob DeWulf, Gabe Henneman, Cade Weber, Justin Hunt, Sam Schafer and Jake Tanke.
HS volleyball had 16 participants and a 12-10 season record. The team received a WIAA Outstanding Scholastic Award with a combined 3.666 GPA. At the State Tournament, the team placed sixth. Named to the Bi-County 1B All-Opponent Team were Chelsea Fisher, Jordyn Tanke, Kendall Todd and Koralynn Kuch. Named Bi-County Coach of the Year was head volleyball coach Ken Scherr.
Winter Sports
JH girls basketball had 16 participants. The varsity had a 1-9 season record and the JV had a 0-10 season record. The season concluded December 17.
JH boys basketball has 15 participants. Practice began January 2 and games will begin January 17 and conclude February 25.
HS girls basketball has 14 HS participants and two 8th-graders for a total of 16 total participants.
HS boys basketball has 17 participants.
Post season
The District 7 1B basketball tournament will take place Feb. 5-6, Feb. 9, Feb. 13 and Feb. 16.
Regional basketball games are Feb. 22-23 in Wenatchee and Walla Walla.
The State 1B Basketball Tournament is Thu./Fri./Sat., Feb. 28 - March 2 at the Spokane Arena.
Suellen White prepared a procedure document for determining the number of athletes needed to offer a sport, the number needed for assistants and the number of game supervisors.
Athletic Cooperative
The goal of the cooperative athletic program is to provide a wide variety of athletic experiences for the students in the middle/junior high and high schools of each district. Efforts will be made by coaches and administrators in each district to determine the interest and willingness to participate in a wide variety of sports for both boys’ and girls’ programs.
When there are not enough students to provide a nucleus for a program, trying to make the program successful is not productive.
When a program is not able to continue, many different parties are affected. There is expense on the part of the parents and school district, and commitments made to other school districts that are not able to be honored.
With this in mind, the boards agree the following numbers will be used in determining the minimum number of players necessary to field a team: Baseball 12, Basketball 8, Football 14, Softball 12, Volleyball 8.
While individual sports do not have minimums to allow interscholastic competition, the cost of providing for a coach and transportation for a few players falls outside of reason. With this in mind, the boards agree the following numbers will be used to determine the minimum number of players to provide a coach for a sport: Track and Field 6, Golf 6, Tennis 6.
When there is only one coach provided for a sport, if there are 11 players or more, a game supervisor will be provided.
If there are more than 15 competitors in any sport, an assistant coach will be provided.
If an individual sport has divided practice and/or competition separately for boys and girls, the number of athletes in each school or each gender needs to meet the minimum number as stated above.
The boards discussed the need to open the Athletic Director position. Perry will develop a job description and post it with the goal of selecting a new AD by the February board meetings in each district.
Due to the turnout in each of the spring sports as indicated on the spring sports survey, it was determined there are not enough athletes to field a softball team and there is not a need for two coaches for golf. The golf position will need to be posted, as we currently have two continuing co-coaches.
The next co-op board meeting was scheduled for June 12, 2013 in Harrington.
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