Sheriff's Report
Clarification from last week's report: The high school golfer who allegedly was caught with alcohol in his bag while playing at Wilbur on March 28 was described as a member of the Wilbur-Creston team. The boy is not a Wilbur or Creston student but attends Almira/Coulee-Hartline High School.
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, April 1: Deputies removed marijuana and drug paraphernalia from a juvenile girl's bedroom in a Reardan area residence.
Deputies investigated a harassment allegation involving four residents of Almira.
A Davenport man reported the possible theft of a calf from property adjacent to SR 2.
Observing a man leave her residence in the 1000 block of Adams Street with a box, a woman went inside to find a computer and other items were missing.
A boy was cited for being a minor in possession of alcohol after a deputy responded to a call from the vicinity of Eleventh and Marshall streets in Davenport.
Tuesday, April 2: Odessa Memorial Hospital treated a woman for stomach pain.
A Davenport woman requested an ambulance to transport her husband experiencing breathing difficulties to a Spokane hospital.
A caller reported sagging power lines along Euclid Road between Tramm and Coulee Hite.
A vehicle was observed traveling at about 120 mph south of Odessa on SR 21.
A teenage boy was transported by MedStar aerial ambulance from Davenport to a Spokane hospital after suffering chin lacerations from broken glass resulting from his riding a bicycle into a parked vehicle in the 800 block of Main Street.
A Sprague woman reported the theft of a "Pocket Rocket" motorcycle from a porch in the 600 block of West Second Street. The vehicle is valued at about $250.
A vehicle went off SR 21 at Keller Ferry and went through a fence, resulting in lacerations to the driver, a 75-year-old Wilbur woman, who was transported by Wilbur ambulance personnel to Coulee Community Hospital.
A man told dispatchers he fell asleep and drove off SR 2 near Sam Knack Road in the Wilbur area. He was not hurt, but the 1994 Honda Prelude he drove sustained two flat tires and a punctured gas tank. The driver was cited for negligent driving.
An Almira woman reported receiving harassing phone calls and said someone was hitting her house and saying her name, though she didn't see anyone there.
Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 23-year-old man suffering knee and head pain after a dump truck he drove was involved in a rollover collision on Hawk Creek Ranch Road, about 1½ miles from Hawk Creek Road.
A deputy offered a courtesy ride to Airway Heights to a woman who was seen walking (and "stumbling pretty bad") in the eastbound lane on SR 2 east of Davenport after being released as a patient from Lincoln Hospital.
Operators of Rough Start Horse Rescue on Little Falls Road reported someone had cut a horse saddle and a fence, allowing between 30 and 40 horses to get loose on the roadway and adjacent property.
Wednesday, April 3: Deputies investigated a fraudulent check for $495 drawn on a Davenport bank and another for about $105 that was returned to a local pharmacy due to insufficient funds.
A motorcycle was observed speeding through Harrington and parked on the sidewalk outside the Harrington Haus, where its operator, possibly intoxicated, was advised by a deputy to walk home. A subsequent report noted the motorcycle continued to be operated recklessly; the deputy learned that its keys had been transferred to the man's friends and that he "wouldn't be driving anymore this evening."
Thursday, April 4: A caller expressed her concern that she may have sold puppies to someone allegedly on probation for animal cruelty.
Several deputies were on alert after a child custody dispute at a residence on Whispering Pines Road involving a Reardan man and woman appeared to be escalating with several threats made to use weapons and perhaps explosives. At one point, the Washington State Patrol and police from Reardan and Airway Heights were prepared to assist.
A Creston man reported an unauthorized use of his debit card for a $250 transaction in New Zealand.
After receiving a call about a vehicle in the ditch along McDowell Canyon Road, deputies discovered it had been pulled off the road by its sleepy driver.
Friday, April 5: A Davenport woman told dispatchers her ex-boyfriend and his mother were keeping her child from her. She was advised to work out a parenting plan.
Odessa Police responded to two false alarms at Odessa Drug Co. over a two-day period.
Saturday, April 6: A fence needed to be patched after cows got out on SR 2 near its intersection with Rocklyn Road.
A passenger and a 13-month-old child waited inside an Odessa motel for the child's father to come for them after a woman was taken into custody at the county line on SR 28 for driving while under the influence.
Several deputies responded to a large fight at a beer garden associated with the Stumpjumpers motorcycle race on Irby Road near Odessa. At the time of the 911 call to dispatchers, a man was down, two others continued to fight and others were getting involved. Deputies also interrupted a second fight near the scene.
Sunday, April 7: Odessa ambulance personnel assisted a 90-year-old woman with stomach pain and an individual associated with the Stumpjumpers race who may have suffered a concussion.
Davenport ambulance personnel transported a 3½-year-old child with a possible allergic reaction from the Teel Hill area to Lincoln Hospital.
In the Harrington area, a woman told dispatchers her ex-husband had just told her he planned to shoot himself. Responding deputies found he hadn't harmed himself.
A field of winter wheat near the intersection of Addington and Alexander roads south of Reardan was damaged when a pickup truck got stuck while its driver was attempting to make a turn.
A Lamont man told dispatchers that a man threatened him while both were at The Viking Drive-in in Sprague and that he was pursued at speeds approaching 120 mph while traveling home on SR 23.
A Sprague area woman reported receiving harassing phone calls from individuals associated with her husband, who was in Spokane on a week-long drinking binge.
April 2: Charles P. Moses, 26, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
April 3: Maili K. Morris, 22, Renton, Wash., arrested by Washington State Patrol for felony possession of methamphetamine.
April 4: Christopher A. Sparks, 26, Medica Lake, confined by the court for reckless endangerment.
Jamze K. West, 22, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for minor in possession.
April 5: Alan R. Maxwell, 54, Spokane, confined by the court for driving while under the influence.
Laura L. Hendrickson, 47, Edwall, arrested by LCSO for failing to comply with the court's sentence for a physical control violation.
April 7: Julianne Binckley, 27, Leavenworth, Wash., arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence and reckless endangerment.
Eugene C. Moore, 24, Omak, arrested on an out-of-county warrant.
Steven W. Fitch, 59, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections - April 1: Randal L. Harper, 33, Spokane. April 2: Terry L. Milsom, 60, Spokane; Christopher M. Prusch, 36, Spokane; Daniel J. Mocher, 28, Spokane; James A. King, 39, Spokane; Andre D. Jones, 24, Spokane; Trevor J. Haugen, 23, Spokane; Tristan D. Beeman, 34, Spokane. April 3: Andrew J. Price, 22, Spokane; Jermaine S. Bedford, 23, Spokane. April 4: Charles D. Drake, 42, Spokane; James E. Richards, 50, Deer Park; Kevin Todd Miles, 53, Spokane. April 5: Sean P. Aden, 39, Spokane; Susan D. Grenfell, 27, Spokane; John W. Bumpas, 54, Spokane. April 8: Roger L. Walter, 26, Spokane; Erica A. Ellis, 24, Otis Orchards; Michael A. Emerson, 42, Spokane; Thomas F. Eder, 49, Spokane; Nichol L. Dreier, 30, Spokane.
Court Report
Lincoln County Auditor's Office
Michael Angelo Wallace, 51, and Rita Geraldine Banning, 42, both of Spokane.
Joseph W. Aarnes, 31, and Angel Lisa Dunham, 26, both of Spokane.
Zakary J.C. Richardson, 22, and Melinda Paige Leavitt, 22, both of Spokane.
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 90 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 4 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Disposition
Howard Curtis Tronsdal, 43, of Mt. Vernon, Wash., pleaded guilty March 26 to third-degree theft (amended through plea negotiations from defrauding an innkeeper, in connection with a May 5, 2012, incident at the Black Bear Motel in Davenport, which claimed an unpaid bill of $1,455.30). He received a suspended sentence of 30 days in jail and must pay $743 court costs and yet-to-be-determined attorney fees. To avoid an additional charge of unlawful issuance of a bank check, he must pay $2,774.78 to the City of Davenport for airplane fuel he purchased at the local airport.
Civil Judgments
In separate cases, Lee Grant Winslow, of Odessa, must return $2,018.80 and $483.12 in overpaid disability benefits to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
A transcript of an April 12, 2012, Lincoln County District Court judgment awarding $12,736.20 to petitioner Automated Accounts, Inc., from Dean A. and Connie Mann was filed with the Superior Court.
A transcript of a Feb. 12, 2013, Lincoln County District Court judgment awarding $12,447.14 to petitioner EGP Investments LLC from Mary L. (and "John Doe") Vanrijn was filed with the Superior Court.
New Criminal Cases
Lissa M. Raftis, 50, Spokane, is charged with residential burglary and theft of a motor vehicle in connection with the late-February crime spree at property adjacent to SR 231 in the Sprague area. Video surveillance produced more than 1,000 photos of suspects while they allegedly loaded items into a truck parked at the scene. In advance of an April 16 hearing, the prosecution has filed a request to combine this case with those involving recent burglary and theft charges against Robert H. Clark, Roger D. Lewis, Joshua D. Letchworth and Steven G. Kittelson.
Quinn Nathaniel Whitten, 31, Spokane, is charged with residential burglary and theft of a firearm in connection with activity between Feb. 2 and 9 involving property on Sand Flats Road East in the Davenport area.
Charles William Bodene Walrath, 28, Spokane, is charged with malicious mischief and two counts each of residential burglary and second-degree theft in connection with damage to a mobile home on property along SR 231 in the Sprague area and the theft of electronics equipment, a tool box and other items on Dec. 25 or 26 of last year.
Estate of Clarence Rasmussen, of Seaside, Ore., who died March 24.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Steven Wayne Fitch, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 4 days jail (1 credited as served), $102 court costs.
Cassandra Emily Ann Waters, Nespelem, driving while license suspended, amended to no valid operator's license, fined $250 and $150 public defender reimbursement.
Kenneth Lee Ruff, Ritzville, disorderly conduct, pleaded guilty, 4 days jail (credited as served), $43 court costs; third-degree malicious mischief, pleaded guilty, $393 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Samuel Aaron Schnell, Spokane, possession of marijuana, amended by prosecutor to giving drug paraphernalia (civil infraction), fined $150 plus $150 public defender reimbursement.
Joshua Jacob Fox, Cheney, possession of marijuana, amended by prosecutor to giving drug paraphernalia (civil infraction), fined $150 plus $150 public defender reimbursement.
Vitaliy Ben, Federal Way, Wash., speeding (20 mph over limit), contested, found not committed (at prosecutor's request).
Anthony J.R. Polione, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Daniel Lee Booth, Cheney, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Kodiak LLC, Tacoma, to Richard D. Cratsenberg and Donna J. Cratsenberg, University Place, Wash., portion of Sec. 5, T26N, R36E and a 60-foot ingress and egress easement, $0.
Rendall B. Farley and Sarah A. Farley, Spokane, to John M. Hardin, et al, Davenport, Lot 19, Deer Heights Plat No. 2, subject to easements, $49,000.
Sean Freeman and Jody Freeman, Everett, Wash., to Donald Ostby and Debra Taylor, Mountlake Terrace, Wash., Lots 13-16, Blk. 40, Resurvey and Homestead Addition to Town of Wilbur, $9,000.
Dell R. Mires and Tabatha A. Mires, Waterville, to Mark V. Miller and Mary B. Miller, Stanwood, Wash., Lot 4 of Magpie Short Plat, $89,000.
Dell R. Mires and Tabatha A. Mires, Waterville, to Mark V. Miller and Mary B. Miller, Stanwood, Lot 3 of Magpie Short Plat, $85,000.
Higginbotham Land LLC, Hartline, to Michael S. Andersen, Almira, portion of Sec. 21, T26N, R32E, $0.
Michael S. Andersen, Almira, to Higginbotham Land LLC, Hartline, portion of Sec. 21, T26N, R32E, $0.
Michael S. Andersen, Almira, to Daniel V. Rosman and Debra Rosman, Wilbur, portion of Secs. 21, 22, and 28, T26N, R32E, and crop circle and irrigation system located on Parcels A and B (Secs. 21 and 22) and all water rights, $141,000.
The Sheffels Co., Wilbur, to Daniel Rosman and Debra Rosman, Wilbur, portion of Secs. 21 and 22, T26N, R32E, $4,000.
Gilbert W. and Gloria G. Gander and Cora Welsh, Spokane, to Phil and Cheryl Sutliff, Kennewick, portion of Sec. 19, T26N, R36E, $0.
U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (by BLB Resources), Irvine, Calif., to Raymond R. Lindquist and Candace Lindquist, Nine Mile Falls, east 38 feet of Lot 17, and all of Lot 18, Blk. 27, Finney and Pattee's Addition to Town of Odessa, $42,200.
Thomas E. Goetz and Jean E. Goetz, Odessa, to Jean E. Goetz, Odessa, east 10 feet of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Blk. 4, Pattee and Lyons Addition to Town of Odessa, subject to easements, gift.
Diane Carol Anderson (trustee, Diane Carol Anderson Trust), The Villages, Fla., to Ronald Sherwood and RoxAnn Sherwood, Wilbur, all of grantor's undivided one-half interest in portion of Secs. 15 and 21, T25N, R32E, subject to easements, $108,000.
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