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Harrington High wins 2012 Science Achievement Award

Harrington High School is a recipient of a 2012 Washington Achievement Award in Science.

Washington Achievement Award winners are selected using the Washington Accountability Index and criteria in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Waiver. The award is given to elementary, middle, high and comprehensive schools in seven categories: overall excellence, language arts, math, science, extended graduation rate (high and comprehensive schools only), closing achievement gaps and high progress (Title I eligible and participating schools only). Harrington High School is being recognized for achievement in the science category.

On April 30, the achievement will be celebrated at an awards ceremony hosted by Kentwood High School in Covington or, if representatives are unable to attend at Kentwood High, the award will be presented by the local Educational Service District at a later date.

Readers can visit the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (OSPI’s) website to learn more about the Washington Achievement Awards, including details on the Washington Achievement Index and the criteria for selection.

OSPI’s Statewide Recognition Coordinator Hilary Seidel is organizing the awards ceremony in collaboration with the State Board. OSPI staff members congratulated Harrington principal Jacob Bang, and the students, parents and community in a recent letter, saying they could take pride in joining the distinguished group of award winners.


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