The Odessa Friends of the Library are sponsoring a workshop at the library on Saturday morning, May 11 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The featured speaker Dr. Steve Becker.
Autism and Aspergers spectrum has become widespread in our society and there are many questions being asked and research involved in finding a solution. One in 88 children now fall into the autism/aspergers spectrum.
Many parents and teachers are searching for answers in coping with behaviors and vocational aspects of children in the home and school setting.
Dr. Becker will speak to Exploring Autism and Aspergers and will focus on parenting strategies:
• Recognizing autism/aspergers
• Working with kids and teens
• Coping with stress
• Sibling relationships
• Behavior management
Featured speaker: Dr. Steve Becker, Steve Becker & Assoc. has a Ph. D in Abnormal Psychology and Special Education and has spent 12 years as a special education teacher and developmental disabilities consultant. He has a behavior and vocational consulting practice in Bellevue, Wash. More information can be found at stevebecker&
Childcare available upon request. Call (509) 982-2038.
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