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Court Report

Sheriff's Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, April 8: Someone illegally dumped garbage in a dumpster at Davenport High School. After contact with a deputy, the suspect agreed to pay for the school's disposal charges.

Deputies investigated a report that a woman was threatened by a man after serving an eviction notice.

The hydraulics system on a tractor at property adjacent to Kruger Road East was reported to have been tampered with.

A semi-truck got stuck after sinking into the shoulder on SR 174 in the Wilbur area.

Responding to a call that a group of "suspicious" adults were wandering around the local school and looking into classrooms, Wilbur Police determined the "suspects" were in town for a funeral and were just looking at the school.

Wilbur Police became involved in a child custody dispute between divorced parents of a 4-year-old boy.

Tuesday, April 9: A "basketball-size" rock was reported in the road on SR 2 about a mile east of Wilbur.

A collie-type dog was observed eating garbage put out by a Davenport woman in the 60 block of Marshall Street.

A Harrington woman said someone took a satellite dish from her residence on South Fourth Street.

A semi-truck reportedly struck a stop sign at Twelfth and Morgan streets (SR 28 and 2) in Davenport then continued east on Morgan. Stopped by Reardan Police at Lake Street and Broadway Avenue, the driver said he didn't realize he hit the sign.

A caller reported the theft of four horses from property on Bull Run Road in the Reardan area. The animals later were found on a neighbor's property and no theft had occurred. Instead, their escape was attributed to fences in poor condition.

A man appeared to be hiding in a ditch along Cottonwood Creek Road near its intersection with Gunning Road in Davenport.

Two men and a woman were involved in a domestic dispute in the 300 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport. Responding deputies took the woman into custody.

Wilbur Police were called by a woman who said a man wouldn't allow her and a 4-year-old boy to leave a residence in the 100 block of NE Knox.

Wednesday, April 10: Harrington School personnel requested assistance with a man and woman who argued in front of them over whether their children should continue as students there.

Almira and Wilbur firefighters battled a fire at a two-story residence at Elm and Fifth streets. Deputies became involved when the injured homeowner was described as "getting upset" with fire crews.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place near Houger Road and SR 2 east of Creston.

Thursday, April 11: Deputies investigated a reported sex offense in Davenport.

A caller told dispatchers that four dogs known to run into traffic on Mohler Road had been struck and killed by passing vehicles.

After a search involving Stevens County personnel for a woman reported missing from her Moore Road residence, Lincoln County deputies located her on Devils Gap Road north of Reardan.

Friday, April 12: A woman advised deputies that due to the results of her "private research," she planned to search the northeast side of Sprague Lake in late-May for the remains of her son, who went missing eight years ago at age 11.

Deputies investigated a narcotics-related incident; no other details were made available.

Deputies investigated a possible trespassing incident on Johns Rocky Way northwest of Davenport.

A vehicle sped through an intersection on Ann Street in Wilbur, struck a bridge and ended up dangling over the creek, into which leaking antifreeze spilled. Though the driver wasn't injured, he was arrested for reckless driving.

Wilbur Police took a report from a local woman who claimed her ex-husband living in Arizona had recorded their conversations without her knowledge.

A caller advised National Park Service and state Fish and Wildlife personnel that a dead deer in the water at the Hanson Harbor boat launch was "starting to stink real bad."

Saturday, April 13: Avista Corp. personnel were advised of a power outage in Wilbur.

What a passerby thought could have been explosives inside a large cooler box he found at a construction site near the intersection of SR 174 and 21 turned out to be concrete core samples required by the state Department of Transportation to be left on site for 24 hours in the same temperature as poured concrete.

Sunday, April 14: Davenport firefighters extinguished a 3.5-acre field fire on Teel Hill Road between Phar and Hansen roads.

Firefighters from Deer Meadows and Seven Bays dealt with an unattended wood pile on fire at the corner of Hawk and Buckhorn roads in the Deer Meadows community.

A door was kicked in at the old tavern building at Morgan and Fifth streets in Davenport.

A Davenport girl suffered two puncture marks and bruising after being bitten by a dog.


April 9: Denise M. Collins, 37, Davenport, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).

April 11: Shawn V. Best, 28, Omak, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

April 12: Andrew B. McDowell, 19, Wilbur, arrested by Wilbur Police for reckless driving and driving while license suspended.

April 15: Joshua M. Catlin, 30, Republic, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for possession of marijuana.

William H. Bintz, 50, Wisconsin (transient), arrested on an out-of-state warrant for child support.

Held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections - April 8: Richard D. Edmonds, 25, Spokane. April 9: Mason L. Hubbard, 22, Spokane; Henry Grisby III, 34, Spokane; Joseph R. Wheeler, 35, Spokane Valley; Tabitha D. Creel, 31, Spokane Valley; Roger P. Kinswa, 25, Spokane; John Willie Bumpas, 54, Spokane. April 10: Jeffrey B. Davis, 22, Spokane Valley; Leon L. Heemsah, 24, Spokane; Robert W. Pace, 30, Greenacres. April 11: Keith L. Williams, 31, Spokane; Adam T. Lowery, 20, Lake Stevens, Wash. April 12: Anthony S. Lecaire, 30, Spokane; Olie Ray Richie, 34, Spokane; Makia Kerry Lund, 22, Spokane. April 15: Roger Lee Walters, 26, Spokane; Jami Jo Mercabo, 49, Spokane Valley; Joshua A. Shingleton, 26, Spirit Lake, Idaho; Jason H. Holloway, 33, Spokane; Joshua R. Keeson, 25, Deer Park; William A. Orvalla, 38, Spokane. April 16: Samuel R. Crump, 57, Spokane; Joseph P. Booth, 44, Spokane; Devon M. Mack, 33, Spokane; Henry Grisby III, 34, Spokane; Christopher Prusch, 36, Spokane.

Court Report


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings: 70 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Jamze Cody West, Spokane, probation violation (minor intoxicated in public), 60 days jail (13 credited as served), $260.80 court assessments.

Marcus Gene Jake, Grand Coulee, driving while under the influence, amended by prosecutor to negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail, $882.91 court assessments, ignition interlock ordered, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs (monitoring ordered); fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Andrew Bradley McDowell, Davenport, minor in possession, pleaded guilty, 4 days jail (1 credited as served), $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel; supply liquor/premises to minor, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Deborah K. Ferguson-Merino, Inchelium, driving while under the influence, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail (credited as served), $1,843 court assessments, ignition interlock required, 24 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel ; reckless endangerment, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Kelsey Hope Ferguson, Ford, driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Sharina Denae Murphy, Davenport, no proof of liability insurance, fined $200; fail to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Marlie Lyman Rose, Harrington, carry concealed pistol without permit, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail (1 credited as served), $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment, no possession or use of alcohol; disorderly conduct, dismissed at prosecutor's request; reckless endangerment, pleaded guilty, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Andrew James Isadore, Spokane, driving while under the influence, found guilty after deferred prosecution terminated, 2 days jail, $1,521.08 court assessments, ignition interlock ordered, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs (monitoring ordered), AA attendance required.

Seldon Dennis Schmoyer, Spokane Valley, minor in possession, pleaded guilty, $443 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol, DUI victims' panel.

Heather M. Fuller, Spokane, no valid operator's license, pleaded guilty, $193 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation; make false statement to public servant, pleaded guilty, $293 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Property Transactions

Lincoln County Treasurer's Office

Miles A. Tareski, Davenport, to Christine M. Tareski, Davenport, portion of Sec. 15, T25N, R37E, subject to easements, and Lot 1 and west half of Lot 2, Blk. 55, Columbia Addition to City of Davenport, $0.

Christine Tareski, Davenport, to Miles Tareski, Davenport, Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 17, Timmons Second Addition to Town of Davenport, Lots 2-5 and portion of Lots 6-8 lying 40 feet north of SR 2, and Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 86, Columbia Addition to City of Davenport, $0.

Olson Holdings LLC, Silverdale, Wash., to Upper Twin Lakes LLC, Spokane, portion of Sec. 9, T24N, R35E, $37,500.

Steven J. Ferris and Catherine L. Payne-Ferris, Almira, to Anthony Robert Alig and Sarah N. Alig, Wilbur, Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 22, Town of Almira, $160,000.

Charles A. Johnson and Lois F. Johnson, Creston, to Dale A. Johnson and Charlene T. Johnson, Oak Harbor, Wash., all of Lots 28-32, Blk. 5, Original Town of Creston and 10 feet of vacated South First Street, and 1969 mobile home, $0.

Amber L. Fritts, Sprague, to Eric K. Fritts, Sprague, all of Lots 1-5, Lot 10 and Lot 9 except east one foot, Blk. 25, First Railroad Addition to Town of Sprague, $0.

First-Citizens Bank and Trust Co., San Diego, Calif., to Kirk Lent Corp., Gig Harbor, Wash., Lots 2-4 of View Ridge Short Plat, Lot 1 of Morning Dove Short Plat and Lot 2 of Big Buck Short Plat, $130,000.

Paul D. Peterson and Betty R. Peterson, Odessa, to Carol Robey, Odessa, Lots 20 and 21 and west 8 feet of Lot 22, Blk. 34, Schorzman's Addition to Town of Odessa, $53,500.

William A. Crosetto, Othello, to William A. Crosetto (trustee, William A. Crosetto Revocable Trust), Othello, portion of Sec. 1, T23N, R38E; portions of Government Lots 3 and 4 in Sec. 1; and portion of Sec. 3, T23N, R38E; $0.

Deanne S. Trueax, Thompson Falls, Mont., to Jeanette K. Samuel, Odessa, Lot 2, Blk. 17, Finney's Addition to Town of Odessa, $45,000.

Nancy J. Runkel, St. Maries, Idaho, to Jed DeBord and Kelsi DeBord, Creston, portions of Sec. 10, T26N, R34E, $85,000.

Joel E. Gough (as trustee), Mica, Wash., to Joel Gough, Mica, Lot 1, Blk. 2, Plat 3 of Seven Bays, $0.

U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Irvine, Calif., to Keith J. Frazier, Harrington, Lots 1-5, Blk. 74, Third Railroad Addition to Town of Sprague, $22,000.

Bank of America, Simi Valley, Calif., to Dean L. Weberling and Diana L. Weberling, Creston, east 40 feet of Lots 1-4, east 40 feet of north 5 feet of Lot 5, west 40 feet of Lots 21-24, and west 40 feet of north 5 feet of Lot 20, Blk. 79, Southern Addition to Town of Harrington; vacated alley between portions of Lots 1-5 and portions of Lots 20-24, and portion of vacated south 20 feet of Adams Street, $29,750.

Esther L. Hasse-Dalton, Lakewood, Wash., to Raymond C. and Heidi K. Leonard, Reardan, portion of Sec. 10, T25N, R39E, $325,000.


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