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Golf team takes second place at Wilbur golf course

The O-H Titan boys golf team competed in Wilbur on April 11 in a nine-hole match against Wilbur/Creston (W/C), Lind/Ritzville-Sprague (LRS) and Inchelium. The day produced fairly nice weather, with the temperature at 55 degrees and breezy.

Team scoring:

LRS 233

O-H 236

W/C 259

Inchelium 263

“The top four O-H players continue to play steady golf,” said coach Sam Read, “(but) we are still in need of a couple of our younger players to step up and fill the fifth and sixth spots.”

Individual scores for the O-H boys were: Madison Charlton 44, Griffey Powell 45, Nick Nelson 48, Ricky Hedreen 48, Will...


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