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Alumni fill Community Center

The alumni banquet held last Saturday filled the Odessa Community Center just about to capacity. The event was catered by the Longhorn Restaurant of Spokane. The alumni association now honors six groups of graduates each year, following the adoption of motions made within the past few years to include the 40-year and 60-year groups.

In addition to all of the visiting with former classmates, the banquet this year included fundraising for contributions to the alumni scholarship fund. Old “Tiger” uniforms were for sale by donation, and a raffle of “Tiger” memorabilia was held for the same purpose.

Tony Weber, class of 2003 was master of ceremonies for the evening.

(Editor’s note: Information on the 50-year class was compiled and submitted by Carol Michaelsen Evavold.)

The 50-year honored class (1963) met at the Old Town Hall for hors d’oevres and beverages with 20 of the original class members in attendance.

Gary Allington reminded the class of some of the special occasions experienced by them and quizzed them on trivia related to their elementary and secondary school years. Memorabilia from their 12 years together was displayed on two tables.

At the banquet, Dick Zagelow introduced the class, which then adjourned back to the Old Town Hall. Some of the class members are compiling a booklet of photos, memorabilia and historical artifacts as a memento of the occasion.

Before going their separate ways, the group attended a Sunday brunch at the home where Carol Michaelsen Evavold grew up.

Those attending were: Gary and Karen Allington of Lincoln, Calif .; Jerry and Joan (Heimbigner) Nye of Columbus, Mont .; Jon and Carol (Michaelsen) Evavold of Mukilteo, Wash .; Mike and Terri Bull of Longview, Wash .; Dick Zagelow of Bellingham, Wash .; Terry and Marty Burghard, Randy and Nanette Kagele, and Dean Turner, all of Moses Lake; Dick and Elaine (Eckhardt) Skates, Ed and Patsy (Groh) Jensen, Steve and Barbara Jessett, Janet Sackmann, Evan and Debbie Schafer, and Noel Walter, all of Spokane; Jerry Burghard, Ron and Maxine Ferderer, Patrick and Patricia Gies and Jack and Launa Scrupps.

Unable to attend were: Bud Cassell of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Bill Giles of Clackamas, Ore .; Rogher Needham of Fountain Valley, Calif .; Jim Stehr of Boise, Idaho; Mike Weber of Othello; Eldon Widmer of Moses Lake; Dick Derr of Harrington; Linda Haase Burghard of Odessa and June Haase Dawson of Odessa.

If anyone from the other classes cares to submit additional information, we can run it in next week’s Record.


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