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Washington Cattlemen's Assoc. applauds new gray-wolf status

The Washington Cattlemen’s Association (WCA) applauds the proposal from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to remove the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from the list of threatened and endangered species. The Service will open a 90-day comment period on both proposals seeking additional scientific, commercial and technical information from the public and other interested parties. The comment period will commence upon publication of the proposed rules in the Federal Register. Relevant information received during this comment period will be reviewed and addressed in the Service’s final determination on these proposals, which will be made in 2014. The Service must receive requests for public hearings, in writing, within 45 days of the publication in the Federal Register. Information on how to provide comments will be made available in the Federal Register notices and on the Service’s wolf information page at

This proposal is a welcome announcement to the livestock producers and sportsmen throughout the lower 48 said Jack Field, Executive Vice President of the WCA. The WCA believes that returning the management of wolves back to the States is the right thing to do. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Wolf Plan has created a clear path forward that will allow the WDFW to manage and control problem wolves throughout the State pending a federal delisting. Delisting the Western 2/3rds will allow the WDFW to treat the citizens of the state equally and apply the same level of management throughout the state. “State management of wolves is in the best interest of the wolf and of the people” said Jack Field. Field also believes that delisting of the western 2/3rds is essential to maintain public acceptance of the wolf plan so every stakeholder can be assured that wolves will be effectively controlled and managed.

WCA President, Vic Stokes, from Twisp said “complete federal delisting throughout Washington State is a key component to the long term recovery goals outlined within the WDFW Wolf Plan”. “Without federal delisting livestock producers in the Western 2/3rds of Washington will never have the peace of mind that problem wolves will be managed”.

WCA Wildlife/Rancher/Sportsman/ESA Committee Chairman, Dave Duncan, welcomes the announcement from the Service as well. Duncan believes “This is a critical step in assuring that livestock producers and sportsmen will remain whole throughout the wolf recovery process”.


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