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Court report


Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, July 22: Dispatchers received an “open air” phone call during which people were heard in the background talking about Darth Vader and Iron Man. Even though they heard no sounds of distress, they unsuccessfully attempted to call the number back, but it would not accept calls.

A caller reported that the same individual daily drives his vehicle between the Sprague Lake Resort and a business within the Sprague city limits at speeds of 50 to 60 mph, despite the posted 25 mph speed limit.

After a man reported two mules on property along McRae Road near Reardan, dispatchers began trying to find the owner to go and retrieve them.

A caller told dispatchers that she believes someone was responsible for a tire that “popped” while she drove her vehicle past a residence on an access road near SR 231 in the Reardan area. Those who repaired the flat tire advised her that this may not have been accidental in nature.

A Wilbur woman advised she had been attacked by a vicious dog over the weekend in the 400 block of SE County Road behind the Lutheran Church.

A boy was observed using a squirt gun to soak people from the trunk of a moving vehicle traveling throughout the Harrington city limits.

Cattle carcasses with bullet wounds were discovered on Bureau of Land Management property in the Fishtrap area.

Wilbur ambulance and Lincoln Hospital personnel assisted MedStar aerial ambulance in providing care to an 8-4-year old woman who may have suffered a stroke while staying at a local motel.

A stuck receipt touched off an alarm on the ATM machine at Reardan’s US Bank branch.

Deputies responded to a reported assault involving a 16-year-old girl and her mother at a Harrington residence.

Odessa Police investigated an attempted break-in through the back door of Ott Insurance on West 1st Avenue.

Tuesday, July 23: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted an 89-year-old man experiencing breathing difficulties.

Firearms and liquor were stolen from a camper trailer parked on Partridge Lane North in Hawk Creek Ranch Estates. A couple of days before, a cooler freshly stocked with soda and beer had been stolen from the same location.

A plane circling the north end of Sprague Lake described by a caller as appearing to be in trouble was determined to be a Boeing test aircraft known to be in the area by the Federal Aviation Administration.

A Davenport woman reported mail tampering in the 1000 block of Main Street. She noted that $20 had been removed from a birthday card sent by her aunt.

An Aspen Lane resident reported two solar panels valued at about $500 were removed from the roof of a motor home.

Wednesday, July 24: Dispatchers advised an apparently intoxicated man who phoned in complaints about a Wilbur officer that his call should be directed to the town hall there.

A disabled implement blocked traffic near the bridge at Bluestem and Polenske roads.

A 25-year-old woman discovered lying on the ground next to gas pumps at a Creston store became upset after ambulance and law enforcement personnel were sent there. She was just waiting for the store to open, she advised.

Firefighters doused a wheat field blaze in the 500 block of Hardung Road.

A woman turned herself in on an outstanding warrant but was immediately sent by corrections deputies to Lincoln Hospital because she appeared “highly overmedicated on numerous drugs.” She was examined and returned to the jail.

An Almira woman reported someone had broken into an equipment shed adjacent to Starkel Road. Damage was reported to the door frame.

A woman backed across the street and into a power pole at Mill and Bell streets in Wilbur.

Thursday, July 25: A Creston man indicated that he couldn’t sleep because of noise and odors from a truck with a running engine that had been parked for a few hours outside a local business.

A woman was placed in custody after a reported assault at a residence near Stockland Livestock Auction in Davenport.

A juvenile is suspected in a hit-and-run collision that took place in the Davenport Safeway parking lot.

Deputies investigated reports of possible drug trafficking activity in the parking lot of a Creston business.

A Davenport man reported receiving harassing text messages and phone calls.

A man said he was being photographed by another man in a blue car in the vicinity of a fruit stand on SR 2 and Creston Street in Creston.

A man was observed staggering and lying in the road in the vicinity of Davenport Family Foods and the Subway restaurant on Morgan Street.

The owner of a pig observed in the roadway in the 5000 block of Euclid Road near Reardan was asked to retrieve the animal.

A Reardan area woman told dispatchers she shot at a bear she discovered on property adjacent to SR 231 N but wasn’t sure the animal had been hit.

A man was arrested after a domestic assault took place at a residence in the 900 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport.

Friday, July 26: Creston ambulance personnel and Lincoln EMTs assisted a 78-year-old woman who may have experienced heat stroke.

Deputies assisted in the investigation of a hit-and-run collision at 4th and Alder in Odessa.

Two field fires broke out in the rural Odessa area.

A caller reported a black dog was running into traffic on Washington and Sixth streets in Davenport and narrowly escaped being hit several times.

Deputies investigated a report of harassment involving two women residing at a local shelter.

Two vehicles collided on SR 2 near the Davenport Safeway store.

A man told Odessa Police that his vehicle had been hit while parked in the 300 block of South Alder Street.

National Park Service rangers responded to reports of a boat with eight people but not enough life vests and a possibly related verbal altercation at Seven Bays Marina.

Saturday, July 27: A vehicle flipped over while traveling on SR 231 near Reardan.

A man was taken to jail on suspicion of illegally using inhalants after a traffic stop at Broadway Avenue and Maple Street in Reardan.

Inland Power and Light Co. crewmen dealt with a power line hanging about five feet from the roadway in the 6000 block of Irby Road.

Odessa Police investigated the reported theft of a motor vehicle from a residence in the 100 block of West 2nd Avenue.

National Park Service rangers responded to a beach fire on the north side of Hawk Creek Bay, only accessible by boat.

A caller described three nights of loud noise originating from other campers who were “partying and drinking” in the Fort Spokane campground.

Sunday, July 28: A caller told dispatchers he may have dislocated his shoulder after he put his motorcycle down on SR 23 at the I-90 Sprague onramp. He was transported to a Spokane hospital.

Lincoln firefighters doused a bonfire on private property in the vicinity of Valley View and Skyview roads.

A truck was demolished – with “parts of it all over” the roadway – in a rollover collision on Davis Road between Kagele and Batum roads.

A caller told dispatchers that a man wearing tan shorts and flip flops attempted to jump in front of her vehicle as it traveled on Third Street at Marshall in Davenport.

Requesting contact from a deputy, Davenport store personnel said they were wary of a man they said comes in near closing time, points a laptop at the cash register and had used a credit card that “completely shut down” the store’s system.

An ambulance was requested after a deputy encountered a man, later taken into custody, “huffing” on a can of inhalant.

Train traffic was stopped after a car became high-centered on railroad tracks south of Brown Road just off Sprague Highway Road while the driver attempted to cross them at an OHV trail.

A man in a black hoodie and gray sweatpants was observed looking inside a vehicle parked at Spring Canyon campground, causing concern for occupants, who phoned in a report to the National Park Service. It turned out the man was intoxicated and at the wrong campsite.

Someone didn’t do a good job of tying up a boat after using it on Lake Roosevelt at Swawilla Basin, allowing it to become adrift.


July 23: Sara E. Mitchell, 27, homeless, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Travis C. Thompson, 26, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

July 24: Raymond L. Jim, 67, Spokane, arrested by Reardan Police for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.

Julie A. Hickam, 52, Reardan, arrested by LCSO for residential burglary, second-degree burglary and third-degree theft.

Pamela J. Dick, 28, Nespelem, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

July 25: Grant H. Denison, 32, Wellpinit, arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence.

Tammy L. Rich, 37, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for violating a no-contact order.

Christopher J. Emerson, 22, Ellensburg, confined by the court for reckless driving.

Charles J. Garcia, 43, Fruitland, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for an unspecified felony charge.

Kevin J. Schmieder, 25, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

Joshua M. Catlin, 30, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for a narcotics charge.

Lyle Peter Abrahamson, 31, Fruitland, arrested by LCSO on a Spokane County warrant.

Donald O. Horn, 57, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).

July 26: David B. Anderson, 38, Davenport, confined by the court for driving while license suspended.

July 28: Andrew B. McDowell, 20, Wilbur, arrested by LCSO for illegal inhaling of toxic fumes.

David B. Anderson, 38, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

July 29: Rudra B. Mongar, 35, Spokane, arrested by Wilbur Police for driving while under the influence.

Gary Leroy Doughty, 41, Everett, Wash., confined 15 days by the court for driving while license suspended.

Held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections – July 23: Wayne Allen Lang, 60, Spokane Valley; Benjamin F. Cooper, 28, Spokane; Michael T. Gaze, 31, Wellpinit; Ryan P. Graham, 40, Spokane.


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Civil Judgment

Finding that a computer error had been made in the county Auditor’s Office during the May filing period and that she was ineligible due to her residency (in Director District 2), the court ordered that Merilla L. Hopkins be disqualified as a candidate for Davenport School Board Position 1, but listed on the November ballot for Position 4 (the at-large seat she currently holds), creating a contested race between her and Brad Sweet, who had previously served as Position 2 director.

New Criminal Cases

Julie Ann Hickam, 52, of Reardan, is charged with residential burglary, second-degree burglary and third-degree theft in connection with the taking between July 7 and 14 of property from a residence and unattached garage at 330 N. Birch in Reardan. Items taken included a sewing machine, stroller and BB gun. The crime victim was in the process of moving from the residence at the time.

Kevin Lee Heeb, 30, of Quincy, Wash., is charged with three counts of first-degree possession of stolen property in connection with an alleged chop shop in the vicinity of SR 174 near Grand Coulee. There, officers found a Peterbilt truck, trailer and dump trailer, valued at more than $100,000, that had been taken without permission from Weber Farms in Quincy.

Juvenile Offender Disposition

Citing insufficient evidence, a charge of fourth-degree assault against a 16-year-old Harrington girl was dismissed at the request of the prosecuting attorney. Filed on July 16, the case involved an allegation that the girl’s mother had been punched at their residence on July 13.

New Civil Case

Lincoln County seeks payment of delinquent taxes from Lloyd M. Bud Burress, Angel L. Gullett, Michael J. Petty, Patricia A. Smith, Keith Schulz, Sr., Latisha M. Ellery, the Janice A. Geistwhite Estate, Justin Brooks, Donald R. Bradeen, Ian Rubel, Liane Rubel, Michael J. Delaney, Scott F. Litchfield and Barbara K. Litchfield.


Estate of Pauline L. Hennings, of Sprague, who died June 29.

Estate of Elizabeth L. Green, of Wilbur, who died July 8.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Lindsey Donna Van Buren, Davenport, expired vehicle registration, fined $75; no proof of liability insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Alisha Nicole Perez, Spokane, speeding (10 mph over limit), $75.

Ernest Lee Bennett, Tonasket, speeding (18 over), $95.

Loren Lee Peha, Almira, no boat registration, $150.

Ramona Gay Cooper, Spokane, speeding (15 over), $95; no insurance, $190.

Octavio N. Gleason Sanchez, Aberdeen, Wash., speeding (20 over), $115; fail to notify state Department of Licensing of address change, $75.

Susan Ellen Johnston, Spokane, seat belt violation, contested, found not committed.

John James Hartz, Jr., Spokane, seat belt violation, contested, found not committed.

Brian Scott Glaze, Davenport, no insurance, $190.

Susan Rose Hoberg, Spokane, no insurance, $290.

Alexis Claire Hopkins, Spokane, no insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Jennifer Lynn Howard, Davenport, speeding (10 over), contested, found committed, $75.

Otis J. Hutchinson, Creston, no valid operator’s license, $225 (count 1), $225 (count 2); no insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Virginia Marie Kelly, Omak, speeding (10 over), $75; expired vehicle registration, $75.

Conrad John Larned, Spokane Valley, speeding (12 over), $95; no insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Shaina Marie LeBret, Ford, no insurance, $190.

Eugene Steven Maas, Spokane, speeding (10 over), $124.

William Dwayne Marchand, Omak, passing on right, contested, found not committed; fail to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk, found not committed.

Harvey John C. Moses III, Nespelem, no insurance, $190; defective windshield, $75; fail to sign/carry vehicle registration, $75.

Tamara Jean Nelson, Sprague, dog at-large, contested, found not committed.

Sara Cedar Parker, Spokane, speeding (10 over), $75.

Paul S. Pavlov, Spokane, speeding (18 over), $135; no motorcycle endorsement, $75.

Elizabeth Ann Ricketts, Davenport, school crosswalk violation (Reardan), contested, found not committed.

James Alan Rouse, Spokane, speeding (20 over), $75; expired vehicle registration, $75 (count 1), $100 (count 2); no insurance, $75 (count 1), $190 (count 2).

Richard Elbert Sherwood, Spokane, expired vehicle registration, $116.

Gregory D. McLean, Jr., Coulee City, speeding (15 over), $100.

Donald Alex Tonasket, Spokane Valley, driving while under the influence, pleaded guilty, 83 days confinement (including 8 by electronic home monitoring), $4,982.76 restitution, $1,700 fine, $1,417.77 court costs, ignition interlock ordered, 24 months supervised and 36 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment, DUI victims panel, no possession or use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs.

Maria Victoria Sanchez, Nespelem, probation violation (making false statement), 5 days confinement (3 converted to 30 hours community service), $100 court costs.

Shane Allen Schilling, Spokane, probation adjustment (criminal trespass, third-degree theft), monthly payments decreased to $35.


Lincoln County Auditor’s Office

Nina Marie Rosenlund, 18, and Clayton Mark Tapani, 20, both of Davenport.

Heaven Leigh Gulian, 24, and Timothy Steven Fredrichs, 36, both of Charles City, Iowa.

Stacey Ann Harty, 47, and Stacy Ann Hausman, 43, both of Spokane.

Joshua Jay Wilson, 32, and Krista Kay Schneider, 27, both of Tum Tum.

Note: The first filing listed is corrected from last week; Nina Rosenlund’s first name was misspelled.


Lincoln County Clerk’s Office

New filings: 10 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office

Peggy Ann Marshlain, Lincoln, to Larry J. Marshlain, Lincoln, Lot 24 Roosevelt Lake Ranch Division 3, Sec. 21, T27N, R35E; Lot 25, Roosevelt Lake Ranch Division 3, Sec. 21, T27N, R35E, East Mill Drive; and 1999 27x56 mobile home; gift.

James B. Goodman, Davenport, to Chad E. Shaver and Dawn M. Shaver, Davenport, Tract B, Hillside Estates Short Plat, $46,000.

Lorinda (Mrs. Jeffrey R.) Kershaw (formerly Lorinda A. Goodman), Wilbur, to Jeffrey R. Kershaw and Lorinda Kershaw, Wilbur, north 75 feet, Lots 1-4 and north 75 feet of west 10 feet Lot 5, and south 45 feet Lots 1-4 and south 45 feet of west 10 feet Lot 5, all in Blk. 21, Thomison’s Addition to Wilbur, $0.

Dale D. Badgley and Marlene J. Badgley, Wilbur, to Kathryn M. (Mrs. Larry) Clark, Wilbur, Lots 11-3, Blk. 9, Yount’s Addition, Town of Wilbur, $56,000.

R & L Stone Family LLC, Harrington, to Gregory A. Tozer and Mary D. Tozer, Issaquah, Wash., portion of Sec. 22, T23N, R36E, $149,500.

Ted E. Wolf and Helen Wolf, Grand Coulee, to Ted L. Coffey, Spokane Valley, Lots 9-12, Blk. 18, Yount’s Addition to Town of Wilbur, $12,500.

Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Assoc.), Dallas, Texas, to John F. Smith, Davenport, Lot 1 and east 40 feet of Lot 2, Blk. 7, Dillon’s Addition to City of Davenport and north half of adjacent vacated alley, $76,500.


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