The Lincoln County Fair, which ended last Sunday, drew many Odessa-area exhibitors and visitors. This week, The Record begins its coverage of the fair with some of the pictures and information gathered following the event. The official fair results will likely be posted later in the week, so we will run more comprehensive information in our next edition.
Audrey Beck of Odessa was the first to bring in her own results to The Record. She entered 20 garments into the Lincoln County Fair and won 20 first-place ribbons. She also won two ‘Best of Show’ awards and a ‘Commissioners’ Award’.
Division 7 – Fleece, Section 1: one pink baby bunting, one blue baby bunting (Best of Show), one blue baby jacket, one child’s blue and yellow sweatshirt.
Division 1, Section 6: one long- sleeved western shirt, one camouflage short-sleeved shirt, one camouflage long-sleeved shirt, one ‘moo shirt.’ Section 5: one Holly Hobbie dress and hat; green dress; pinafore, hat and panties (Best of Show); pink dress; pinafore; pink dress with panties.
Section 1: one blue, flowered long dress.
Section 8: one christening dress and bonnet (Commissioners’ Award).
Division 1, Section 2: one girl’s nightgown with matching American Girl doll nightgown.
Division 3, Section 7: American Girl doll clothes; one pink rain coat, hat and boots; one short blue dress (with apron and hat), one green coat and hat; one brown dress, hat, panties.
As community members share their information with us, we will include it next week with more complete LC Fair coverage.
See fair photos, pp. 5, 6 and 8.
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