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Court Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Aug. 26: Juveniles were observed recklessly driving a golf cart in the vicinity of the 1000 block of Washington Street in Davenport.

Tuesday, Aug. 27: Davenport ambulance personnel transported a man having breathing difficulties to Lincoln Hospital.

Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 70-year-old man who apparently fell at the eastbound I-90 rest area and appeared to have been living out of his car.

A Creston man told dispatchers that a man in a car yelled at him and his dog in the 200 block of NE E Street. He threatened to break the dog's neck if it tried to bite him.

Dispatchers were advised of forged divorce papers introduced in Superior Court.

Deputies investigated a narcotics incident in the eastern portion of the county.

Harrington firefighters were sent to the scene of a bonfire at a residence in the 300 block of North Third Street.

Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted local police with a 15-year-old girl who experienced lightheadedness while playing volleyball in the school gym.

Wednesday, Aug. 28: A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place on SR 28 about six miles west of Odessa.

Deputies checked into a report that zoning and building codes were being violated on property along Telecky Road near Edwall, where 50 dogs were allegedly being kept in tiny pens with no shelter. Deputies found the "rescue dogs" had water and igloo houses while their owners (one an employee of the Spokane Humane Society) were finishing construction of pens.

Wilbur Police encountered a man in a sleeping bag on the city park stage.

Thursday, Aug. 29: A Davenport man reported the theft of the top of a toolbox in a truck parked in the 1000 block of Maxwell Street.

After an Almira woman received a Facebook message claiming she had won the Texas lottery, she sent $200 before discovering she had been scammed.

A motor home parked outside the Davenport fire hall while its occupants used WiFi in the area became an obstruction to the emergency vehicles inside.

An ammonia leak was reported on a large tank at Crop Production Services in Davenport.

Friday, Aug. 30: Reardan emergency personnel assisted Davenport ambulance in responding to help a 63-year-old man who had fallen down stairs.

Davenport ambulance personnel transported a woman, five months pregnant, who was experiencing dizziness and was visual impaired from a Teel Hill Road residence to Lincoln Hospital.

A Davenport woman told dispatchers that a boy had stolen pills from a residence in the 500 block of Maxwell Street.

A large wheat spill was reported on SR 23 near railroad tracks in Harrington.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer was reported on SR 174 near Grand Coulee.

County Public Works was advised about a yield sign down at the intersection of Mondovi and Zeimantz roads.

A small leak was reported from Colville's, Inc., fuel pumps in the 100 block of East Broadway Avenue in Reardan.

Saturday, Aug. 31: The operator of a 4-wheeler seen driving around the Lincoln community reportedly was drunk and yelled at people.

Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a woman in the 800 block of Logan Street who reportedly suffered a diabetic reaction.

Davenport Food Mart reported a man left without paying for fuel.

Deputies located a girl who had been reported missing from a Davenport residence.

A woman fled her Davenport home after her husband allegedly attacked her with a hammer. The man was placed into custody by responding deputies.

A large bonfire was reported in the lower level of Deer Meadows.

Odessa Police took a woman's report that she had received a picture of male genitalia as part of a Facebook "friend" request.

Sunday, Sept. 1: After a Davenport woman reported her car missing, deputies found it with her daughter's boyfriend.

A pitbull's owner was cited for dog at-large after it got loose in the 1500 block of Main Street in Davenport.

A Sprague area resident requested assistance with two camouflaged bow hunters he believed had trespassed on his property near the old Sprague highway.

Construction equipment parked on an access road into property in the vicinity of Sprinkle Road and Old Sunset Highway proved an obstacle for a resident who was prevented from watering cattle.

A guardrail was damaged in a collision involving a vehicle pulling a boat on Miles Creston Road just north of Hawk Creek Road. Alcohol was believed to be a factor in the incident.

Wilbur Police investigated a hit-and-run that left a school fence damaged. Located shortly thereafter, the driver acknowledged the collision, explaining he took his eyes off the road to check a cell phone prior to striking the fence at Division and College streets.

Odessa Police investigated the theft of rocks of unknown value from a yard in the 400 block of South Birch Street.


Aug. 26: Andrew B. McDowell, 20, Wilbur, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for minor in possession.

Aug. 27: Rodney H. Wilson, 46, Moses Lake, confined by the court for burglary and theft.

Aug. 28: Kiernan Chrisman, 19, Creston, arrested by LCSO for first-degree rape of a child.

Kathy M. Ickes, 47, Spokane, arrested by LCSO on an out-of-county warrant.

Charles W. Kerney, 46, Airway Heights, held three days under contract with City of Airway Heights.

Aug. 29: Edward W. Childers, 52, Harrington, arrested by Reardan Police for driving while under the influence.

Garrett D. Stensgar, 19, Nespelem, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for minor in possession operating a motor vehicle.

Daniel Dewayne Deines, 42, Garden City, Idaho, arrested by LCSO for failing to comply with the court's sentence for residential burglary.

Lisa M. Schafer, 47, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence.

Aug. 30: Christian J. Eckert, 49, Spokane, serving a Lincoln County District Court sentence.

Sean M. Hurley, 34, Airway Heights, held under contract with City of Airway Heights.

Aug. 31: Thomas J. Murdoch, 59, Davenport, confined by Lincoln County District Court for fourth-degree assault.

Sept. 1: Leonard H. Woolsey, 25, Creston, confined by the court for driving while under the influence and reckless endangerment.

Sept. 2: Dani J. Stensgar, 23, Nespelem, confined by Lincoln County District Court for driving while under the influence.

Sept. 3: Nigel J. Nuckles, 47, Spokane, confined by the court for driving while under the influence.

Held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections - Aug. 26: Antoney C. Jones, 19, Spokane; Weslie I. Veazie, 25, Spokane Valley. Aug. 27: Carol E. Cross, 51, Spokane; Benjamin M. Crockerbeck, 23, Spokane; Tyler B. Morlan, 21, Spokane. Aug. 28: David M. Cook, 42, Spokane; Michael T. Deboer, 26, Colbert. Aug. 29: Terisa E. Schellhas, 49, Spokane; Kody C. Breckner, 24, Spokane. Aug. 30: Nicholas A. Fuentes, 48, Spokane (and Spokane Police warrants). Sept. 3: Daphne R. Wilson, 45, Spokane.


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Sentencings

Adam Bronson Cain, 28, Harrington, pleaded guilty Aug. 13 to third-degree theft (amended through plea negotiations from second-degree theft). His sentence includes three days jail (all credited as served), $850.50 restitution to Wheatland Bank in Davenport and $200 court costs. The matter involved a counterfeit check cashed at the bank on Oct. 26 of last year.

Jesse Joseph Arruda, 60, Davenport, pleaded guilty Aug. 27 to fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and violating a protection order (amended through plea negotiations). His sentence includes 24 months probation, 90 days jail (with 69 credited as served and 21 suspended), $700 court costs and a domestic violence no-contact order. The charges stem from a May 6 incident involving a household member.

Jesse Ryan Durnford, 21, Spokane, pleaded guilty to solicitation to possess a controlled substance (amended through plea negotiations from possession of methamphetamine. His sentence includes 24 months probation, $700 court costs plus attorney reimbursement, drug/alcohol evaluation, testing and treatment, and a prohibition against possessing and using non-prescribed drugs.cident.

A jury on Aug. 16 found Tyler Chapman, 38, a transient, guilty of six of 13 charges involving burglary, theft, malicious mischief and criminal trespassing last March at the Ritzville Warehouse Co. Crab Creek grain elevator and a Sprague residence, from which a motorbike was taken. His Aug. 29 sentence includes 68 months in prison, payment of $49,640.70 restitution (shared with two co-defendants and possibly two others, if convicted) to Ritzville Warehouse Co., Mainline Rock and Ballast of Spokane (from which a quantity of copper wire was stolen), and to a Sprague resident. He also must pay $800 court costs.

New Criminal Cases

Carlin Daniel Shumway, 18, Davenport, is charged with second-degree burglary and second-degree theft in connection with a break-in at Trinity Bible Fellowship in Davenport between Aug. 11 and 18. Two TV screens valued at $550 each were taken; one was recovered in Davenport, the other in Airway Heights. A 15-year-old boy also is believed to be involved in the case.

Gregory Allen Schuler, 56, Lamona, is charged with four counts of first degree animal cruelty after four apparently underfed and allegedly mistreated horses were the focus of an investigation on Aug. 12.

New Civil Case

In an unlawful detainer matter involving premises at 406 Main in Harrington, Swen Bergman of Newport seeks eviction and payment of four months rent totaling $1,650 from Jenie Hester.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Timothy P. Gavigan, Duvall, Wash., speeding (10 mph over limit), contested, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Dennis Ronald Swenson, Jr., Davenport, no proof of liability insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs; cell phone use while driving, contested, found not committed; driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $593 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.

David Keith Campbell, Cheney, fourth-degree assault, pleaded guilty, 5 days jail converted to 50 hours community service, $943 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation; fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and third-degree malicious mischief (domestic violence), both dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Diana Kate Hoppes, Davenport, driving while under the influence, amended to negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail (1 credited as served), $743 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs, ignition interlock; driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Brian Keith Hammack, Davenport, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 10 days jail, $843 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Anita Frances Thomas, Fruitland, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 5 days jail, $593 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Dustin Thomas Hayes, Omak, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 20 days jail; driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 10 days jail, $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Jimmy Jackson Sijohn, Wellpinit, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days house arrest (electronic home monitoring), $100 court costs.

Isabella C. Collins, Spokane Valley, driving while under the influence, amended to negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $1,010.69 court assessments, ignition interlock, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel; possession of marijuana, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Thomas Jerry Boring, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail (credited as served), $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Andrew McDowell, Wilbur, probation violation (inhaling), 10 days jail; probation violation (negligent driving), 30 days jail (3 credited as served); probation violation (minor in possession), 30 days jail (3 credited as served), $102 court costs.

David John Hill, Spokane, no vehicle registration, $75; no insurance, $190.

Jeffrey Robert Holm, Spokane, second-degree criminal trespass, pleaded guilty, 14 days jail (all credited as served).


Lincoln County Auditor's Office

Casey William Sliger, 21, Spokane, and Alyshia Marie Sheckler, 21, Wilbur.

Britni Louise Boutain, 21, and Sutton Murdock Eckhart, 21, both of Almira.

Morgan Alexandra Thomsen, 27, Spokane Valley, and Joseph Brian Morcom, 26, Nampa, Idaho.


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings: 128 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for annulment or invalidity of marriage: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Lincoln County Treasurer's Office

James Buchanan and Sandy Buchanan, Davenport, to Kenneth E. Horner and Carolyn J. Horner, Reardan, Lot 10, Blk. 72, Essig's Addition to City of Davenport, $37,500.

Estate of James H. Cowley, Henderson, Nev., to James L. Fryer and Judith A. Fryer, Huntington Beach, Calif., 2006 66x54 mobile home, $40,000.

Teel Land LLC and Richard C. Teel and Barbara J. Teel (managers), Davenport, to Michael L. Stormo and Jacqueline E. Stormo, Odessa, portion of Sec. 15, T27N, R37E, subject to easements, $0.

West Prairie LLC, Davenport, to Clint Kieffer and Dina Kieffer, Davenport, Lots 1 and 2, and north half of Lot 3, Blk. 10, Gibson and Sawyer's Addition to City of Davenport, $35,000.

Leland Land & Livestock LLC, Spokane, to Timothy L. Martin and Kathleen G. Martin, Kennewick, Wash., portion of Sec. 30, T28N, R37E, $90,000.

GMAC Mortgage LLC, Fort Washington, Pa., to U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas, west half of Lot 9, and all of Lot 10, Blk. 13, Original Town of Davenport, $0.

Constance M. Rollison-Hamel, Spokane, to Peter W. Hamel, Spokane, Lot 9, all of Lot 10, Blk. 13, Original Town of Davenport, $40,000.

U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C., to Peter W. Hamel, Spokane, west half of Lot 9, all of Lot 10, Blk. 13, Original Town of Davenport, $40,000.

Robert C. Johnson, Reardan, to Bank of America, Fort Worth, Texas, Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 21, Fairweather Addition to Town of Reardan and 1977 double-wide manufactured home, $0.

Julie Ann Garman, Chehalis, Wash., to Jerry Cook, Pateros, Wash., Lot 10, Deer Heights Plat No. 2, $83,000.

Timothy J. Young and Dena L. Young, Davenport, to Kevin Borden, Davenport, Lot 6, Blk. 28, Timmon's Second Addition to Town of Davenport, $97,900.

Victoria C. Knapp, Kathryn J. Thompson and Jennifer A. Ruthruff, Harrington, to Christina Lynch and Daniel H. Lynch, Harrington, Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 40, Original Town of Harrington, except east 25 feet of Lot 11; and 1978 mobile home, $49,900.

Joseph W. Day and Carol E. Day, Chattaroy, to Franklin H. Day and Bonnie Sue Erickson, Spokane Valley, portion of Sec. 35, T26N, R39E, gift.

Douglas W. Kennedy, Spokane, to Kennedy Family Trust (Douglas W. Kennedy and Dianne C. Kennedy, trustees), Spokane, undivided one-half interest in portion of Sec. 18, T26N, R33E, $0.

Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Bellevue, Wash., to Federal National Mortgage Association, Dallas, Texas, Lot 1, Blk. 39, Timmon's Second Addition to City of Davenport, $89,250.


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