The Odessa Town Council met Monday night in the public library to begin making plans for the implementation of Initiative 502 passed by voters last fall legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Mayor Doug Plinski said that since the federal government has declared that it will not interfere with states that have passed such laws, even though possession, sale and distribution of marijuana remain illegal according to federal laws.
The state liquor control board has been moving forward with plans for licensing retail facilities within the state, and only a limited number of licenses will be issued. Lincoln County, for example, will be allocated two licenses. Where those retail businesses might be located is still an open question.
Plinski said that existing state law mandates that business dealings having to do with marijuana and other drugs must remain at least 1,000 feet from schools, parks, day-care centers, etc. where groups of children are present. That law makes most of the town of Odessa off limits for any kind of retail sales establishment for marijuana. There are limited areas, however, where it would be possible, so the town must consider passing its own legislation to control where sales and growing operations might locate, Plinski said.
After some debate, the council voted to have the mayor and several council members meet with the town’s police officers, the planning commission and the town attorney to draft a resolution for a moratorium on the establishment of any new marijuana-related businesses for six months to give the town government more time to research the approaches taken by other municipalities and to decide how best to meet the requirements of the new law.
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