Fateful Election of 1932 was without much exitment
A look back into the files of The Record shows that the campaign for the election of 1932, which would change the fate of America, didn’t cause much of a stir in Odessa.
There wasn’t much talk of the campaign. For weeks in advance of the November 8 voting, The Record carried little or nothing about national, state or local issues. The spotlight, of course was on the presidential race, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt versus Herbert Hoover.
In a straw vote at Odessa High School, Hoover came out the winner, 79 to 68. The Record headlined news of the election: “Roosevelt Is Odessa’s Choice.” The Odessa county was 292 votes for Roosevelt to 148 for Hoover.
Eight parties were included on the ballot, the Republican, Democratic, Socialist, Independent, Socialist-Labor, Liberty, Prohibition and Communist, with a non-partisan judicial ticket appended.
100 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
September 26, 1913
There have been issued in Lincoln county a total of 970 hunters’ licenses, a number nearly double that of recent years. The last week 366 licenses were issued, many of them to Spokane sportsmen. Most of the hunters returned discouraged at their killings. Experienced duck hunters say that the ducks are this year scattered over greater territory, as many lakes did not dry up at much as in former years.
75 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
September 29,1938
Harold Kern, a member of the United States navy, has completed his probationary period and has qualified for the Communication-Clerical school, where he will be for four months, before taking actual sea duty.
A fire, caused by lightning, destroyed an unused barn on property leased by Henry Rehn in the Willis district.
The spell of hot weather which continued during September was broken by an electrical storm and dust clouds on Friday night. Farmers, hoping for a good rain so they can seed winter wheat, were disappointed.
50 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
September 26,1963
The Odessa schools have the most enrollment this term of any in Lincoln county, according to figures released by E.L. Anglemyer, county superintendent.
According to the report there are 2,698 enrolled in county schools this term compared to 2,734 last term, a decrease of 36 students.
The list shows enrollment both last term and the new term for the districts in the county as follows: Odessa - 523 last term, 532 this term; Davenport, 506 last term and 508; Reardan, 418 and 429; Wilbur, 398 and 383; Harrington, 293 and 278; Creston, 196 and 175; Almira, 166 and 162, and Sprague, 161 and 159.
10 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
September 25, 2003
There couldn’t have been better weather for Deutschesfest 2003 last weekend.
All four days of the 33rd annual Fest were beautiful. It was late summer weather, with temperatures in the mid-70s and a sunny sky with a few billowy, white clouds.
Odessa’s second-, fourth-, seventh- and 10th graders are near the state average in the recently reported 2003 Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) results.
25 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
September 22, 1988
The host float during the Saturday Deutsches Fest parade was Odessa’s own community float, the one that has garnered awards in each parade entered this year. Odessa’s Junior Miss, Teresa Repp and princesses Becki Jantz and Kelly Schafer were on deck for the parades.
Winners in this year’s Ugly Beard Contest were presented prizes from the sponsoring Wheatland Bank. Picked by judges Larena Sodam of Smoky Point and Shannon Siekerman and Rocky McQueen of Spokane the winners were Jim Sinnot of Spokane, best looking existing beard; Jim Tanferani of Odessa, fullest existing beard; Dale Deife of Odessa, best groomed new beard; Jim Zimprich of Odessa, fullest new beard; Karut Houck of Conway, ugliest existing beard and Odessa’s Mike Conklin had the ugliest new beard.
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