Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Oct. 21: Corrections deputies had to deal with an assault involving two male inmates who had been arguing with each other.
A woman gave deputies "a stack of paperwork" regarding an alleged trespassing incident on Johns Rocky Way north of Davenport.
A caller advised that someone let the air out of a tire on her car while parked in front of a Davenport business in the 500 block of Morgan Street.
Tuesday, Oct. 22: A pile of tires was found dumped at the I-90/SR 23 on-ramp near Sprague.
The fender of a patrol vehicle sustained damage from a collision with a guardrail on SR 2 near Reardan.
Deputies responded to a narcotics-related incident in the 1000 block of Sinclair Street in Davenport.
Reardan Police responded to a report of a 37-year-old man who was yelling and screaming outside a residence in the 300 block of North Laurel.
Wednesday, Oct. 23: Reardan-Edwall School officials reported a man had offered candy to children waiting at a bus stop near Coulee Hite and Ritchie roads in Spokane County. The suspect may have a history of sex crimes and child luring.
A caller reported hearing footsteps outside her residence on Denny Station Road in the Edwall area.
A man was arrested after two deputies assisted a state Fish and Wildlife officer who "had questions" about "medical marijuana" growing on property adjacent to Rays Place North in the Mill Canyon area north of Davenport.
A deputy driving in foggy conditions advised he almost hit a black cow on Hume Road near its intersection with SR 25 north of Davenport.
Wilbur Police assisted an 86-year-old man who had fallen and possibly disabled his hip at a residence in the 700 block of SE Railroad.
Reardan Police took a report from the owner of rental property in the 600 block of East Cottonwood who claimed someone threatened to shoot him if he showed the unit to prospective tenants.
Thursday, Oct. 24: A semi-truck was reported in the ditch at SR 2 and Sheffels Road.
A Davenport woman told dispatchers she found the gas cap removed from her vehicle while parked overnight on East Marshall Street and believes someone tried to siphon gas from it.
A quantity of copper pipe was taken during a burglary at an Oehlschlager Road residence.
A 1953 Singer sewing machine was missing after a break-in of a storage shed on property adjacent to SR 174 near Grand Coulee.
A caller expressed concern about a 12-year-old child he saw standing on the bumper of a moving vehicle in the 100 block of North 7th in Almira.
A caller reported being tailgated by a dump truck while traveling north on SR 231 from Reardan.
Odessa Police investigated a possible theft involving unauthorized use of a credit account.
Friday, Oct. 25: Deputies investigated a trespassing incident at property adjacent to Olson Road North in the Davenport area.
A caller complained about excessive noise from a unit in the Lakeview Terrace Mobile Home Park near Grand Coulee.
Saturday, Oct. 26: While visiting a residence they're purchasing in the 200 block of South First Street in Harrington, a couple discovered a woman inside who was in the process of carrying items out of the house. Despite the woman's claims, she did not have the seller's permission to be there and was arrested for residential burglary.
Deputies worked two Davenport city code violations in the 600 block of Ross Street and the 200 block of Seventh.
After a collision with a deer on SR 2 near Creston, a vehicle began to leak fuel and emit steam from antifreeze. Two occupants suffered possible neck injuries and one, a woman, was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport after possibly experiencing a panic attack.
Saying his nose was broken, a man reported being assaulted by a juvenile grandson, who was taken into custody after deputies responded to the Pine Court residence in Seven Bays.
Sunday, Oct. 27: Burlington Northern Santa Fe personnel were called to repair a malfunctioning railroad crossing gate at Coleman Road near its intersection with Bluestem Road.
A caller told dispatchers he found a chain cut by bolt cutters and on the ground outside a shop building on SR 23 near Sprague.
A Sprague woman returned to the local fueling station within minutes of leaving her wallet inside but could not find it. Deputies arranged to watch the store video to see if it showed anyone taking it.
A tree was down across Teel Hill Road, creating a traffic hazard.
A man locked himself out of his vehicle at the I-90 Sprague rest area and had to "hold out" in the restroom to keep warm while waiting for assistance.
Oct. 22: Marco Antonio Ortiz, 23, Mt. Vernon, Wash., arrested by Washington State Patrol on an out-of-state felony warrant.
Oct. 23: Matthew J. Schmoyer, 19, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear on a narcotics charge.
Danielle Lea Wozniak, 28, Spokane, held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections.
Robert M. Ceremello, 47, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for manufacturing marijuana.
Oct. 24: Rudra B. Mongar, 35, Spokane, confined one day by the court for first-degree negligent driving.
Nathan E. Eldred, 36, Wellpinit, arrested by LCSO for contempt of court.
Oct. 25: Jeremy M. Mace, 27, Airway Heights, held under contract with City of Airway Heights.
Carlin D. Shumway, 18, Davenport, confined one day by the court for first-degree criminal trespass.
Trina D. Andrew, 30, Wellpinit, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Oct. 26: Anuar A. Uriassolis, 20, Airway Heights, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended (out-of-county warrant).
Katherine C. Collins, 59, Harrington, arrested by LCSO for residential burglary.
Oct. 29: Ryan William A. Louie, 29, Omak, arrested by Reardan Police for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Disposition
Carlin Daniel Shumway, 18, of Davenport, pleaded guilty Oct. 22 to first-degree criminal trespass (amended through plea negotiations from second-degree burglary and third-degree theft) in connection with last summer's break-in and taking of TV sets from Trinity Bible Fellowship, a Davenport church. His sentence included two days jail (one credited as served) and $700 court costs.
Juvenile Offender Disposition
Jake D. Potter, 15, Davenport, pleaded guilty Oct. 22 to second-degree burglary (a second-degree theft charge was dismissed after plea negotiations) in connection with a break-in at Trinity Bible Fellowship, a Davenport church, last summer. He must serve 10 days detention (2 credited as served), 75 hours community service and 12 months community supervision, and pay restitution to be determined and $100 court costs.
Civil Judgments
Michael W. and Sherri L. Frederick, doing business as Chiefs Bar and Grill in Odessa, must pay $9,172.31 in taxes owed from March through June of this year to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
Carl O. and Amber L. Gronlund, doing business as Carl's Tire in Wilbur, must pay $2,178.56 in unpaid workers compensation taxes to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
Controls Instruments Automation, of Davenport, must pay $5,295.68 in taxes owed from May through July of this year to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
Scott A. and Tami Warrington, of Wilbur, must pay $9,376.63 due on a $10,027.63 credit card obligation to Capital One Bank.
New Criminal Cases
Kristina Marie Kuehne, 28, of Wilbur, is charged with second-degree possession of stolen property in connection with items taken from a Wilbur residence on Oct. 4 and 6. Iems recovered from a Spokane pawn shop included TV sets and jewelry valued at more than $3,250.
Adam Bronson Cain, 28, Davenport, is charged with forgery and second-degree identity theft in connection with a March 10 incident involving a stolen check for $395 from a Davenport woman's account.
Robert Michael Ceremello, 47, Davenport, is charged with possession with intent to manufacture or deliver marijuana in connection with an Oct. 23 incident in the Mill Canyon area north of Davenport.
Katherine Cecile Collins, 59, of Harrington, is charged with residential burglary in connection with an Oct. 26 incident inside a home in the 200 block of South 1st. Entering the house they are in the process of purchasing, a couple discovered an intruder who had been moving several items to the back yard without permission. The defendant was also referred to as "Kathy King" in police reports included in the court record.
New Juvenile Offender Matters
A 17-year-old Davenport boy was charged Oct. 18 with harassment and making threats to kill in connection with incidents between Oct. 1 and 15. But after an Oct. 22 hearing, it was noted by the court that it found no probable cause and that an order to dismiss the charge was forthcoming.
A 15-year-old Ritzville boy is charged with residential burglary, third-degree theft and second-degree theft in connection with the taking of electronic equipment and cash from two separate Odessa residences on Sept. 21 and 23.
New Civil Cases
In an unlawful detainer matter, Grand Vista LLC (Lakeview Terrace Mobile Home Park), of Grand Coulee, seeks unpaid rent and restitution of premises from Troy Dice, also of Grand Coulee.
In a personal injury matter, Susan Randel, of Wilbur, alleges negligence by the Wilbur Senior Center and the Town of Wilbur and seeks unspecified damages and attorney fees for injuries claimed suffered to her wrist, neck and back as a result of slipping and falling on an icy sidewalk outside the Senior Center on Dec. 9, 2010.
Estate of Robert J. Bowen, of Spokane, who died Sept. 25.
Estate of Keller David Denway, of Spokane, who died July 28.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Eugene Petty, Davenport, probation violation (driving while license suspended), fined $50.
Joshua Michael Cox, Spokane, minor in possession, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Levi Stefan Mallory, Fruitland, driver younger than age 21 consuming alcohol or marijuana, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
David Elder, Odessa, no valid operator's license, fined $250 plus $150 attorney reimbursement.
Jody M. Arnold, Everett, Wash., driving while under the influence, dismissed at prosecutor's request; first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, $958.36 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Robert Hamilton Hughes IV, Spokane, driving while license suspended, amended to no valid operator's license (deputy failed to provide report to prosecutor), fined $250 plus $150 attorney reimbursement.
Stacee Lee Hilliard, Harrington, fail to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Thomas James Murdock, Davenport, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor's request.
David Benny Anderson, Davenport, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 10 days jail, $743 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Rudra B. Mongar, Spokane, driving while under the influence, amended at prosecutor's request to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $1,073.90 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, ignition interlock, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel.
Mikhail V. Posheyko, Spokane Valley, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 18 days jail converted to 30 days electronic home monitoring, $843 court assessments.
Po Hau Hla, Spokane, driving while under the influence, amended at prosecutor's request to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, $793 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, ignition interlock, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, DUI victims' panel.
Lincoln County Auditor's Office
Brian Bernie Bourque, 37, and Nadine Jane Khan, 36, both of Federal Way, Wash.
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 40 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Arthur D. Deife (Dale A. Deife), Odessa, to Deife Farm Family LLC, Odessa, portion of Sec. 31, T21N, R33E, and portion of Sec. 6, T22N, R33E, subject to easements, $0.
Nancy A. Deife, Odessa, to Arthur D. Deife, Odessa, Lot 2, Two Rivers East Ridge Short Plat, $0.
Arthur D. Deife, Odessa, to Deife Family LLC, Odessa, Lot 2, Two Rivers East Ridge Short Plat, $0.
Don and Nona Reinbold Family LLC, Davenport, to Egypt Properties LLC, Davenport, portion of Sec. 3, T27N, R36E, $1,500.
Kirk Lent Corp., Tacoma, to Stephen L. Crandall and Rebekah L. Crandall, Enumclaw, Wash., Lot 1, Morning Dove Short Plat, $119,000.
Egypt Properties LLC, Davenport, to Don and Nona Reinbold Family LLC, Davenport, portion of Sec. 3, T27N, R36E, $927.25.
Don and Nona Reinbold Family LLC, Davenport, to Egypt Properties LLC, Davenport, portion of Sec. 3, T27N, R36E, $240.00.
IndyMac Venture LLC, Austin, Texas, to James B. Goodman and Jane S. Goodman (trustees, Goodman Living Trust), Davenport, Tract A. Hillside Estates Short Plat, $21,000.
BlackCastle LLC, Newport Beach, Calif., to Jerry D. Schafer and Ellen K. Schafer, Odessa, all of Lot 13, Blk. 18, Trantum and Schoonover's Addition to the Town of Odessa, $30,000.
Blake D. Angstrom and Bradley D. Angstrom, Creston, to Bradley D. Angstrom and Claudine K. Angstrom, Creston, east half of Lot 19, Blk. 21, Original Town of Creston, gift.
Blake D. Angstrom and Bradley D. Angstrom, Creston, to Richard Jarvies and Sylvia Jarvies, Creston, west half of Lot 19, all of Lots 20-22, Blk. 21, Original Town of Creston, $80,000.
Shane M. Wooddell and Jennifer Wooddell, Spokane, to Roberta H. Iliff and Ronald J. Wilson, Fairfield, Wash., Lot 20, Roosevelt Lake Ranch Division 1-B, $115,000.
Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Dallas, Texas, to BlackCastle LLC, Newport Beach, Calif., Lots 1-3 and Lots 14-16, Blk. 78, Railroad Addition to Town of Wilbur and portion of vacated Lincoln Street north of north line of alley through block extending west and south of south boundary of Goose Creek except any portion north of north line of block, extending west, $32,690.
Mark A. Faulkes and Tracy A. Faulkes, Spokane Valley, to 1300 Logan LLC, Spokane Valley, Lots 1-5, inclusive, Blk. 42, Timmon's Second Addition to City of Davenport and Lots 11-5, inclusive, Blk. 83, Essig's Addition to City of Davenport, $1.
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