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Quilt club Christmas party planned for December 2

Fronen Steppdecker, The Odessa Quilt Club, held their annual corporation business meeting, November 11. Officers elected were: Debbie Buscher, President; Joyce McClanahan, Vice President; Patricia Gies, Secretary; Charlene Kagele, Treasurer and Shari Wilson, Sergeant at Arms.

Several committees are working on upcoming events. A no-host Christmas Party is planned at Any Occasion Banquet Hall on December 2. Quilters may make reservations by contacting Kathie Donahue 982-2879.

The Raffle Quilt Committee and Quilt Show Committee combined are making plans to have the 2014 quilt on display at Christmas Fest in The Community Center on December 4th.

Members meet each Monday 1pm and 7 pm except when a holiday lands on a Monday, in the Museum Barn. All quilters and quilt enthusiasts are welcome.


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