Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Nov. 18: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 93-year-old woman experiencing "general sickness" and high blood pressure.
A deputy responded to an alleged anti-harassment order violation involving two Harrington women.
Tuesday, Nov. 19: A Davenport woman advised that her debit card was used without her permission in Georgia for a $65 transaction. In a separate report, another Davenport woman said her card was shut down after someone tried to use it in a fraudulent manner.
Davenport firefighters and Avista Utilities personnel responded to the 500 block of Washington Street where a fire inside a residence had been reported.
A third break-in was reported at the "red shed" along SR 174 in the Grand Coulee area.
Pigs were reported loose at the Almira Grain Growers elevator on Douglas Road.
A black cow was reported loose at night on the roadway on SR 25 near Hume Road about 20 miles north of Davenport. A caller advised she almost collided with the animal.
Two vehicles driven by teenagers were involved in a collision on SR 2 and Krupke Road near Reardan, with traffic blocked for a period of time. No injuries were reported.
A loose steer almost caused a collision when it got loose on the roadway on Sprague Lake Resort and Max Harder roads.
Wednesday, Nov. 20: State Fish and Wildlife personnel investigated a possible poaching.
A residential alarm in the 4000 block of Plum Point East near Grand Coulee proved false.
A Hardung Road resident reported four unauthorized charges totaling more than $1,600 on a credit card used at a Macy's store in California. In a separate report, a Davenport man told dispatchers that someone in Tukwila, Wash., used his AT&T phone account to purchase an iPhone.
Thursday, Nov. 21: A "suspicious" red Dodge was reported driving on Shurber Road in the Edwall area.
Deputies assisted in a search for an Almira boy who left home "upset."
Deputies investigated a theft report from the 700 block of Marshall Street in Davenport.
Suspected of taking chicken and eggs from Davenport Family Foods, a woman in her 20s escaped the grasp of store personnel as she was leaving, leaving the worker's arm "scuffed up" and his pants torn. She is described as having dark hair, tattoos on her chest, wearing a hooded red coat and carrying a large purse. She apparently had been in the store earlier in the week to request an employment application.
A collarless stray dog, described as medium sized, gray and white in color and shaggy, was spotted in the vicinity of Gunning Road and Ross Street in west Davenport.
A 13-year-old Davenport girl reported receiving harassing text messages.
Wilbur Police assisted in removing an unwanted intoxicated man from a residence in the 200 block of NE Cliff Avenue.
Odessa Police investigated an illegal dumping incident on property adjacent to East 5th Avenue.
Friday, Nov. 22: A vehicle was disabled after colliding with two deer at the intersection of SR 28 and the Old Highway Road.
Deputies investigated a reported domestic assault at a Ross Street residence in Davenport. A woman told dispatchers that several individuals entered her home, made her think she was being robbed and drugged her.
In yet another instance of credit card fraud, a woman reported hers had been used three or four times for $198 each in Nova Scotia, Canada. In a separate report, a Davenport woman described two transactions, one at a California Target store and another on the East Coast. A third report involved two charges made in Texas on another Davenport woman's card.
Deputies took a man into custody after responding to a possible no-contact order violation at a residence on Indian Creek Road.
An Almira woman reported a possible break-in at a residence in the 200 block of South 3rd Street.
The driver of a vehicle involved in a rollover collision on King Ranch Road North in the Odessa area was treated at a hospital.
A deputy removed a baby seat and bag of clothers from the eastbound lane of SR 2 just east of Davenport.
Saturday, Nov. 23: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted an 89-year-old woman at a Sunset Highway Road residence.
A caller's claim that a kidnapped child may be on a train passing through Lincoln County was referred to Amtrak police.
Several men walked out of Kathy's Market in Sprague without paying for items.
A caller described a trespasser with a dog on property adjacent to Bald Ridge Road.
An Odessa woman reported hearing suspicious noises near her garage in the 100 block of East 4th Avenue.
Sunday, Nov. 24: An explosion and subsequent fire in the attic was reported at a residence on Old Coulee Road North in the Almira area.
Deputies responded to a domestic violence incident involving a man and woman in the Hawk Creek area north of Davenport.
Loud booms heard in the 400 block of Ross Street in Davenport may have originated from a "power line/transformer issue" north of the city.
A caller reported loud music coming from a residence in the 300 block of Washington Street in Davenport.
A 70-year-old Creston man was transported by local ambulance personnel from the 100 block of NW Anderson Street to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport after experiencing shortness of breath.
A Davenport man reported his house in the vicinity of Third and Jefferson streets smelled like diesel after a Eastern Washington Gateway Railroad train apparently idled nearby for about two hours.
A Reardan couple reported they were victims of credit card fraud.
Nov. 18: Kimberly A. Ostrom, 49, Spokane, confined two days by the court for driving while under the influence.
Nov. 21: Amanda C. Wynne, 28, Wellpinit, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for driving while license suspended.
Nov. 22: Kyle S. Cate, 19, Okanogan, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Russell Grey, 46, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for violating a protection order.
Nov. 23: Diana K. Hoppes, 31, Davenport, confined two days by the court for first-degree negligent driving.
Keith A. Lilley, 30, Davenport, arrested by LCSO on a Grant County warrant.
Nov. 24: Richard D. Parcher, 46, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for violating a no-contact order.
Nov. 25: Charles R. Walrath, 28, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for bail-jumping.
Held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections - Nov. 18: David M. Cook, Jr., 38, Spokane. Nov. 19: Nicholas R. Richardson, 24, Spokane Valley. Nov. 20: William J. Taylor, 31, Amanda Park, Wash. Nov. 22: Dawn M. Keasler, 49, Spokane. Nov. 25: Gregory R. Brickner, 19, Spokane.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Sentencings
Zachary Tyler Hay, 19, of Odessa, pleaded guilty Sept. 17 to one count of third-degree malicious mischief (amended through plea negotiations from nine counts each of second-degree burglary and third-degree malicious mischief and one count each of third-degree theft and vehicle prowling). His sentence includes 12 days jail, $1,287.62 restitution to Odessa High School, Christ Lutheran Church of Odessa, the OHS FBLA chapter and Odessa-Harrington Booster Club. The charge stems from break-ins at the Odessa School District bus barn and football field concession stand on Nov. 12 of last year. Several buses were damaged and food items were removed from the concession stand, which was entered by means of a pry-bar.
Dale Terry Toliver, 47, Spokane, pleaded guilty Nov. 22 to fourth-degree assault and fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), amended through plea negotiations from two counts of second-degree assault). The former Spokane County sheriff's detective was charged with striking a woman with whom he had a dating relationship and a man with a flashlight during a May 11 incident in the Odessa area. His sentence includes 30 days jail or electronic home monitoring, drug/alcohol evaluation and treatment, anger management counseling, compliance with a no-contact order and payment of $700 court costs. Explaining his plea, he wrote, "I did assault both charged victims on the alleged date in Lincoln County."
Matthew Thomas Hart, 21, Post Falls, Idaho, pleaded guilty Nov. 19 to possession of a stolen vehicle, attempting to elude police in pursuit and two counts of reckless endangerment (the latter amended through plea negotiations from second-degree assault). The charges are related to a Sept. 29 pursuit that began in Spokane County, continued in Lincoln County, and concluded with his arrest after the vehicle got stuck in a field adjacent to Mill Canyon Road. He was also accused of using an automobile against two individuals. His sentence includes 14 months in prison, $800 court costs plus undetermined attorney fees and restitution.
Robert Wayne Lockett, 35, Cheney, pleaded guilty Nov. 19 to second-degree burglary (amended through plea negotiations from residential burglary and third-degree theft). The charge involves an April 1 break-in at a residence in the 1100 block of Adams Street in Davenport and the unauthorized taking of hydrocodone. His sentence includes four months in jail (credit for time served), $800 court costs plus undetermined restitution and attorney fees.
Juvenile Offender Disposition
Finding no probable cause, the court on Nov. 6 dismissed charges of harassment and making threats to kill against a 17-year-old Davenport boy.
New Criminal Cases
Vern Leroy Eggerud, Jr., 52, of Lincoln, is charged with first-degree burglary and three counts of first-degree assault in connection with incidents on Nov. 6 at a Redwine Canyon Road residence. Described by a sheriff's office report filed with the court as "well known that he suffers with the HIV virus," he is accused of biting a deputy's right hand and spitting in the eyes and mouth of another while being taken into custody. He also is accused of breaking two windows and a glass door at the residence and confronting the homeowner with a splitting mall.
New Civil Case
Alleging breach of contract, Ronald Joseph Thompson, of Sprague, seeks $12,000 from American Contractors and Ken and Cheryl Stocking (doing business as Stockings Quality Doors in Sprague) to cover materials and his claim of an improperly installed roof at his residence. The respondents countered that the petitioner interfered with the work by "daily firing and hiring back" the respondents, who added, "This is the first person to have an issue with us and our performance."
Will only of Eva DeVos, of Reardan.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Robert Elee Tucker, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days jail, $150 court costs.
Diana Kate Hoppes, Davenport, probation violation (first-degree negligent driving), 2 days jail, $150 court costs.
Trina Dee Andrew, Wellpinit, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail (credited as served), $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Bobbie Douglas Roche, Veradale, driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request; reckless endangerment, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail converted to 20 hours community service, $743 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Melissa Dale Michael, Spokane Valley, driving while under the influence, amended at prosecutor's request to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $1,028.22 court assessments, ignition interlock, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, no possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs (monitoring ordered).
Jose Daniel Santos Padilla, Electric City, failure to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Heather Marie McCoy, Wellpinit, expired vehicle registration, fined $95.
Mark Walker, Spokane, expired vehicle tabs (Reardan), $216.
Carol Tipler, Davenport, expired vehicle tabs (Reardan), $150.
Sean Myhr, Tum Tum, expired vehicle tabs (Reardan), $175.
Andrew Williams, Veradale, expired vehicle tabs (Reardan), $226.
Civil Matter
Petitioner Roy Amrine, of Sprague, was granted an one-year anti-harassment protection order against Tim Chamberlain, of Clarkston, Wash., who may assist with transportation connected with visitation involving the former's daughter, but he must remain at the curb and not converse with the petitioner.
Lincoln County Auditor's Office
Chris Francis Hyta, 62, and Heidi M. Hyta, 45, both of Spokane Valley.
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings - Nov. 6: Edina Micheale Palmer, of Wilbur, and Isaac Palmer, married Feb. 13, 2006, in Boise, Idaho, separated Oct. 25; no dependent children of the marriage. Nov. 18: Narcisco Perez Crus and Kellie Mae Cruz, both of Davenport, married April 20, 2008, in Davenport, separated Jan. 1, 2009; no dependent children of the marriage. Also, 132 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for dissolution of domestic partnership: 3 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Zeimantz Family LLC, Spokane, to Marla J. Terry, Spokane, portion of Sec. 31, T27N, R38E, $0.
Nancy A. Deife, Odessa, to Arthur D. Deife, Odessa, portion of Sec. 31, T21N, R33E, $0.
Arthur D. Deife, Odessa, to Deife Farm Family LLC, Odessa, portion of Sec. 31, T21N, R33E; and portion of Sec. 6, T22N, R33E, $0.
Zeimantz Family LLC, Spokane, to John Zeimantz, Spokane, portion of Sec. 21, T26N, R38E, $0.
Tim L. Iksic and Teresa M. Iksic, Odessa, to Brett L. Iksic and Amanda Iksic, portion of Sec. 31, T22N, R32E; Blk.2, and Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 3, Plat of Irby except Irby Road North, $109,218.57.
Robert Hosking and Pamela T. Hosking, Davenport, to Michael S. Bissell and Marnel B. Bissell, Justin Morden and Denise Morden, Neil Henricksen and Maurita B. Henricksen (trustees, Henricksen Living Trust), Spokane, Lot 10, Laughbon Bay Subdivision, $185,000.
James E. Pittman and Billie R. Pittman, Spokane, to Michael D. Tucker and Annie J. Tucker, Colorado Springs, Colo., Lot 17-A, Replat of Division A-1, Roosevelt Lake Ranch, $265,000.
Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, San Diego, Calif., to Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Lewisville, Texas, Lots 3-5, Blk. 7, Hewitt and Kinnear's Addition to City of Sprague, $72,096.35.
Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Bellevue, Wash., to Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. (for registered holders of Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust), Salt Lake City, Utah, east half of Lot 8, except west one foot, all of Lot 9 and west half of Lot 10, Blk. 13, Fairweather Addition to Town of Reardan and south half of vacated adjacent alley, $0.
First Citizens Bank and Trust Co., San Diego, Calif, to Stephen W. McMullin and Linda M. Anderson-McMullin, Lynnwood, Wash., Lot 2, View Ridge Short Plat, $49,500.
Walter Ervins, Salcha, Alaska, to Daniel C. Shumway and Kathlene A. Shumway, Davenport, Tract 77, Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey Area No. 1, $29,000.
Jean E. Goetz, Odessa, to Marcus T. Goetz, Union, Ore., and Cody G. Goetz, Spokane, east 10 feet of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Blk. 4, Pattee and Lyons Addition to Town of Odessa, gift.
Bishop, Marshall and Weibel, P.S., Seattle, to Bank of America, Getzville, N.Y., Lot 23, Deer Heights Plat No. 3, $29,750.
Charles Joseph Skipper and Leta Rona Skipper, Apache Junction, Ariz., to B & L Hein Family LLC, Davenport, Lots 4-6a, Blk. 22, Fairweather Addition to Town of Reardan and 2006 mobile home, $233,000.
Marlys J. Kissler, Odessa, to Evelyn J. Alves, Soap Lake, Wash., 52x24 mobile home, $2,000.
Aileen L. Ambrose (Aileen Linda Fink), et al, Auburn, Wash., to Alvin D. Fink (individually and as trustee of Janet A. Fink Testamentary Trust), Odessa, portion of Sec. 31, T21N, R32E, gift.
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