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Court Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Dec. 9: Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted an 89-year-old woman suffering stomach pain.

Almira firefighters assisted their Grant County counterparts at a structure fire in Hartline.

Odessa firefighters responded to a residential carbon monoxide alarm.

Davenport firefighters were sent to a possible structure fire in the 400 block of Fifth Street.

Reardan EMTs and Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 69-year-old woman who fell.

Deputies determined as unfounded a report of cows not fed or watered on property adjacent to Devils Gap Road in the Ford area of Lincoln County.

County Public Works was advised of the possibility that water from a broken line in a pasture could run onto Bluestem Road.

A Sprague man told dispatchers he had been harassed by several Sprague City Council members and a former mayor concerning the use of a public road in the development of lots he owns.

A Davenport man reported three "unwanted individuals" had entered his residence in the 1000 block of Sinclair Street. They left as he was calling 911.

A disabled semi-truck leaked oil onto SR 174 in the vicinity of the Wilbur grade, creating a spill about 10 to 15 inches wide and 200 feet long.

Tuesday, Dec. 10: Mental health personnel were advised of a 15-year-old girl threatening suicide at the Odessa Memorial Hospital.

A Mohler woman reported a helicopter appeared to be trying to land, flying low and kicking up a lot of dust before heading towards Odessa.

Deputies dealt with trespassing incident at the state Department of Transportation gravel pit on SR 23.

A Harrington woman said that her son received an envelope she had mailed, but without a Christmas card and check she had placed inside.

A Davenport man reported a fraudulent $309 charge was attempted on his debit card by someone in Michigan.

A caller reported fireworks were shot off in the Sterling Valley area, possibly scaring a couple of pit bull dogs in nearby kennels.

Wednesday, Dec. 11: A frozen water line kept a City of Davenport employee busy through the night.

A Davenport woman reported a $424 charge on her debit card fraudulently used at a New Mexico casino.

Harrington city officials requested a deputy's assistance with a code violation matter in the 10 block of West Adams Street involving junk vehicles.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer was reported on SR 28 north of Harrington.

Wilbur Police assisted after a woman was discovered dead inside a unit at the Hillcrest Village Apartments.

Thursday, Dec. 12: An abandoned vehicle blocked access to the City of Davenport's wastewater ponds about a mile north of the city.

Three horses, one wearing a blanket, were found on SR 2 just east of Creston.

A Davenport woman told dispatchers someone entered her residence in the 1000 block of Jefferson Street without her permission after the doorbell rang as she was attempting to sleep. After yelling "hello" from another room, she heard the door shut quickly.

A "suspicious" man, appearing intoxicated, wouldn't leave a vehicle parked for awhile outside the Sprague Chevron station.

A Davenport man said someone in Canada attempted to charge $112.42 on his debit card.

A man told dispatchers that someone had attempted to forge his signature on a divorce petition he said was filed with the Lincoln County Superior Court.

Narcotics was a factor in a traffic stop deputies made on SR 2 west of Reardan with at least one individual subsequently placed into custody.

Deputies responded to a report of a man and woman who were locked out of their house in the 500 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport.

A Reardan area man requested assistance as debris was being burned in his driveway. He expressed concern that nails might be left there.

A Davenport woman advised that someone in Illinois twice attempted to use her debit card for purchases totaling about $56.

A deputy reported scraping the rubber bumper on his patrol car while turning a corner on Sand Flats Drive.

A girl was found unconscious, possibly after taking pills, in a restroom at Odessa High School. She was transported by ambulance to the local hospital.

Friday, Dec. 13: A Creston boy reported receiving bullying messages on Facebook.

A burglary was reported at a storage unit in the 100 block of A Street in Creston.

A Davenport woman reported fraudulent charges on her debit card originating from hotels in New Jersey and Kentucky. Two similar incidents involved cards held by residents of the Creston area and the City of Davenport and transactions of about $68 and $500.

Three deputies responded to the 500 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport after receiving a report that someone had cut his/her wrists. As it turned out, the incident was verbal in nature and no ambulance was needed.

Lincoln Hospital personnel treated a 2-year-old who fell off a couch onto a dog, then was bitten.

Saturday, Dec. 14: An ambulance was dispatched to the vicinity of Armstrong and Cobb roads after dispatchers took a report of a vehicle slide-off and an injured passenger. The driver was arrested for being under the influence.

Wilbur ambulance personnel responded to a residence on SR 21 where a man was face-down on the floor and apparently not breathing.

A caller told dispatchers about receiving phone threats from someone claiming to be law enforcement from Edmonds, Wash., on their way to take him into custody on "child pornography" charges. The one making the threats was described as "very belligerent."

A patient at Lincoln Hospital reported the loss of $100 from her room.

A man and woman were detained by Spokane Tribal Police who found "burglary tools" in their vehicle and advised Lincoln County authorities that they could be involved in incidents locally.

A broken lock was discovered on a unit at Stow-A-Way Storage in the 1000 block of Twelfth Street in Davenport.

Three vehicles traveling west together from Deep Creek on SR 2 were observed making bad passes and moving in a reckless manner.

A Reardan woman reported being assaulted

A vehicle slid off SR 2 near Davenport. Further down, a one-vehicle rollover collision was reported.

Five units were burglarized in the 900 block of SE Main in Wilbur.

A report of five cars spinning "brodies" on First Street was made to Odessa Police.

Sunday, Dec. 15: A county Public Works employee reported repairing three broken signs at the intersection of Tyler and Waukon roads.

Riders of 4-wheelers caused damage to private property and county roads in the Lincoln area.

A Davenport woman requested a deputy's assistance to get inside her residence in the 300 block of Eighth Street after she accidentally locked herself out while her sleeping daughter was inside by herself.


Dec. 10: Reese A. Molvin, 27, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Dec. 12: Melissa D. Michael, 31, Spokane, serving a court commitment for driving while under the influence.

Richard L. Chornuk, 45, Westminster, Calif., arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence.

Jennifer P. Williams, 22, Creston, arrested by LCSO for possession of methamphetamine.

Dec. 14: Rod I. Herron, 19, Harrington, arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence.

Dec. 15: Russell D. Wynne, 31, Reardan, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).

Held under contract with Washington State Department of Corrections - Dec. 10: Matthew C. Lang, 31, Spokane; Christopher L. McCabe, 36, Spokane. Dec. 11: Stephanie C. Krahn, 19, Spokane; Patrick Linebarger, 43, Spokane; Robert L. Hensley, 25, Spokane; Jeremy K. Anderson, 22, Spokane; David B. Grande, 49, Spokane; Jose Ferreri, 20, Spokane. Dec. 12: Michael L. Sardin, 44, Spokane; Jason D. Sheldon, 38, Spokane; Jennifer B. Dale, 27, Spokane; Brandon W. Kuehne, 31, Creston; Rashad J. Beckham, 34, Spokane; Shawn F. Rettinger, 31, Spokane; Patrick R. Kiely, 31, Spokane; Matthias M. Piggot, 32, Spokane. Dec. 13: Robyn J. Roberts, 26, Spokane; Eric R. Smith, 36, Spokane; James D. Roberson, 41, Spokane; Mirko Loncar, 25, Spokane; Eddie J. Combs, 65, Spokane.


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Sentencings

Quinn Nathaniel Whitten, 32, of Spokane, entered an Alford (guilty) plea Nov. 26 to second-degree burglary (amended through plea negotiations from residential burglary and theft of a firearm). He must serve 30 days jail, pay $800 court costs and complete six months probation. The charge involved a break-in in early February at a residence on Sand Flats Road in Davenport.

Charles William Walrath, 29, of Nine Mile Falls, pleaded guilty Dec. 3 to bail-jumping and second-degree burglary (amended through plea negotiations from first-degree malicious mischief, residential burglary, two counts of second-degree theft, second-degree burglary and tampering with a witness). He must serve 33 months in prison and pay $800 court costs on each count, plus attorney fees, and restitution to be determined at a later date. The charges involve damage done to a mobile home in the Sprague area and the theft of electronics equipment, a tool box and other items on Dec. 25 or 26, 2012.

Steven James Piper, 31, of Mead, pleaded guilty to second-degree theft. He must serve two months in jail (time served credited), pay $800 court costs, attorney fees and restitution to be determined. A charge of second-degree burglary was dismissed as a result of plea negotiations. He acknowledged taking about $2,500 worth of tools from a Creston construction site on May 3, 2012.

Jordan A. Pedigo, 21, of Spokane (formerly of Davenport), pleaded guilty to solicitation to deliver a controlled substance and marijuana (amended through plea negotiations from distributing or delivering marijuana), in connection with a June 11 incident involving three individuals 18 years of age or younger. His sentence includes 13 days in jail (credited as served), payment of $743 court costs and completion of 12 months probation, along with mental health and alcohol/drug evaluations and subsequent treatment programs. He also is prohibited from living in Davenport or visiting within five miles of Davenport High School, except for family (but only with parental supervision).

Civil Judgments

Genesis Finance Corp., the petitioner, won an $115,806.64 foreclosure judgment and order of sale on Nov. 27 against respondents Dean A. and Connie J. Mann, the U.S. Farm Service Agency and Department of Agriculture, Central Mortgage Co. and Automated Accounts, Inc.

Charles D. Potts, doing business as Banks Lake Pub of Wilbur, must pay $436.80 in unpaid worker's compensation taxes.

New Civil Cases

The court on Dec. 10 granted a one-year domestic violence protection order requested by Rebecca J. Mundall, of Reardan, against Christopher M. Mundall. In her petition, she claims he attempted to kill her on Nov. 25 by pointing and firing a gun in her direction and also made threats to take his own life. A 5-year-old boy is a member of the household. As part of the order, the respondent had to surrender all firearms to the sheriff's office.

A one-year domestic violence protection order requested by David Drelinger, of Reardan, was granted Dec. 10 against Christopher M. Mundall.


Estate of Herbert F. Benzel, of Ritzville, who died Nov. 2.

Estate of Susan E. Downing, of Davenport, who died Nov. 19.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Mariah Wendel Welch, Spokane Valley, fail to dim lights, fined $80; no proof of liability insurance, $190.

Skyler Blaine Watkins, Davenport, expired vehicle registration, $80.

Loren Clyde Tikka, Davenport, expired vehicle registration, $110.

Eva Diane Tapani, Kennewick, no valid operator's license, $140.

Riley Jay Scissons, Spokane Valley, expired vehicle registration, $75; no insurance, $250.

Bobbie Douglas Roche, Spokane Valley, speeding (45 mph over limit), $211; no insurance, $250.

Nicole Marie Renish, Nine Mile Falls, speeding (30 over), $198.

Richard William Mullen, Colville, expired vehicle registration, $135.

Michael G. Igo, Odessa, speeding (10 over), contested, found committed, $75.

Derrick John Hills, Davenport, wrong way on freeway/crossing barrier, $125.

Kevin Curtis Hilliard, Harrington, speeding (20 over), $110.

Andrew William Gray, Reardan, speeding (12 over), $90; no insurance, $190; defective license plate lamp, $75.

Sheena Francine Gould, Wellpinit, speeding (14 over), $95.

Maria Elena Gonzalez, Davenport, expired vehicle registration, $75.

Mary Alice Garland, Wellpinit, expired vehicle registration, $75.

Anthony Ray Edwards, Davenport, fail to notify Department of Licensing of address change, found not committed; no insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Roxanne Davy Denison, Davenport, no insurance, $190; expired vehicle registration, $125.

Dusty Wayne Conley, Chewelah, no insurance, $190.

Ellen Marie Bolden, Reardan, speeding (10 over), $75.

Charley William Berryhill, Cheney, speeding (15 over), $75.

Barbara A. Behlke, Sandpoint, Idaho, speeding (14 over), contested, found committed, $80.

Phillip Joseph Dorr, Spokane Valley, speeding (10 over), $113; no valid operator's license, found not committed; no insurance, $190.

Andrew Bradley McDowell, Wilbur, probation violations (first-degree negligent driving and minor in possession), 65 days jail, no possession or use of alcohol, drugs, marijuana or toxic fumes.

Cynthia Lynn Krohn, Concrete, Wash., probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days jail (converted back from 100 hours community service not completed).

Nathan Alan Merrill, Grand Coulee, probation violation (reckless driving), 30 days jail (credit offered for completion of in-patient treatment program).

Tomas Onorio Rios, Brewster, Wash., probation violation (driving while license suspended), 5 days jail, $100 court costs.

Reese Anthony Molvin, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days jail (1 credited as served), $302 court assessments.


Lincoln County Auditor's Office

Virginia Barron Lloyd, 54, and Anthony Leland Magno, 61, both of Burlington, Wash.


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings - Nov. 27: Mark R. Tomayko and Pennie G. Tomayko, of Reardan, married Oct. 31, 1984, separated May 5, 2012, no dependent children of the marriage. Dec. 3: Robert R. Abel, of Wilbur, and Betty L. Abel, of Odessa, married March 1976 in Yakima, separated Oct. 14, no dependent children of the marriage. Dec. 9: Jill S. Plaskon, of Harrington, and Joel D. Plaskon, of Moscow, Idaho, married March 15, 2003, in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, separated April 2013, two dependent children of the marriage.

Also, 106 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Lincoln County Treasurer's Office

Gene R. Rasmussen, Stanwood, Wash., to Randy Sabala, Odessa, Tract 116, Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey No. 1 (except Hawk Creek Road North), $10,000.

Annette Sabala, Odessa, to Randy Sabala, Odessa, Tract 116, Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey No. 1 (except Hawk Creek Ranch Road North), $0.

Dallas Gustaveson and Lacy Gustaveson, Creston, to Floyd A. Pruett, Creston, lots 1 and 2, Blk. 12, Summerlin's First Addition to Creston and portion of vacated north 15 feet of adjacent Foster Street, $0.

Floyd A. Pruett, Creston, to Dallas Gustaveson and Lacy Gustaveson, Creston, south 109 feet of Lot 2, Blk. 2, Maib's Addition to Town of Creston and Lot 2, Blk. 2, Foster's Addition to Town of Creston (except south 110 feet) subject to assessments, $44,708.25.

John C. Sawyer and Rita C. Sawyer, Davenport, to Rick John Sawyer and Tony Floyd, Davenport, Lot 6, Blk. 53, Dillon's Addition to City of Davenport and Lot 4, Blk. 2, and Lot 4, Blk. 1 of Squaw Canyon Subdivision (Plat 2), gift.

John R. Martin, Thousand Oaks, Calif., to John R. Martin and Wadad Martin (co-trustees, Martin Family Trust), Thousand Oaks, Calif., portion of Sec. 15, T27N, R34E, $0.

Lake Valley Ranch LLC, Tamara Miller and Ronald Miller (member/manager), Sprague, to T10 Unison Site Management LLC, Frederick, Md., portion of Sec. 23, T22N, R39E, $65,000.

Karen Marie Harding and Marcia Harding, Santa Barbara, Calif., to Swheat Sisters LLC, Spokane, portion of Sec. 19, T27N, R39E, $0.

Estate of Ella Scheller (Karl D. Scheller, personal representative) and Reuben Scheller Testamentary Trust (Karl D. Scheller, trustee), Portland, Ore., to Christina R. Scheller, Wenatchee, and Karl D. Scheller, Portland, Ore., portion of Sec. 32 and 33, T21N, R33E, $0.

John C. Sawyer and Rita C. Sawyer, Davenport, to Rick John Sawyer and Tony Floyd Sawyer, Davenport, Lot 6, Blk. 53, Dillon's Addition to City of Davenport and Lot 4, Blk. 2 of Squaw Canyon Subdivision (Plat 2), $0.

Kay D. Walker, Spokane, to L & K Walker Family LLC, Spokane, portion of Sec. 10, T22N, R38E, and portion of Sec. 22 and 23, T24N, R38E, $0.

Michael Greenwood and Richelle Greenwood, Davenport, to Trygve Lamberson and Chelsea Lamberson, Davenport, portion of Secs. 22 and 23, T26N, R38E, $270,000.

April Bueschke Torrence, Lincolnton, N.C., to James D. Eastridge and Deborah K. Eastridge, Castle Rock, Wash., portion of Sec. 30, T22N, R32E, $8,000.

Ramco Family Limited Partnership, Davenport, to Glen Reinbold and Nancy Reinbold, Davenport, undivided one-sixth interest in portion of Sec. 14, T26N, R37E, $4,669.

Estate of Harold Keith Jacobson (Michelle Larson and Ryan Paul Jacobson, co-personal representatives), Bonney Lake, Wash., to Michelle Larson and Ryan Paul Jacobson, Bonney Lake, Lot 22, Blk. 3, Plat 1, Seven Bays, $0.

Nicole Cunningham, Wilbur, to Robert A. Cunningham and Nicole T. Cunningham, Wilbur, Lots 6-8, Blk. 8, Blake's Addition, Town of Wilbur, $0.

Teri L. Fuchs, Valleyford, Wash., and Nikki McRory, Encino, Calif., to Pamela Kay Dietrich, Davenport, all of the center 28 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Blk.38, Original Town of Harrington, gift.

Donald J. Ringwood, Spokane, to Donald W. Ringwood and Janna R. Ringwood, Sprague, portion of Sec. 34, T22N, R38E, subject to easements, $23,000.

Mondovi LLC, Davenport, to Kuchenbuch Family LLC, Wilbur, portion of Sec. 20, T24N, R32E, $136,806.25.


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