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Re-elected council members sworn in

After running unopposed in the November 2013 general election, Odessa Town Council members Lois Harp and Landon Lobe were re-elected to their positions. Town clerk Gail Kiesz administered the oath of office to both at Monday night's town council meeting in the Odessa Public Library.

Gun Club proposal

Representing the Odessa Gun Club, area farmer Jon Fink reported on his meeting with council members to work out an agreement for the club to purchase the land adjacent to the municipal airport on which its clubhouse sits. Owning the land would facilitate the group's efforts to obtain grant funding for improvements to its facilities.

Fink suggested removing an approximately two-acre parcel (to which several airport-specific restrictions apply) within the 15 acres that the club proposes buying, thus reducing the purchase price to a figure more in line with the club's budget. Mayor Doug Plinski's counter-proposal that a long-term lease agreement be drawn up for the two-acre parcel, while the remainder of the land area would be sold to the club at fair-market value, met with approval by the council and Fink.

Ordinance #660

A town ordinance adding language to an existing ordinance would prohibit the aiming and discharge of firearms on town property. Discussion centered on the use of toy weapons and the ceremonial use of the 21-gun salute at the Odessa Cemetery. The issue was tabled pending further review and editing.


Council approved Plinski's plan to request post-closure action to permanently seal the town's former landfill. Final testing for settling and/or leakage would cost between $1,500 and $2,000 but would then eliminate the annual testing fees that run $4,000 per year.


Officer Bryce Peterson reported mostly routine calls so far this year. Dog licenses are due for renewal each January, and Peterson reminded citizens to purchase their new tags for the year.

Public Works

Director Rod Webster reported that the sewer hookup to one of the apartments in the basement of the Odessa Clinic was nearing completion. Somehow (no one is quite sure how), that one hookup was missed when the other clinic sewer lines were connected during the initial sewer installation.

The most recent inspection of the wastewater treatment plant resulted in a very good report, Webster said.

New windows were installed in the town shop building, making a major difference in the comfort level in the building, according to Webster. Two more windows are ready to be installed in the police department building.

Mayor's report

Plinski reported on a meeting with the Department of Health held in Moses Lake at which the findings of the Groundwater Management Area (GWMA) were discussed. It was agreed that municipalities and agricultural interests in Adams, Franklin, Grant and Lincoln Counties must work together to address water quantity and quality issues.

Councilman Frank White attended the QuadCo meeting which dealt largely with transportation issues.

Surveying has begun for the Fourth and Fifth Avenue roadwork set to begin in May or as soon as the weather permits, Plinski said.

Lois Hubbard was voted by her peers to be the mayor pro tem in the absence of the mayor.

Council members and their families planned to hold a potluck dinner at the end of the week. It is purely a social event, and no town business will be discussed.


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