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O/H school boards discuss athletic co-op issues

The Odessa and Harrington school boards met jointly in Odessa January 15 to discuss the athletic cooperative between the two schools.

Harrington superintendent Mike Perry, serving as athletic director (AD) for the co-op for last year and this year, provided an athletic report for fall and winter sports to date. He shared information concerning the playoff situation for basketball this year and from the athletic directors meeting he attended earlier.

Perry told the board that the Odessa-Harrington teams not only receive scholastic recognition for most sports in which they are involved but that O-H teams are usually in the top tier of schools vying for the state academic championships. For the fall season, the cheer and volleyball squads both received Outstanding Scholastic Awards and the football team received the Distinguished Scholastic Award.

The spring sports survey shared by Perry indicated that there were enough interested athletes to field baseball, golf, tennis and track and field programs for the spring. There were not enough interested girls for a softball team.

Odessa principal Ken Schutz presented the Odessa school’s recommendation that golf practice be split between Odessa and Harrington instead of all being in Harrington now that the Odessa Golf Course has put out an invitation for the team to use the course. The recommendation was approved.

Perry submitted his resignation as athletic director, citing family obligations. It was accepted by both boards.

Odessa superintendent Suellen White recommended that one superintendent, principal and board member from each district be on a committee to review and make a recommendation for hiring a new AD. She asked that the position be opened first in-house on January 27. The committee will then meet February 12 to review applications received to date and to determine if the position should be opened to others outside of current staff members. Ed Deife will be the board member representing Odessa, and Harrington will choose a member, then notify Odessa as to who has been chosen.

Harrington board member Darren Matozzi recommended a policy be developed for the eventuality of one board not accepting a coaching candidate approved by the board of the other school district.

Odessa board chairman Marcus Horak commented that no coach should be allowed to start to work until approved by both boards. The spring coaching positions should be filled by the February board meeting so they are ready to start practice the beginning of March.

There was more discussion concerning the volleyball uniforms issue. There was some misunderstanding about the action taken by the Odessa board, which had continued the discussion at their regular board meeting after the co-op discussion and decided it should remain the decision of the coaches and AD.

Odessa parent Marlon Schafer was present and requested that both districts try to maintain the same schedule, especially for early releases when students have 90 minutes from the time school is out until practice starts. Harrington principal Jacob Bang explained that the teachers/coaches need to be part of the professional development taking place, so practices cannot start any earlier.

The next co-op meeting will be held June 11 in Harrington.


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