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The Year in Review


Odessa FBLA won an award for Outstanding Chapter of the Year .

The Titan golfers took third in the NE league.

Elizabeth Larson, an eighth grade student in Odessa, was the state winner of the 2013 SunWise with Shade Poster Contest and Kendall Todd was awarded a $5,000 Smart Choices College Scholarship.

Jeff Wehr returned as OHS science teacher following a one-year absence.

The 22nd Annual Wine Tasting and Auction, sponsored by the Odessa Healthcare Foundation was held to raise funds for a new defibrillator for the hospital.

The 8th annual Walk-a-thon raised over $3,4000 while it also got kids in shape. Money raised went to resurfacing the pool. Friends of the Pool also engaged their children in efforts to keep the Aquatic Recreation Center financially afloat.

Deputy Brandon Wilson was announced as the newesty deputy by the Lincoln County Sheriff.

Lorilynn White organized a raffle to assist the Odessa volunteer fire department to purchase new protective suits.

Odessa-Harrington girls went undefeated in baseball and took the district championship in baseball and track and field; golfers went to state.

Odessa art students Kendall Todd and Carley Williams received honorable mention in this year’s State Duck Stamp Competition.

Trevor King, Griffey Powell, Jenna Shafer and Carsen Weber from Odessa High School were inducted as new members of the National Honor Society.

Lincoln County was selected by Washington State Commerce to receive a $26,880 Local Technology Planning Team Grant.

Columbia Basin Development news announced plans to expand the East Lower Canal to its full capacity and then to build lateral pipelines and pumping stations to bring water from the canal out to farmers’ fields. The Reclamation Funding was $300,000 and total project costs were $743,240.

Memorial Day honored veterans of America’s wars. Odessa Legion member Bob Kissler was the master of ceremonies.

The school board hired Laura Caler as the new high school English teacher.

Odessa-Harrington Titan girls took sixth place in track and field at the state 1B held in Cheney at Eastern Washington University.

Inland Power and Light’s 2013 “Excellence Award” receipients included Kendall Todd.


At the 2013 Odessa High School graduation, the valedictorian was Cade Weber and the salutatorian was Kendall Todd.

Area farmer, Jeff Schibel, volunteered the use of a portion of his land for test plots for canola planting.

Pastor Tim Hauge celebrated 25 years since his ordination with the Christ Lutheran Church.

The 2013 Alumni Banquet was held at the Odessa Community Center. Honored classes this year were 1953, 1973, 2003, 1963, 1988 and 2013 with 132 alumni indicating that they would attend.

Northwest Farm Services announced Jacob Tanke of Harrington as the winner of one of their 43 scholarships offered.

Sealed bids for construction of the 2013 Airport Improvements-Road Relocation & Beacon Replacement Project were announced.

Activity began on the Central Washington (CW) railroad line. Lincoln County is also receiving a Freight Rail Assistance Program grant for $1.1 million to do rehab work on the CW line.

Odessa Masons honored 70-year member Al Goetz.

Jessi Fink earned degrees from George Fox University.


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