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Ag Expo draws vendors, visitors

This year's Ag Expo in Spokane was well attended by Odessa and Harrington area farmers and business people, as well as the FFA chapters from both the Odessa and Harrington School Districts. Odessa's FBLA chapter also shared the spotlight by winning an award for their project partnering with the Ag Expo organizers (as highlighted in last week's issue of The Record).

Implement dealers such as the Odessa Trading Company division of the Ritzville Warehouse and Walter Implement Co. of Odessa brought combines, tractors and other large pieces of equipment to put on display.

Other smaller businesses, such as the law firm of Carpenter, McGuire & DeWulf and seed supplier North Basin Seed were also represented.

It seemed that Odessa and Harrington folks were everywhere, enjoying the show either as participants or spectators.

FFA students were able to participate in a Career Development Event (CDE) at the hotel adjacent to the expo center. Such events give them experience that helps them compete later on at the district, state and national levels. So the Expo is not only a showcase for northwest farmers. It is also a learning experience for the next generation of ag workers and entrepreneurs in ag-related businesses.


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