Odessa gun club
Landon Lobe and Jon Fink shot 24s.
Shooting 23s were Daniel Mann, Mike Nichols, Jr., Doug Tebow and Colley Walter.
William Mann, Hunter Bramer, Bill Weber, Mike Nichols, Sr. and Sam Greenwalt shot 22s.
Shooting 21s were Markham Nichols, Ryan Lewis, Tom Schuh, Jared Praetorius and Lane Lobe.
Shooting 20 and under were Wyatt Haase, Brandon Larmer, Jenny Larmer, Jordan Larmer, HaLee Walter, Joel Hardung, Nathan Luck, Aaron Gies, Marlee Eldridge, Cody Larmer, Pilot Weishaar, Drew Hardung, Rochelle Schuh and Maddy Wagner.
High Handicap went to Daniel Mann and Sam Greenwalt. Miss-N-O...
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