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Crab feed draws crowd

The annual crab feed fundraiser put on by the Odessa Lions Club, with variety added for non-seafood lovers in the form of prime rib prepared by the Odessa Riders Club, was held Saturday evening in the community center. The crab was very fresh, arriving from the coast just a short time before dinner was to get underway.

As has been the tradition for the past several years, the evening began with horse racing. Club members have laid out a "racetrack" on the dance floor of the community center, where hobby horses nailed to a square of wood to keep then standing upright are arranged at the starting line. The master of ceremonies then makes the rounds of the tables of seated guests and has one of them roll three dice. The numbers on the dice determine which horses move. The first horse to reach the finish line is the winner, and those who have bet on the six different horses split their winnings with the club.

Once the crab arrived, club members were busy serving up the dinner of choice. Accompanying either the prime rib or the crab were baked beans, potato salad and French bread. A no-host bar provided beverages. Cake was on hand for dessert.

After the cardboard boxes on each table has been filled with crab refuse and paper plates, the clean-up crews began tidying up, while some folks went home and others stayed to visit and enjoy the social aspect of the evening.


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