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Letter to the Editor; The U.S. Should control the internet for security reasons

Why does Obama want to give away control of the internet? It was financed with American dollars and it was created with our ingenuity! It has been well run under the control of the Commerce Department and Americans enjoy First Amendment protection. Other countries have been allowed our generosity. We could wind up with globalists having their way and they would decide what acceptable speech is and what is not acceptable.

Would they impose internet taxes on American companies, while at the same time censoring what they don’t want Americans to say or do on the net?

We are entering a very dangerous time in our lives! The military has numerous attempts daily of people trying to hack into their computers. Many scholars have been saying for some time that whoever controls the internet will control the world. If we lost control of “the net” and we discovered that we had made a mistake, who would we go to? The U.N. is certainly not our friend and that has been proven many times.

Does Obama want us to give away “the net” so that he can make unilateral moves to silence those who are not his friends?

Gerald W. Ray



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