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Spring Fling declared "festival that just won't die"
100 years ago
From The Odessa Record
April 23, 1914
The trout season will open on May 1. Daily possession limit is 50 game fish or 20 pounds and one fish. The season closes December 31.
The state of Washington will collect nearly $30,000 in taxes from the Weyerhauser estate, it is estimated.
The Great Northern has filled in on the north side of its main track and is building a passing line to accomodate long freight trains.
The Washington Water Power company recently completing a transmission line between Almira and Hartline, has requested franchise for a rural line in the area.
Julius Kuest was a business visitor in Packard Monday, making the trip in his new Overland touring car which he purchased Saturday.
Two members of the steam shovel crew, which is getting out gravel at the Nemo pit, were hurt in a cave in.
Jacob Derr and Jacob Schmidt are now driving new Fords, purchased this week.
G.W. Finney returned this week from a short trip to Red Deer, Alberta, checking up on property holdings.
75 years ago
From The Odessa Record
April 20, 1939
Four asphalt tennis courts are to be built behind the school bus garage, largely by donations and using the equipment of the Inland Asphalt company, who contracted the surfacing.
A troop of soldiers will make camp on the Odessa baseball park on Sunday and Monday, with 600 men establishing their overnight camp. A detail unit came through this week, placing piles of cordwood along the camp grounds, ready for the field kitchens.
Soldiers will start arriving early on Saturday afternoon, while many will arrive during the night, resting during Sunday.
50 years ago
From The Odessa Record
April 23, 1964
Odessa gained seven persons this past year, with the April census showing 1,274 compared to 1,267 a year ago.
Lincoln County Cattlemen and Cowbelles ae holding their annual “Cattlemen Holiday” on Saturday at the fair building at Davenport. There will be a pancake supper, followed by square dancing for all under the capable hands of Lawrence Brown, county extension agent. All livestock men and families are cordially invited.
In a lovely springtime setting of pink and white, Miss Judith Marie Clark became the bride of Mr. Lorus Scrupps on Saturday, March 21 in the Zion Lutheran church of Davenport.
25 years ago
From The Odessa Record
April 20, 1989
The new high school building is officially ready for occupancy by students and staff. Figures show that nearly every room in the new high school is larger than its couterpart in the old building.
Air Force Airman Brett A. Gregory, grandson of Robert L. and Dorothy Tanck of Odessa, has been sent to the Philippines to report for duty with the 374th Organizational Maintenance Squadron.
Bev Scherr and sons Larry and Nathan visited Washington D.C. for eight days including the spring break.
Congressman Tom Foley sent them tickets for a tour of the White House, which was Beverly’s favorite part of the trip. Larry and Nathan’s favorite spot was the Pentagon.
10 years ago
From The Odessa Record
April 22, 2004
6,000 dirt bikers and spectators were at the 34th annual Desert 100 race in Odessa this weekend.
Brooke Voise was chosen to be Miss Odessa and Sarah Volkmann was named Odessa Princess.
According to the editorial for this date, Spring Fling was a festival that just wouldn’t die.
“For nearly a quarter a century, Odessa community leaders have tried every possible formula to make a spring clebration a success. But there were always obstacles, until three years ago, when the Odessa Chamber of Commerce washed its hands clean of the event. But Spring Fling must have a reason for being, because it just won’t die. Even without sponsorship, the celebration of spring has been carried on, with major attractions such as the Fronen Stepdecker Quilt Show and the Odessa Show and Shine being the kingpin events.”
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