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This Week in Odessa History

In 1939, Odessa seniors escaped to Canada

100 years ago

From The Odessa Record

May, 1914

Due to the loss of The Record’s 100-year-old copies, there will be no news from that week’s paper. In The Record from May 21, 1964, there was no 50 years ago column and the loss was attributed to flood damage.

75 years ago

From The Odessa Record

May 18, 1939

The senior sneak was a marked success. They left on a 400 mile trip to Lake Christine, in Canada. Enroute they stopped and visited former residents, including Mrs. Harry Evans at Deer Park and Harold Reiman at Colville.

The highlight of the day came at the customs office, where the “suspicious characters” were given a thorough checking by the delighted customs officers. One car, driven by Weldon Richardson, was called back after passing the station. Two cars were involved in a reprimand by officials in charge of striping the roadway, when the drivers cut across the yellow stripe.

The juniors were unfortunate. Not only did the seniors escape, but residents complained of the noise being made while juniors painted numerals about town. The police insisted on greater quietness. To add the final straw, a group of freshmen changed the numerals, making them read ‘42. A group of three frosh were taken five miles into the country and forced to walk back.

It was decided that the Lamona school would be closed after this term and those children who had been attending Lamona schools would attend Odessa schools from the fall.

Seventy-five students attended the music contest in Sprague on Saturday.

50 years ago

From The Odessa Record

May 21, 1964

A float designed by Jack Stephens of Odessa won the grand sweepstakes award at the Spokane Lilac parade. It was the Wenatcheee Valley Junior College float entitled “Flight into Paradise” and featured three, lovely white swans done up in pastel pinks and blues.

Response to the need for an assessment of $5 or over for upkeep of the Odessa television translator has been highly favorable in discussions this week. The general reaction is that it is far better to have an occasional levy as this one, rather than face the sustained costs of a cable system to the homes.

25 years ago

From The Odessa Record

May 18, 1989

Twelve Tigers qualified at the Bi-County championships at Spokane Community College to go on to the District 7 Championships at Riverside High School. In the process, 40 personal records were set by coach Sam Read’s Odessa High School thinclads. The girls team scored 80 points for a solid second place finish and the boys had 68 points for fifth place.

Myrna Wolsborn’s Tiger tennis team wound up an undefeated league season by beating Wilbur-Creston 10-0. Odessa was the only team in the league to qualify their entire varsity team for district play.

Angie Gustafson has qualified second out of district golf play, and Mike Ryan and Jason Wellsandt have both qualified as well, to enter state competition. Gustafson will take part in the state WIAAA’s first sanctioned girls’ state competition.

10 years ago

From The Odessa Record

May 20, 2004

The Odessa Trading Company celebrated 76 years of service to Odessa with Customer Appreciation Day.

Fianna Dickson, Miss Washington, brought a strong message to the students at Odessa High School to “take driving seriously.”

Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among young people and “distractions while driving are often the cause of these accidents,” stated Dickson.


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