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Court Report

Sheriff’s Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, May 12: A caller informed dispatchers that her dog scared off cattle that were in her driveway off SR 25 about 21 miles north of Davenport.

Deputies investigated a possible sex-related offense in the southern portion of the county.

An ambulance was requested after callers reported seeing a boy administer CPR to another boy on the side of I-90. One caller returned to the scene to check it out further, but the boys got into a vehicle and drove away. Responding emergency personnel were unable to find it.

A caller reported a man wearing a fishing hat pointing a rifle at a deer in a field adjacent to SR 2 in the west county. A responding deputy determined the man actually was changing out hand line sprinklers.

Deputies investigated a report that several men were shooting, drinking and smoking pot near the race track in south Odessa during the previous week. It was a discussion topic at a recent town council meeting.

Tuesday, May 13: Dispatchers took a 911 call from someone in the Edwall area who they described as "ranting about unemployed engineers and lawyers."

A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place on SR 25 about 13 miles north of Davenport.

Mail, including several checks, was reported stolen from mailboxes in the vicinity of Miles Creston and Sunburst roads.

A caller reported about 40 to 50 pills missing from his residence in the 600 block of Ross Street in Davenport while he hosted a barbecue.

Deputies took a man into custody after responding to a domestic assault report in the 1100 block of Twelfth Street in Davenport.

A caller told dispatchers that a key became stuck in a deposit slot at the Creston branch of Coulee Dam Credit Union.

Miscellaneous items, including parts from a vintage hay rake, were reported stolen from a scrap pile in the vicinity of Kramer Farms and Buddrius Farms roads.

A caller reported a sweeping machine was causing dust and polluting the environment in the vicinity of Eighth and Morgan streets in Davenport.

A woman told dispatchers her iPhone had been taken from her unlocked vehicle parked at the Sprague ball field.

Deputies assisted Lincoln Hospital personnel with a female patient who was described as "combative."

Wednesday, May 14: A woman suffered a possible neck injury and was assisted by Sprague ambulance personnel after a one-vehicle rollover collision on I-90.

A deputy responded to the Exxon mini-mart in Davenport for what turned out to be a false silent panic alarm.

A man reportedly caused a disturbance at Lakeview Terrace mobile home park and was transported by a deputy to Grand Coulee and advised not to return.

Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a ranch hand who was gored by a bull at Stockland Livestock Exchange.

A deputy investigated a possible trespassing incident on property adjacent to SR 231 north of Reardan.

A female inmate in the county jail apparently tripped over her shoes, fell and hit her head. Corrections officers observed her for eight hours for any signs of a concussion.

Thursday, May 15: An argument involving two men and a firearm along SR 231 north of Reardan caused a scare for state Department of Transportation personnel who were working in the area. One of the men was detained by deputies for brandishing a pistol.

Davenport city personnel advised deputies of a residence in the 300 block of Maxwell Street containing about nine dogs - six more than the legally allowed maximum - and that none were licensed as required by ordinance.

About 50 gallons of fuel valued at about $200 was reported stolen from a Mick's Auto tow truck while parked in the 200 block of Morgan Street in Davenport.

A Porcupine Bay area resident reported receiving a mailed check for $2,870.50 from Alabama after she answered a Craigslist ad about a house cleaning job placed by Canadian residents.

Deputies were advised of possible harassment involving two residents on Wild Turkey Lane in the Creston area.

Emergency personnel were unable to determine the specific source of a smoky odor in the vicinity of SR 25 about seven miles north of Davenport.

A Davenport woman reported receiving threatening text messages.

Wilbur Police investigated a possible hit and run collision in the 600 block of NW Cole.

Wilbur Police advised a man running a yard sale in the vicinity of Main and Brace streets that he had to keep sidewalks clear.

Wilbur Police responded to a collision involving a vehicle and deer on SR 2.

Friday, May 16: A deputy disposed of a bag containing a "miniscule" amount of marijuana residue that was discovered in the bell tower between the Davenport city park and the local museum.

A caller told dispatchers that a loose dog attempted to charge her and her 5-year-old daughter in the 700 block of Marshall Street in Criminal Sentencing

Jennifer Rene Williams, 23, Spokane, pleaded guilty May 13 to possession of stolen property, second-degree theft and bail-jumping. Through plea negotiations, two counts of second-degree burglary and a possession of controlled substances charged were dismissed. The charges involve incidents at a Wilbur storage unit between Dec. 9 and 13 of last year. She must report May 28 to serve 60 days jail (five credited as served), and pay $800 court costs and restitution to be determined later.

Court Report

Juvenile Offender Dispositions

The court dismissed an illegal firearms possession charge against a 17-year-old Ritzville boy, sending the matter to the Lincoln County Diversion Unit.

A 14-year-old Harrington boy received a deferred disposition after pleading guilty May 13 to fourth-degree assault (domestic violence). A malicious mischief charge was dismissed. His sentence included four days detention (credited as served), 30 hours community service and nine months community supervision.

Austin James Lonas, 16, of Ritzville, pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree theft in connection with a Sept. 21, 2013, incident in Odessa. A residential burglary charge was dismissed. He must complete 18 days detention, 75 hours community service and 12 months community supervision (monitored by Adams County authorities), and pay $435 restitution to two individuals along with $100 court costs.

Peter Joseph Hodgson, 18, of Seven Bays, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault in connection with an Oct. 26, 2013, incident. His sentence included 31 days detention (all credited as served), 75 hours community service, $100 court costs and restitution to be determined later. He also must comply with a curfew order.

Civil Judgments

The court dismissed without trial a petition from Jim Keyes and Sherri Holmes-Keyes, of Spokane, for administrative law review of a claim being heard by the state Department of Labor and Industries Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals. The matter hasn't yet completed the L and I process, so the petition "is premature and without authority" at this time, the court determined.

Myrtle C. Glinski and Gary B. Martin, doing business as The Viking drive-in in Sprague, must pay $471 in taxes owed to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.

Yi Deuk Angell and Gary M. Angell, doing business as Agriserve Custom Farm Service in Reardan, must pay $1,458.78 in taxes owed to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

The court was not in session last week.


Lincoln County Auditor's Office

Dianna Esther Temple, 24, and Matthew Palmer Hans, 24, both of Rathdrum, Idaho.


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings - May 8: Kristina Marie Kuehne and Brandon Wayne Kuehne, of Wilbur, married Sept. 6, 2008, in Wilbur, separated Sept. 1, 2013, two dependent children of the marriage. Also, 49 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Lincoln County

Treasurer's Office

Stephen L. Reid, Jonathan G. Reid, James E. Reid, Cathryn R. Backlund, Donald G. Reid and Darlene J. Reid (owners of life estates), Wilbur, to Cathryn R. Backlund (trustee, Donald G. and Darlene J. Reid Irrevocable Trust), Spokane, Lots 9-16, Blk. 53, Railroad Addition, Town of Wilbur, and adjacent vacated alley, $0.

Shareef D. Abduhr-rahmaan (administrator, David P. Burke Estate), Renton, Wash., to Federal National Mortgage Association, Westerville, Ohio, Lot 7, Deer Meadows Tracts, Plat No. 2, $120,376.01.

Karen L. Gibbon, P.S., Everett, Wash., to LoanCare (a division of FNF Servicing, Inc.), Virginia Beach, Va., Lot 3 and east 10 feet of Lot 4, Blk. 33, Finney and Pattee's Addition to Town of Odessa, $132,156.61.

Donald A. Austin, Jean E. Austin, Anthony R. Edwards and Nita M. Edwards, Port Townsend, Wash., to Vern P. Gibson, Ravensdale, Wash., Tract 4 of Creek Meadows, $5,000.

James Daniel Hagel and Mari Lynne Hagel (trustees, Hagel Trust), Wilbur, to James Daniel Hagel and Mari Lynne Hagel (joint tenants with rights of survivorship), Wilbur, Lots 51 and 52, Hanson Harbor Subdivision, and portion of Sec. 13, T28N, R33E, $10.

James Daniel Hagel and Mari Lynne Hagel (joint tenants with rights of survivorship), Wilbur, to James Daniel Hagel and Mari Lynne Hagel (trustees, Hagel Trust), Wilbur, Lots 51 and 52, Hanson Harbor Subdivision, and portion of Sec. 13, T28N, R33E, $10.

Gary M. Reinbold and Della M. Reinbold, Davenport, to Associated Agency Group LLC, Kennewick, Tax No. 14, half of Blk. 77, Morgan's Addition, City of Davenport, subject to easements, $25,000.

Matthew Gallaway, Moses Lake, to Angela Tanis, Odessa, south 45½ feet of Lots 7 and 8, west half of Lot 9, and west 14 feet of east half of Lot 9, Blk. 9, Original Town of Odessa, $18,482.53.

Mark M. Sheffels (personal representative, estate of Robert C. Sheffels), Wilbur, to Mark M. Sheffels, Wilbur, portion of Sec. 13, T26N, R31E, and portion of Secs. 7 and 18, T26N, R32E, $0.

Mark M. Sheffels (personal representative, estate of Robert C. Sheffels), Wilbur, to Robert R. Sheffels, Seattle, portion of Secs. 4, 5, and 9, T24N, R38E, $0.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Lincoln County Fire District 8, Almira, east half of Lot 9, all of Lot 10, Blk. 12, Original Town of Almira, $1,660.23.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Marvin Gordon, Almira, Lots 9 and 10, and west half of Lot 11, Blk. 40, Original Town of Almira, $9,500.

Donald A. Austin, Port Townsend, Wash., to Vern P. Gibson, Ravensdale, Wash., 1976 64x14 mobile home, $500.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Robert and Gina Simon, Sprague, Lots 8-10, Blk. 2, Hewitt and Kinnear's Addition to Town of Sprague, $6,500.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Garrett R. Linstrum, Davenport, Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 5, Hotchkiss First Addition to Town of Edwall, $3,000.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Lincoln County, Davenport, Lot 72, Ridgeview Estates, $0.

Lincoln County, Davenport, to Gordon R. Coughren and Laurli R. Coughren, Davenport, Lot 4, Blk. 1, Jermain Subdivision, $11,300.

Dede Gene Cregut, Richland, and Hugh Breckenridge Smith, Ventura, Calif., to Deanna Louise Nelson, Odessa, portion of Sec. 8, T21N, R33E, subject to easements, gift.


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