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This Week in Odessa History

Ten years ago saw demise of cherry trees

100 years ago

From The Odessa Record

June 12, 1914

There are no 100-year items this week, due to lack of a file.

75 years ago

From The Odessa Record

June 15, 1939

Anna Pavliska, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pavliska was recently awarded the emblem of the International Honor Society for business education at Kinman Business University in Spokane.

Pavliska was awarded a pin for being able to take shorthand at 120 words per minute.

The Tony Nichol’s crew of county road employees, assisted by local laborers from Irby, are building a 69 foot span across the creek at Irby.

At a meeting of the commercial club, a discussion of the wage and hour law revealed that the law worked to disadvantage in this area, where the 44-hour week cut laborers’ pay as much as $8 a week, and that employers were not in a position to correct the condition.

50 years ago

From The Odessa Record

June 11, 1964

The Odessa Community Golf Association announced receipt of a $1,000 check, a donation toward giving Odessa a pleasing golf course.

The check came from John Schoonover, a graduate of Odessa High School, who celebrated his fiftieth class anniversary here. He is an Idaho banker. His banking career began in 1919 in a small bank in Odessa. He retired as chairman of the board, Idaho First National Bank in 1961.

Katherine Marie Schell and Steve E. Helm were united in marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. Nath Lobe of Odessa announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jane, to Bobby Schell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schell of Marlin.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Franz announced the engagement of their daughter, Janet LaRaye, to Gary G. Epp, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Epp of Hutchinson, Kansas.

Rose Reiman, an Odessa High School graduate, leaves on June 18 for three months of Peace Corps training. This will prepare her for two years service as a health technician in Brazil.

A surprise bridal shower honoring Miss Judith K. Homberg was given by Mrs. Carol Harris and Miss Kathy Deife on May 25 in Spokane.

25 years ago

From The Odessa Record

June 15,1989

Bricks from the old high school were sold at the alumni banquet. They were stamped with “Odessa High School,” and “1928–1989.” At $5 each, the donations will be used to erect a steel bell tower in front of the new high school.

The Gold Wing Road Riders Association made their second Dry-Side-Run-DeVoo under sponsorship of the Wenatchee chapter; the host club and visitors from other chapters throughout the state held a Parade of Wings through the downtown streets. Mayor pro tem Linda Burghard viewed the parade from the lead cycle.

10 years ago

From The Odessa Record

June 10, 2004

The flowering Kwansan cherry trees that line three blocks of downtown First Avenue normally began to bloom at about Presidents Day in mid-February, but this year, at least 14 of the original 34 trees are dead or dying, and nearly all are in a sickly condition.

Planted in the fall of 1993, the trees flourished except for a few which didn’t make it.

A new underground irrigation system which piped water to the trees from a central control point was added one-and-a-half years ago. It was not known what was causing their mysterious demise, but a consultant hired by the town advised that the Kwansan cherry trees were not recommended for planting on downtown streets.


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