Thanks to the generosity of the Odessa Historical Society and many local individuals, the rummage sales held at Old Town Hall during the last two Spring Fling events, as well as some cash donations, have resulted in a bank balance of just over $3,000, which is enough to kick off plans for an exterior facelift.
Phase I of the project consists of repairs to the front steps, which have deteriorated to the point of being a safety hazard. The Old Town Hall Rejuvenation Society (OTHRS) has received permission from the Odessa Town Council to proceed with the repairs, which are scheduled to be complete prior to Deutsches Fest. The group also hopes to clean, repair and paint the exterior of the building prior to September, but that will depend on their ability to raise enough money and volunteers to see the project through.
The OTHRS have a general restoration plan for the building and have established a preliminary action plan to be implemented over the next several years. Phase I, otherwise known as Operation Lipstick, is intended to improve the appearance of the building, which they feel has become something of an eyesore.
After the exterior facelift, the next phases include the replacement of windows with more energy-efficient and visually appealing fixtures and replacement of the current wheelchair Iramp. The OTHRS hope to restore the first floor to its original footprint, using movable dividers to allow flexibility in purpose. Eventually they hope to include a complete restoration of the upper floor, with added elevator access.
The group is currently planning several fund-raising ideas, including grant applications, the ongoing sale of items via the Odessa Virtual Yardsale on Facebook, a quilt raffle, and requests for donations from area businesses and groups.
Copies of the OTHRS’ vision for Old Town Hall and the preliminary action plan are available from Lise Ott.
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