New signs to be constructed for town entrance
Chamber meeting
Wednesday noon, July 2, the Harrington Chamber of Commerce met, led by president Cassandra Paffle-Dick. Those present included Kathy Hoot, Carol, Cindy Haase, Bonnie Hardy, Bunny Haugan and Marge Womach. Considerable discussion was held on the city directory sign at the entrance to Harrington and its reconstruction. Estimates were obtained and proposals considered. The committee will now investigate the cost of having a local metal art worker construct the signs.
Great Northern Railroad-Part 1
History is best told by those who lived it, and herein will be used excerpts from some of Harrington's residents. Pioneer life without the railroad was excruciatingly more difficult than for homesteaders who came after the train was running. The Harrington worldview changed radically when transportation was made available for supplies, for shipping grain and for shipping livestock. Families were able to maintain contact with their relatives; returning East was a viable option. With today's society, many do not see much train activity, although in a farming community, people are aware that grain is shipped by rail. For some, working for the railroad was a means of survival while trying to prove- up on their homestead. Many used the train to connect to the other little towns on the line.
A.G. Mitchum, one of Harrington's early pioneers, rode on the only stretch of railroad in the Territory of Washington from Walla Walla to Walula. The thirty- mile stretch took six hours when he used it in the fall of 1879 on his arrival here. Shortly thereafter, John W. Sprague, also in 1879, was the first in charge of the Northern Pacific Railroad shops then located in Sprague. Another of Harrington's early pioneers, Jack L. Burgess came to the Harrington Wheat Belt in 1880, homesteaded six miles south of Harrington, and worked part time for three years for the Northern Pacific Railroad to afford supplies. C. L. Fish, 1880, was with the first railroad construction crew through Sprague to Missoula, Montana. From 1881 through 1883, Mrs. Charlie Billings rode horseback twice a week to and from Sprague with mail bags, as Sprague was the railroad center for the early-day settlers. In 1882, with the corporation of Harrington, Furth and Robinson of Colusa, Calif., purchasing 1500 acres of prime farmland in Lincoln County and simultaneously the Northern Pacific railway was doing a survey to establish a good location for the railroad to be located.
Mrs. Horace L. Cutter believed that the railroad would come through the area later known as Harrington, and she bought a quarter section of land. She wasted no time in having her land surveyed with a townsite she named Harrington, in honor of W. P. Harrington of the land firm, but also from Colusa, Calif. The townsite plat did not get filed in the auditor's office until May 15, 1883, by which time, it was not looking favorable that Harrington would be the path chosen for the railroad. Much time passed with no interest in purchasing her town lots.
George Thompson worked as an employee of the railroad shops in Sprague prior to his death in 1889. He and some of his relatives are buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery. Mr. Alfred Sandygren, was an old-time railroad man. For more than a decade he was an engineer on the Northern Pacific and always assigned to the Idaho division. In 1892, he resolved to quit the road for farming, and having many friends at Harrington and vicinity, located here. "Mr. Sandygren has forsaken the iron horse for good and will spend the balance of his days in peaceful pastoral pursuits in the Harrington wheat belt." He spent most of the rest of his life within a short distance of the Great Northern Railroad, which ran through a portion of his 1,000 acres.
"When the Great Northern Railroad Company built a line to Harrington in 1892, it was a "boom town" for a short time, because hundreds of workers made it their headquarters. Mrs. Cutter sold part of her land to the Harrington Townsite Company, which sold lots to the newcomers. A new land firm was organized in 1892, named the California Land & Stock Company, combining the holdings of some non-residents and of the firm of Harrington, Furth & Robinson. The officers were Furth, Harrington and Robinson, and the manager, John F. Green of Harrington. In 1904 the firm controlled a total of 25 sections of land. The population of Harrington was 650. Sprague grew into a town in 1880, because the Northern Pacific Railway Company was to build a line and terminal into this site. The railroad was completed in 1881 and the roundhouse was completed in 1883. When the bill passed the legislature, November 24, 1883, creating the county of Lincoln with Davenport named as county seat, the people of Sprague contested the choice of towns. They maintained that there were only two houses in Davenport, whereas Sprague was a growing town with a railroad terminal. Harrington became a competitor for county seat honors also, and the Sprague newspaper described Harrington and Davenport as "the rudest, cheapest, most uninviting villages". None of the other present-day towns of the county had yet started." (George E. Knapp)
"A Wagon-Wheel story from the late George Wheeldon recounts: Arriving in Davenport in the fall of 1891, George Wheeldon came to Harrington in April, 1892, with a construction outfit for the Great Northern. He ran commissary for George Galloway at the Great Northern construction camp. Upon arriving from Davenport the 24th day of April, the crew with its four-team outfit camped the first night in front of L. T. (Bud) Luper's place. Later tents were pitched and the campsite located near where Paul Beck now lives.
The camp included 300 men. Mr. Wheeldon says half of that number was continually being fired and new ones hired. All nationalities were represented except Chinese and Japanese, but most of them were Irish. Brawls were common. Mr. Wheeldon recalls the intelligent work mules! When quitting time came the 'skinners' had to be speedy unhooking, or the animals dragged men and machinery down to camp.
Mr. Galloway's part of the construction included that from Bluestem to Harrington, also some distance in the yard, about opposite the Ludy place. C. H. Lufford, chief engineer of construction, lived on the island, where the city pump now stands. At that time this piece of ground was an island, with a grove of fine cottonwood trees, and the only spring in town was there. After two months at the commissary, Mr. Wheeldon decided the Gang was too tough for him, so he quit." (Citizen: 1953)
Abram Shaw, pioneer in this region, was employed in 1894 on the Great Northern Railroad. Later he became a farmer on land near Bluestem. His son, Everett, was born in 1896, and worked for the Great Northern Railroad as telegrapher, and tie cutter during the depression years. Rita Mahoney Carstens' father was a railroad conductor, who bought a farm 22 miles west of Spokane and moved his family of 12 onto it.
“A petition to the state legislature is being circulated requesting that, that body pass a law compelling the railroad companies to fence in their Rights of Way and put in suitable cattle-guards at each crossing. This is a subject in which every man, having stock, should be interested. While the loss of cattle and horses in this vicinity may not be large, those who have had experience know only too well how much might be saved by such a law. The petition has been left at the Harrington Post office, where signatures may be affixed." (Citizen: 11-18-1898)
"Recalls Early Days on G.N. Section Crew. 'Oh, I've been working on the Railroad, all the Live Long Day'. John Gordon, Harrington farmer, and 'Americanized-Scotsman' worked for the Great Northern railway when he first came west from Michigan. He was section foreman from 1898 for three years. His division included the tracks from the switch at west Harrington yards to the west end at Mohler. ‘Most of the railway officials and many foremen in those early days, were Irishmen and the crews (eight to 10 men) were Irish, Swedes and others, but no orientals. The Japanese laborers came into the field in 1899 or 1900. First railroad crews were 'floaters' (change of personnel often) but when the Japanese workmen came, the crews became more or less permanent. John Viets was the station agent when I came and incidentally, only recently I read of his death, at Newport.’ Two crews were employed at Harrington. The foreman of the second crew was married, so for a time Gordon and his crew boarded with that family. The present section houses were built when the railroad came in, and provided living quarters for the foremen and the crews. The section men had to find another boarding place when the boss' wife became ill. ‘We went to Mrs. Pickell's,’ says Gordon. ‘Many of the train crewmen boarded with her at that time. Mrs. Pickell was a good cook and put up wonderful meals.' Work shifts were 10 hours a day; Gordon drew $55 a month; the crewmen received $1.25 a day and paid about $16 a month for board. Gordon says early construction work was more or less crude. As a result maintenance work was physically and mentally strenuous. Gordon remembers the rhythmic labor of pumping the hand cars. Along his section of track lay the J. L. Ball farm (now operated by the Simpson Brothers). In 1899, Gordon filed on a homestead a couple of miles south from the Balls, and west across the tracks." (Citizen: 1953)
“ Application Made for Entrance at the Post office at Harrington as Second-Class Matter. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Jas. R Goodwin, Editor and Publisher. Train Time: West Bound 9 a.m .; East Bound 6:18 a.m. Friday, Jan 6, 1899. Editorial. The legislature convenes next Monday, is there any thing it can do for you? In a previous issue attention was called to the petition below printed, and in view of the fact that eight horses were killed at one time two and a half miles north of this place less than a month ago, we again call the attention of the people to the matter. The petition is at this office and any who have not signed it may avail themselves of the opportunity: Petition. To the Legislature of the State of Washington For 1898 and 1899. Greeting: Whereas there is no law in the State of Washington, compelling the owner or owners of a railroad in this state to fence the track or construct cattle guards at highway crossings, where the track enters or leaves enclosed lands; And Whereas the owners of such lands have no protection to their crops, orchards, trees etc., growing thereon, and have suffered and do suffer irreparable damages by reason of stock entering upon their lands from the railroad's right of way, and destroying the crops, orchards, and other property thereon, Now, Therefore, the undersigned voters of the State of Washington, respectfully petition your honorable body to enact a law, compelling the owner or owners of all railroads, operated in this state to fence such railroads or tracks and to construct cattle guards at all highway crossings where such track enters or leaves enclosed lands." (Citizen: 1-06-1899)
"A Lively Spin. John Tierney drove into town last Tuesday morning after lumber and while here his team took a little spin not planned in advance. While Mr. Tierney was loading lumber at A. R. Graham's lumber yard near the railroad the whistle of a locomotive started the team down the street at a speed which made the train stand still. As no one had hold of them they were free to go as they pleased except that Mr. Tierney's dog kept at their heads and finally succeeded in turning them down a side street. After 'chasing themselves around the block', only they went around two or three blocks, they ended by winding the wagon around a telephone pole. Both horses were immediately caught as one did not succeed in getting away from the wagon and save a badly crippled wagon, no particular damage was done." (Citizen: 5-10-1901)
"Nov. 12, 1909: Station Agent P. T. Metler informs us that the Great Northern will build a new depot in Harrington. He has seen the blueprints. The new depot is to be 30 x 52, which will provide for two waiting rooms. The old depot is to be removed to the rear and remodeled for a freight office. Electric lights will be installed, water will be piped into both waiting rooms. Leavenworth is to have a new depot along the same lines and Odessa will get one 20 x 90 feet. Nov. 19, 1909: Station Agent P. T. Metler expects to be housed in the new Great Northern depot by Christmas. Feb. 4, 1910: Monday, Judge C. W. Bethel fined freight conductor $5 for holding the crossing over five minutes. Feb. 11, 1910: General manager G. M. Gruber of St. Paul, General Supt. E. L. Brown of Spokane and L. W. Bowen, division superintendent of Spokane, made an inspection trip over the Spokane division of the Great Northern Tuesday, behind one of the new engines, claimed to be the world's largest. The monster locomotive has 14 drive wheels, seven on each side. It has a tender capacity for 18 tons of coal and 8,000 gallons of water. This engine is capable of hauling a train of 2,000 tons on any grade. The officers, Tuesday, inspected the yards and the new depot." (Citizen: 1953)
Trains Come. Trains Go. They were a source of income, a source of transportation, a threat to livestock, a threat to careless persons, and a means of escape for thieves. "On Oct. 29, 1910, the Great Northern depot agent recorded 29 trains passing through Harrington in 24 hours." (Lincoln County: A Lasting Legacy) "Stage Hit by Train. Cortez Brown, driver of the Harrington-Davenport auto stage, Edward Jones, a laborer, of Harrington, and Herbert Olson, a Davenport tailor, were dangerously injured and narrowly escaped death at Davenport, Wednesday, when a Northern Pacific freight car collided with the stage as it was crossing 9th street on its way to Harrington shortly after noon. Jones sustained a broken hip, a deep scalp wound and a fractured skull. Olson escaped with a fractured rib, a broken collar bone and other injuries. Brown was bruised about the body and lost several teeth. Warehouses obstructed the view of the approaching car. Opinions differ as to whether a flying switch was being made, but the freight car is said to have made the crossing at about 20 miles an hour, carrying the big stage before it for 120 feet before it stopped. The stage was wrecked. The occupants of the stage were picked up unconscious and rushed to the Grimes hospital, where Jones and Olson are confined. Brown was taken to his home in Harrington. Olson and Brown are married. Jones is unmarried." (Odessa Record: 6-20-1916) In 1923, Eric K. Moen was struck and killed by a 'dinkey', the No. 39 morning passenger train, just east of Downs. Members of the section crew state that the section foreman ordered the men off the track, and they all got off, including Moen. No one seemed to have seen him get struck, but they saw him fall and death was instantaneous. In 1927 Panco Jones, a laborer on the Great Northern section at Mohler, lost his footing on some scrap iron and fell in front of the moving speeder which passed over his chest.
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