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This Week in Odessa History

Department swoops down on bad bat

100 years ago

From The Odessa Record

July 10, 1914

"For almost the first time in its history the Record was a day late. The paper was ready to go to press at its regular time of 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, but because of trouble on the WWP lines, printing could not start until Saturday.

“A number of farmers in the Ruff section have started cutting their grain this week. Some of the finest samples shown here have been White Russian or Jones Fife.

“Krupp was visited by two serious fires this week. Sunday evening the first blaze started in the west end of the Seattle Grain warehouse, burned it down, and also destroyed the Krupp Union Warehouse and ten boxcars. Monday night the fire started at the east end of the Puget Sound warehouse, also burning the MacDonald Hale warehouse and the Krupp Hotel. The people of the town have mounted a night watch plan to prevent further work by the fire bugs.”

75 years ago

From The Odessa Record

July 13, 1939

Saturday was “license day" for Odessa residents. An application for a new drivers license was provided by the state patrolman overseeing the process. Drivers license renewals cost two dollars. "Word from Olympia indicates that strict enforcement of drivers license laws will start on August 1."

"A high of 102 degrees was reached on Sunday for the highest of this season, as the start of harvest weather for Odessa. Harvesting winter wheat has started generally throughout the south area and the Ruff section, just one week later than last year. Yields through that area are going close to 15 bushels an acre.

"Preceded by two days of stifling heat, a wind storm struck in Odessa on Monday afternoon, tearing out trees, breaking many branches and doing other damage. Farmers report that wheat was laid down before the force of the wind." The storm was headed by a short rain shower, followed by a cloud of dust. Violent winds blew steady, continuing into the next day.

"Several Odessa people had a narrow escape from drowning in Coffee Pot lake Sunday when the boat in which they were riding sank about 100 feet from shore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Els and daughter, Donna, Henry Els, Sr., Odessa with John Kremsreiter and Mary Tubbs of the Harrington district, were in the boat. Only Kremsreiter and Mary Tubbs could swim. The former swam to land for help while Mary Tubbs towed Mrs. Els to shore. The others clung to the craft and later were rescued by other boaters."

"On every side of Odessa the harvesters are entering the fields, starting to gather in the golden grain that will start the annual fall buying occasion, as ranchers find themselves with additional money.

"With the golden harvest in, prosperity will reign for a short time. Then, the crop-owner will return to his former status, awaiting the next crop."

50 years ago

From The Odessa Record

July 16, 1964

“Police Chief Ray Buxton says he has taken in many offenders in his life, but Sunday morning was the first time he had helped catch a bat. The bat was noticed in the post office lobby by Shirley Worley, who called the department.” Using a broom, the bat was swept in a box, for the official report of “culprit apprehended.”

“The box was then turned over to Mrs. Worley who took the animal home. Next day she reported that the bat had given birth to an infant bat but that both had died.

“Harvest operations, which started in the Ruff-Moody area last week, spread closer to town this week. General harvest should be on by next week.

“The wheat market has been ranging from $1.37 to $1.50 per bushel for this year, and there will be certificates added to this to cover a percentage of the crop which is marked for domestic use, with additional lower price certificates for export grain.

“For the first time the Odessa Fair will have a grain division and anticipates much interest among the the men and boys of the community.”

25 years ago

From The Odessa Record

July 13,1989

Plans were presented to the pool commitee of Odessa’s municipal swimming pool for re-designing a multi-pooled, sloped “family water recreation facility complete with spa and cabana.

“A special campout for local youngsters in grades 1-5 is planned for tomorrow night (Friday, July 14) in the Odessa town park.” The event includes setting up tents, playing games and roasting marshmallows.

“Jan Brooker of Colville and William Keller of Omak were married on Saturday, June 3, in Sontag Park at Nine Mile Falls. The bridegroom, a former resident of Odessa and Davenport, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walter, Jr. of Odessa are his grandparents.

Doug and Jackie Hemmerling of Odessa were among three dairy farms in Lincoln County to earn awards of merit from the Washington Dairy Farm Beautification Committee.”

10 years ago

From The Odessa Record

July 15, 2004

Odessa youths participated in the summer recreation program sponsored by the Town of Odessa. Activities included basketball camp, baseball camp and the bike rodeo and safety camp at the park. Arts and crafts were offered at the Old Town Hall. Cooking classes took place at Christ Lutheran Church. Horseshoes were at the horseshoe pits at the Odessa Historical Museum.

“Claasen Farms brought in the first wheat of the season to the Odessa Trading Company’s elevator at Ruff on July 5.

“Jena Meise of Odessa, and Elesha Johnston of Davenport, were chosen to play in Wenatchee on June 26 for the State Senior Fastpitch Invitational.”


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