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Need farmer, rancher reps for agricultural committees

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency is seeking candidates for an upcoming farmer and rancher-elected county committee election. The Lincoln County FSA office will accept nominations through August 1, 2014.

“Farm Service Agency county committee members provide that local link between the needs of Lincoln County farmers and ranchers and the federal farm programs,” said Farm Service Agency County Executive Director Melissa Michael. “That local voice is really important as we roll out the new changes from the 2014 Farm Bill.”

Michael explained that committee members make decisions which impact program payments. They bring local knowledge of farming practices, prices and conditions to program implementation.

FSA encourages all interested agricultural producers, including women and minority growers, to seek nomination. Eligible candidates must participate or cooperate in any Farm Service Agency program and be of legal voting age. Michael explained that even if farmers and ranchers are not currently participating in FSA programs, they are considered eligible to vote under the cooperation criteria if they have farm records on file with the agency.

The Lincoln County Committee draws its members from local administrative areas. Nominated by local farmers and ranchers, candidates must live in the local administrative area they will represent and must be eligible to vote in the county election. Members serve on staggered three-year terms so that one-third of the seats is up for re-election each year.

This year’s election takes place in LAA 3. The area consists of the south third of Lincoln County, running east and west, which includes (but is not limited to) Marlin, Odessa, Lamona, south Harrington, and Sprague. A map of FSA county committee election areas can be found on the agency’s website

Elected county committee members receive an hourly wage for their attendance and representation at county committee meetings.

Michael explained that the agency’s elections will take place in the fall and newly elected committee members begin their terms January 1, 2015. FSA will send ballots to all eligible voters.

Additional information and nomination forms may be requested from the Lincoln County Farm Service Agency office. Nomination forms may also be obtained online at


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