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Public auctions to lease state lands for dryland farming

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering two dryland agriculture leases at sealed bid public auctions on August 12, 2014, at DNR’s Southeast Region office in Ellensburg at 2 and 2:30 p.m.

The auctions are for rights to lease common school trust lands in Franklin County for dryland agriculture.

What: Sealed-bid public lease auctions

When: August 12, 2014

Time: 2 p.m. for proposed Lease No. 12-C56357 (160 acres)

2:30 p.m. for proposed Lease No. 12-D56278 (480 acres)

Place: DNR SE Region Office

713 Bowers Road

Ellensburg, WA 98926

Information about the parcels, proposed leases, auction procedures, and bidders’ qualification requirements can be found on DNR’s website .

For more information, contact Lease Marketing Manager Kathleen Beach at 509-925-0912 or, or Palouse Unit Land Manager Ryan Cloud at 509-545-2025 or

Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-C56357 is a 160-acre lease which includes 77.31 acres dryland agriculture (cereal grains) land, 53.30 acres Conservation Reserve Program land, and 29.39 acres Conservation Leave land. The parcel is nine miles south of Connell, off Fishook-Elgin Road. The lease has a 10-year term, and bidders may submit a bid for this lease for either a cash-rent or crop-share rental structure for the dryland crop acres. See proposed leases and notice for more information on lease terms and the auction process. Sealed bid packets must be received no later than 2 p.m., August 12, 2014.

Dryland Agriculture Lease No. 12-D56278 is a 480-acre lease which includes 227.7 acres Dryland Agriculture (cereal grains) land, 239.7 acres Conservation Reserve Program land, and 12.6 acres Conservation Leave land. The parcel is located nine miles south of Connell, off Coordes Road. The lease has a 10-year term, and bidders may submit a bid for this lease for either a cash-rent or crop-share rental structure for the dryland crop acres. See proposed leases and notice for more information on lease terms and the auction process. Sealed bid packets must be received no later than 2:30 pm., August 12, 2014.

DNR manages 2.9 million acres of state-owned trust lands, providing revenue for specific beneficiaries and many benefits for the public. Revenue from state trust lands helps fund construction of public schools statewide and supports state universities, prisons, and other institutions, along with services in many counties.


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