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This Week in Odessa History

Plane crashed in Irby, pilot walked away unhurt in 2004

100 years ago

From the Odessa Record

August 20, 1914

The Great Northern has come up with a novel advertising idea. Its boxcars carry a circular sign containing in its center a picture of a mountain goat at the crest of a snow covered range.

The power company has warned that two men are working the area pretending to be meter inspectors. They put the meters out of commission, offer to fix them for $1.00, and ask for an additional deposit of 42.50. The company has not learned of any who fell for the game.

Four from Odessa are candidates for county offices: Than Kelly, for county clerk; W.N. Schoonover, for sheriff; James Scrupps, for county commissioner on the Republican ticket; Samuel Mayer, county commissioner on the Progressive ticket. Wm. U. Neeley, former Odessa school man, is a candidate to succeed himself as county school superintendent.

Total rainfall since the Oct. 1 season started is now 12.32 inches.

The war in Europe (WWI) has seen prices jump on everything. Corrective action is expected from Congress. The big European conflict is the main subject of talk these days. With the several nationalities well represented some very interesting discussions frequently take place.

Over 100 harvesting machines have now burned in Whitman county. It is believed that sabotage is the cause. One man has been arrested and a crowd gathered at the Garfield Jail and threatened to lynch him.

Dr. and Mrs. Emil Jantz have rented rooms in the Finney block, over the Luther and Kemp store, and expect to move there this week.

Three city prisoners, transients, have been hoeing weeds while working out sentences given them by Judge Kelly, one on a charge of threatening the train crew of the G.N. local freight with a gun; the other two on charge of theft of a coat, hat, watch and purse containing $5.00, from the Hotel Odessa. A fourth promised to leave town right away and was taken up on this.

Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Nuelsen are among the Americans delayed in Germany on account of the war. They had intended to sail on the Bremen August 8, but its trip was cancelled. They are still some distance from war activities. They also had 24 hours to declare themselves or face arrest as spies.

The five-year-old granddaughter of S.J. Elian is quite expert with the rifle and showed some of the old hands at the shooting gallery Saturday afternoon how to ring the target bell at each shot.

75 years ago

From The Odessa Record August 17, 1939

The Altar Society of the St. Joseph’s Catholic church resumed its fall meeting on Wednesday, making plans for a luncheion honoring Bishop Charles D. White of Spokane, who will conduct confirmation exercises here.

At an election of officers Mrs. Frank Grah was named president, Mrs. J.C. Michaelsen, vice president and Mrs. T.W. Eckhardt, secretary-treasurer.

Funeral services for Mrs. Wilhelmina (Gobert) Kuch, 69, wife of John Kuch were held on Wednesday, the Rev. J.P. Flemmer officiating at the Pilgrim Congegational church.

Joe Lobe, 24, recently employed on an elevator construction, fell 30 feet to the ground, sustaining fractures of the back and elbows. he was apparently on the road to recovery when death struck.

Joyce Napier brought apple blossoms to the Record office on Saturday, picked from trees on the ranch of her father, John Napier. The Napiers were picking ripe apples when the blooms were discovered.

The fire department extension on the city hall was started on Tuesday, when Schauerman brothers broke ground for the structure, which will be a 15 foot extension on the north side of the hall, built of reinforced concrete.

50 years ago

From the Odessa Record

August 20, 1964

The Wenatchee police department recently called upon the Odessa Junior Police to help establish a similar group in that town. Responding from the local club were Russell Kruckenberg, Tom Stehr and Dan Haugen, officers and past officers of the Odessa club. Police Chief Ray Buxton accompanied them.

The local boys told of their organization, its responsibilities and goals then the Wenatchee officers gave them a tour through headquarters.

Clifton Holm, grade school principal, urged parents of six-year-old boys to enroll their boys in first grade after they turned seven years old. Holm cited evidence to support the statement that boys mature more slowly than girls and are less ready for school and its demands.

25 years ago

From The Odessa Record

August 17, 1989

JoEllen Wollman has been hired as the director of Parkside Day Care which will begin operation Sept. 5 in the former classroom annex at the English Congregational Church.

The town council continued its discussion of the feasibility of a sewer system, even though it had almost settled on individual septic systems as the best way to progress. Development coordinator Kerri Simmons said Odessa is extremely limited in its ability to grow and develop new business and industry because of its lack of a sewer system.

10 years ago

From The Odessa Record August 19, 2004

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department reported last Monday, that 20 marijuana plants had been discovered, having a street value of $69,000, north of Highway 2.

Once or twice a year the sheriff’s department flies en a helicopter with the Air National Guard in an attempt to locate marijuana plants by air.

The Air National Guard brings in a helicopter along with a ground refueling truck.

On Aug. 9 and 10, the Sheriff’s Department discovered the 20 plants growing as large as 8 feet tall.

Last Saturday the Odessa Fire Department and ambulance were called out to a plane that had gone down near Irby. The pilot, who is from Colville and owns land in Irby, was coming to look at his property. The plane had engine failure and when attempting to land on a rough makeshift runway, hit the ground hard. However, the pilot was able to call in his coordinates and walked away from the crash unharmed.


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