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Phone assistance program: Stay connected for $8/mo.

Residents who participate in or are eligible for certain public-assistance programs, such as Food Assistance or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families from the state Department of Social and Health Services, are entitled to receive local telephone service for about $8 per month plus taxes and fees. The Washington Telephone Assistance Program also provides a reduced or no-cost service installation for qualifying households that do not currently have telephone service.

To apply for benefits, contact the local landline telephone company (CenturyLink for Odessa customers) and provide your client identification number from the state Department of Social and Health Services.

For more information on the phone assistance program, contact the department at 1-800-737-0617 or

If you have problems signing up for phone benefits, call the Utilities and Trade Commission at 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or visit

Staying connected to local telephone services can improve and possibly save lives. Governor Jay Inslee has declared September 8-14 Washington Telephone Assistance Program Awareness Week to promote the telephone rate discounts that help residents maintain access to basic phone service.

The week is part of a national effort sponsored by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, the Federal Communications Commission, and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates to promote awareness of telephone discounts across the country.


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