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2015 competitive grants program announcement

The Western Extension Risk Management Education Center at Washington State University, as known as the Western Center, provides risk management education to help farm and ranch families succeed through targeted risk management strategies.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. PST, Monday, November 17, 2014.

The Western Center, in conjunction with the Northeast, North Central and Southern Center, announce a funding opportunity for projects that help farm and ranch families succeed. The maximum amount of requested funding shall not exceed $50,000.

Application information: Go to the Western Center website and select “Competitive Grants Program.” The grant application process is fully explained in the Western Center’s 2015 Request for Applications (RFA). It is very important that you read and follow all of the instructions in the RFA. The online application system includes a user-based access within the Results Verification System (RVS).

Eligibility: This announcement seeks applications from eligible organizations with a demonstrated capacity to develop and deliver results/outcome-based risk management education and training programs for agricultural producers and their families. All organizations serving agricultural producers, especially those serving the special emphasis audiences identified on page 3 of the RFA, are strongly encouraged to apply. The Western Center serves Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands.

An applicant webinar will be conducted Thursday, October 2, at 9 a.m. PDT. No pre-registration is required, and there is no fee to participate. Simply join the Adobe Connect Pro meeting room at approximately 10 minutes prior to the webinar start time. You will be presented with a login screen that has the option to “Enter as Guest.” Enter your full name, then click “Enter Room” to join the conference. You will be able to hear the audio directly from your computer’s speakers.

Questions or comments regarding the RFA may be directed to Jo Ann Warner at 509-477-2168 or or to Shannon Neibergs at 509-335-6360 or


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