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Harrington News

HHPC tour/ slide presentation of downtown


Saturday morning, Oct 18, at By By MARJORIE WOMACH

October 18, at 10 a.m. a meeting sponsored by Harrington Historic Preservation Commission (HHPC) was held to discuss the Harrington 2000+ Plan Update, a construct to develop and cultivate business interest in the revitalization of Harrington.

Welcoming remarks were made by Celeste Miller, president of the HHPC, and she turned the meeting over to William Grimes and Chaz Bates of Studio Cascade. Those present were: Terry Sanchez, Ruth and Dan Fromm, Loren Howe, Jerry and Karen Allen (Hotel Lincoln), Juli Anderson, Tim Campau, Marge Womach, Christine Myers (EWU master's program), Kathy Hoob (Harrington Foods), Cassandra Paffle-Dick (Chamber of Commerce), Billie Herron (Harrington Opera House Society), Margie Hall (Economic Development Council), Paul Charlton (Odessa Grange Supply), Allen Barth (Studebaker Garage and Public Development Authority), Celeste Miller (HHPC), Anita Harman, Kathleen Martello, Karen Robertson, and Susie Harding (Senior Meals) and several others whose names were not obtained.

A slide presentation of the historic downtown buildings was presented during the preliminary open discussion time led by Bates. The general consensus of the group was the desire to have a prosperous main street (Third) that has a vibrant and appealing appearance to even the casual passer-by.

A few antagonistic comments failed to derail the direction and purpose of the meeting and the majority rallied together to create a "healthy and growth-oriented" discussion.

A walking tour allowed the group to investigate the general district with an eye for the private realm, public spaces, and regional economic development influences and concerns. Attention was directed toward the condition of the buildings and storefronts, signage, and streets.

Instructions were to focus on opportunities and barriers to maximizing the present appearance of the district. These ideas were brought back to the Memorial Hall where groups attempted to list their specific points of interest or concern in these categories.

A need for better communication among the local groups (HHPC, HOHS, PDA, PTA, Homemakers, Lions Club) was emphasized with the suggestion that a member from each group meet quarterly to keep each group aware of the direction and planning of the others.

It was also suggested that concerned citizens need to be attending the city council meetings to allow the council the benefit of local concerns. Several comments noted how governmental restrictions of EPA impede new business growth. Studio Cascade will continue to compute the input from previous meetings and these added perspectives and will contact the HHPC and the EDC with their conclusions.


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